Admin Law Notes Midterm

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ADMIN LAW NOTES reinvigorating the spirit of national

unity and sense of

accomplishment in every Filipino
Public Office  Promotion of continuing book
publishing industry development
Defined as the authority and duty
through active participation of the
created and conferred by law which for a
private sector
given period by law, an individual is
invested with some portion of sovereign
b. Creation by law
functions of the government for the
a. Legislature creates the
benefit of general welfare.
office, define its powers,
 Not vested right nor absolute right limits its duration, abolish
 Right to notice and hearing is not public offices and annexes
essential to due process compensation.
 Suspension of an officer pending b. Abolition of office- must
trial is universally accepted as fair be done in good faith
 Transfer one unit to another Take note:
without the consent of the officer
is allowed provided it does not  president cannot create an office
affect the substantial change of under the guise of his continuing
their rank, title and salary authority.
 Public officers are serving until  President is authorized to effect
age of 65 applies prospectively organizational changes only
 Continuing authority-
CHARACTERISTICS OF PUBLIC reduction of personnel,
OFFICE consolidation or abolition
a. Delegation of sovereign of offices by reason of
functions economy or redundancy of
a. Sovereign functions refer functions
to either legislative,  Creation of the fact
executive, or judicial finding truth commission
functions exercised for – not one of the power
public benefit either delegated by congress to
directly or indirectly the President.

 Administration of state university c. Not by contract
in her capacity as student regent a. Civil service law does not
is a sovereign function cover contract for
 Implementation by an Ad Hoc consultancy services, as
body of programs and they are not considered

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government services for f. Continuance of position
retirement purposes. a. Continuance or
permanency is not
 Consultant – indispensable
provides b. Completion of all activities
professional advice related to its purpose does
on matters within not make it less of a public
his special office
knowledge or
 Contract of SCOPE OF DUTIES
service -refers to
engagement of GENERAL RULE: a public office is
services of an not personally liable to one injured in
individual, private or consequence of an act performed
public organization within scope his official authority.
as consultant or
technical expert to a. Done by an officer
undertake special b. They have more or less
project. connection with such matters
 Job order – refers c. They are governed by a lawful
to specific jobs that requirement
requires exigency in take note: no person can be validly
a short duration. appointed to an inexistent position, not
EXCEPTION (Not by contract) being in the state college plantilla.

1. Service contract with other Public Officer

private or public agencies and - as any person who, by direct
individuals for related to their
provision of law, popular election
or appointment by competent
authority, takes in performance of
public functions in government.
d. Oath of office a. elective and appointive
a. Qualifying requirement for officials and employees
a public office and permanent or temporary
prerequisite to full b. military
investiture of the office c. police personnel

e. Payment of salary
a. Not essential element of Private individual as public officer
public office but merely
incidental to it.

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- be held liable for graft and it becomes
corruption if charged for necessary in the
conspiracy with a public public interest to fill a
officer. vacancy
 Does not exceed 12
- Private sector representative months of service
appointed to the National book
development board as she
performs sovereign function to
promote continuing development  Does not fall under career service
of the book  Usual test of merit and fitness
utilized for career service
 Co-terminus with that of the
a. Career Service positions appointing authority
1. Open career positions for  Limited to duration of particular
appointment that requires project
examination  Excluded from the merit system
2. Closed career positions and it may be dismissed at
that are scientific or highly pleasure
technical  Does not apply that are policy
3. Career officers who are determining position and
appointed by the President primarily confidential position
4. Commissioned officers
and enlisted man of the POSITIONS OF NON-CAREER:
AFP a. Elective officials and their
5. Personnel of GOCC who personal
do not fall under the non b. Secretaries and official
career service cabinet rank who positions at
6. Permanent laborer pleasure of the President
whether skilled, semi c. Chair and members of
skilled or unskilled. commissions and boards with
fixed terms
SUBCLASSIFICATION d. Contractual personnel
a. Permanent appointment e. Emergency and seasonal
 Issued to a person personnel
requirements for the
position to which he - It is one charged with duty to
is being appointed formulate a method of action for
b. Temporary appointment government or any its subdivision
 In the absence of
appropriate eligible
individuals and when

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- Does not have security of tenure - Means existing by right or
- Co-terminus with that of or at according to law
pleasure of appointing authority B. DE FACTO
- May be appointed or remain in - In point of fact
position beyond compulsory - Illegitimate but in effect
retirement age of 65. - Possesses an office who openly
exercises its functions under
color of an appointment even
- Close proximity of positions of though such appointment may be
appointer and appointee as well irregular
as high degree of trust and - Entitled to be paid for actual
confidence inherent in their services rendered except where
relationship that allows there is a sitting de jure officer.
communication on the most
confidential matters
a. Unknown appointment or
a. City legal counsel b. Under color of known or valid
b. City legal officer appointment or election who
c. Private secretary failed to conform to some
d. GSIS Auditor precedent requirement
e. Senior security guard c. under color of known election or
f. Office of the vice mayor appointment, void because the
g. Secretary of government corp. office was not eligible.
h. Board secretary of state college
i. PNB Chief legal counsel
j. Confidential agent a. must be a de jure office
k. Secretary to the Mayor b. must be color of right or general
acquiescence by the public
e.g. (when appointed as vice
- It requires occupant to possess a executive judge, he has colorable
technical skill or training in the rights even if subsequently
supreme or superior degree. divested of the position by virtue
of a supervening legal
EXAMPLES: technicality)
a. Faculty and academic staff of c. must be actual physical
state college and university possession of office in good faith
b. Research institutions
A. DE JURE - Intrudes upon the office and
assumes to exercise its functions

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without either the legal title to - Express minimum requirements
such office for a class of positions in terms of
education, training, experience,
cs eligibility, physical fitness and
other qualities required for
successful performance
Qualifications usually required of
Civil service officials/employees
a. Citizenship
b. Age
c. Education
d. Civil service eligibility
CHAPTER II QUALIFICATIONS AND e. Right of suffrage (elective offices)
DISQUALIFICATIONS TO PUBLIC f. Residency (elective offices)
Eligibility Disqualifications to hold office
- refers to the state being legally a. Sentenced by final judgment for
entitled or qualified to hold public an offense involving moral
office turpitude or offense punishable
- Person is eligible to public office for 1 year or more
upon obtaining a passing grade in b. Removed from office as a result
CSC examination of administrative case
ELIGIBILITY and CIVIL Service c. Convicted by finality for violation
Examination of oath of allegiance to the
a. Civil service sub professional d. With dual citizenship
- First level positions in the civil
b. Civil service professional
- Second level positions in the civil
c. Career executive service
officers examination
- Third level positions as may be
prescribed by the career
executive service board

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