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Dear Scholarship Committee,

I hope you are doing well. I am writing to respectfully appeal the decision regarding my interview
for the CPIF Scholarship & Bursary 2023 which I had the honour of interviewing for on 16 th August
2023. First and foremost, I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to interview for
this esteemed scholarship.

I truly appreciate the time and effort the committee has invested in reviewing my application and
conducting the interview. While I understand that my application was not initially successful, I
believe there are factors that, if taken into consideration, could provide a more comprehensive
picture of my qualifications.

Upon reflection, I would like to address the reasons for my initial rejection. It has come to my
attention that there may have been some misunderstanding during the interview regarding
[mention any specific point of confusion or misunderstanding]. I would like to clarify that [provide
your clarification or explanation].

Furthermore, since the time of my interview, I have achieved [mention any relevant achievements,
improved grades, or additional accomplishments]. I have attached copies of these achievements to
this appeal for your reference.

I am deeply committed to the ideals and goals of the [Scholarship Name]. My passion for [mention
the field of study or project the scholarship supports] has only grown stronger, and I firmly believe
that being awarded this scholarship would not only support my academic journey but also enable
me to make a meaningful contribution to the [Scholarship Name] community.

I understand the importance of maintaining high standards in scholarship recipients, and I am

dedicated to upholding those standards if given the opportunity. Receiving the [Scholarship Name]
would greatly impact my ability to pursue my long-term goals and fulfill my potential in [mention
your long-term aspirations].

I apologize for any confusion or misunderstanding that may have arisen during my interview, and I
appreciate your consideration in reassessing my application. Thank you for taking the time to
review my appeal. I remain enthusiastic about the possibility of being a part of the [Scholarship
Name] community and contributing positively to its mission.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


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