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1. Describe the village in which Jehan Daas lived and how did he get Nello
Jehan daas lived in little hut on the edge of a small Flemish village near Antwerp. The village was
surrounded by vast stretches of pastures and corn fields and a great canal running right through it. Poplars
and adlers grew all along the canals edges.
The village had a few houses and homesteads.The houses had whitewashed walls with bright green or sky
blue shutters and rose red, black or white roofs.
The main landmark of the village was a ruddy brown windmill that was right in its center and stood on a
small moss grown slope. The cathedral spire of Antwerp could be seen in the far northeast beyond the vast
pastures and fields
When Jehan daas was 80, his daughter died and had left her 2 year old son behind. Jehan took up the
responsibility of raising young Nello. This is how he got Nello.

2. How do you know that Patrasche was a typical dog of Flanders and what kind of work did the peddler
make him do
For many centuries Flanders had cruelly used dogs as slaves and made them toil hard. We know that
Patrasche is a dog of Flanders since he had bowed legs , widened feet and muscular development that
were typical in his breed due to generations of hard service.
The peddler made Patrasche draw mercilessly heavy carts that were heaped with pots , pans, buckets ,
crockery and brass and tin.

3. What happened on a summer day and how did his misery end
On one scorching summer day, Patrache was pulling his masters cart along the highway. The cart was
mercilessly piled up with metal and earthenware and was very heavy. Patrache was blinded with dust and his body
was sore with blows. And having had nothing to eat or drink for almost a day, Patrache could no longer go
on. He staggered, foamed at his mouth and fell to the ground. He was sick unto death and motionless. No
amount of kicks and blows from his master could pull him back up. His master then deemed him useless
and kicked him to aside into the grass.
His misery ended when Jehaan daas and little Nello passed by him. They pitied the dog and took him home
to their hut and tended to him until he got better.

4. What was the attitude of the passerbys to the dog?

It was a busy day and there were hundreds of passerbys. Some saw him but most didn’t look and all passed
on without helping the dog. Their attitude towards the dog was of no use since it was a worthless dog.

5. How did Nello meet Patrache and and how did Jehaan and Nello look after him.
Patraches master kicked him to the grass ditch after he deemed him useless. While Patrache lay sick and
motionless, Jehaan and Little Nello passed by and noticed him. This is how Nello met Patrache. Jehaan and
Nello pitied the dog and took him home to their little hut. They took very good care of him. They made him
a bed with a heap of dry grass and they learnt to listen to his breathing at night to make sure he was alive.
When he was well enough to get out a loud hollow bark they wept in joy. They slowly nursed Patrache back
to health.
6. What did the old man do for a living and what was the effect of his kind treatment to the dog.
Jehaan collected milk cans from neighbors who owned cattle and delivered them them to the town of
Antwerp in his little cart. The villagers gave him the employment because it suited them to send their milk
through an honest carrier while they could stay back and take care of their cows and gardens and fields.
While Patrache was recovering he would watch how Jehaan delivered his milk. Patrache was extremely
grateful to Jehaan for saving his life. So one day when PAtrache was strong enough he went and placed
himself between the handles of the cart showing Jehaan that he was willing to work in return for his kind
treatment towards him.

7. Why did the old man regard himself very lucky and why did the dog enjoy working for his new master.
Jehaan was old and was growing weaker with each year. He regarded himself very lucky to have found
patrache since he helped pull his milk can cart. Had it not been for the strength of Patrache, he would not
have had the strength to pull the load of milk cans through the snow and deep mud.
After his old frightful master who burdened him and whipped him at every step, it was an amusement for
Patrache to carry the light green cart of his new master who paid him with tender caressing and kind
words. And unlike his merciless previous work, he was done delivering the milk cans by 4 pm and was free
to do whatever he liked for the rest of the day – stretching, sleeping in the sun, playing with other dogs and
wandering in the fields. Patrache was happy and that is why he enjoyed working for his new master

8. When did Nello take his grandfathers place beside the cart and how did he carry out his duties?
After a few years, Jehan became paralyzed with rheumatism which made it impossible for him to go out
with the cart anymore. This is when Little Nello who was 6 years old at the time, took his grandfathers
place beside the cart. He knew the town well having accompanied his grandfather so mqny times.
He sold the milk, collected money in exchange and got it back to their respective owners. He did his work with
grace and seriousness which charmed everyone.

9. How did the old man pass his time at home

Jehan would sit in the doorway in the morning sun and watch Patrache and Nello leave to deliver milk. He
then dozed and dreamed and prayed a little and then wake up again as the clock tolled 3 to watch PAtrache
and Nello return from town

10. Mention three things that Nello did when he got back from work.
Everyday, after he got back from work, Nello would proudly recall everything he did that day to his
grandfather. They would then go in together and have their meal of rye bread and milk or soup. After
supper they would watch the cathedral spire of Antwerp and the shadown lengthen over the plains until
sunset. They then lied down together to sleep while his grandfather said a prayer.

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