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It attention when it was introduced in December 1939.

is little
had wonder that the Culver
a factory-guaranteed cruise Cadet
speed attracted so much
of 120 miles
hour while emptying the fuel tank at only 4.2 gallons per

hour. Specific range was an incredible 28.6 miles per gallon.

Other two-place airplanes of that era struggled to achieve
80 mph using the same 75-horsepower engine. The petite
Cadet rapidly became America's sweetheart, the darling of
the sportsman pilot.
The story of the Culver Cadet began in 1938 when Knight
Culver Ir. purchased the design rights to the Monosport air-
craft and founded the Dart Aircraft Company, which later
became Culver Aircraft. The purchase included retaining a
young, self-educated, and accomplished designer who would
make an indelible mark on general aviation: AI Mooney. (Cul-
ver also hired AI's brother, Art, as factory superintendent.)
One of Mooney's assignments was to design an airplane
that would take advantage of the new 75-hp flat-four Con-
tinental A-75-8 engine that rapidly rendered obsolescent
the small radial engines that had been so popular. (The A-
75 engine was a faster-turning version of the 65-hp Conti-
nental A-65.)
The result was the Mooney-designed Culver Cadet (also
known as Mooney's "wooden wonder"). It was Mooney's
twelfth design, which he designated according to his per-
sonallist of designs as the M-12.The structure was pre-
dominantly wood because metal was in short supply dur-
ing that post-Depression, pre-war era. From such aircraft
eventually came the cliche claiming with tongue in cheek
that "wood airplanes stay together only because the ter-
mites are holding hands."

'wooden wonder'
is a darling

The clean lines of
the Culver Cadet are
apparent during this
approach into Santa
Paula Airport in
Southern California.

The Culver Cadet LCA made its Mooney Mite and the four-place that only 20 or so were airworthy, and
maiden flight on December 3,1939, Mooney M-20, the progenitor of an none of these rare machines was for
and sold for $2,395. A later version, the entire family of popular four-place sale. Realizing his dream would require
Model LFA, had an 80-hp Franklin airplanes. (The 150-hp Mooney M-20 that he restore a basket case.
4AC-176-F3 engine, was equipped with was the first four-place production His search for a Cadet eventually led
an electrical system and starter, and airplane capable of cruising at more him in 1995 to Wallkill, New York, where
cost $200 more. than one mph per hp.) he purchased N29398 (serial number
Original Cadets were built in Co- Carl Walston, whose airplane appears 191) from a pilot's widow. The airplane
lumbus, Ohio, but the factory was on these pages, became enamored of originally had been built from scratch
relocated to Wichita after being pur- the Cadet when he was in grade school and in its entirety in Wichita during the
chased by Walter Beech and attorney but did not begin flying until years later week between Christmas and New
Charles Yankey. in 1961. At the time he lived in New Year's Eve, 1940. It was now a collection
A total of 359 Cadets were produced Canaan, Connecticut, was in the securi- of bits and pieces.
from 1939 through early 1942. Produc- ties business, and wanted to use his own When Walston's wife, Mimi, saw her
tion ended so that the company could airplane to travel from Wall Street to his husband's purchase, she thought he was
concentrate on the war effort and the other offices in the Northeast. For this nuts. It reminded her of an oversize
building of thousands of drones to he used a Cessna 310, a Piper Apache, model-airplane kit containing un-
serve as targets for antiaircraft prac- and an Aero Commander 500. He accu- countable balsa-wood parts. The air-
tice. The significan t differences be- mulated 1, 100 hours of flight time, in- plane had no logbooks, no airworthiness
tween the Cadet and the Culver PQ-8 cluding 400 hours in sailplanes. certificate, and had not flown since 1957.
Drone were that the drones had tricy- When Walston began planning his Walston enlisted Carl Badgett of
cle landing gear and were coated with retirement in Santa Barbara, Califor- Winsted, Connecticut, to do the fabric
aluminum paint to make them better nia, he decided that he would make a and woodwork, and Mark Grusauski of "
radar targets. dream come true by spending his care- Wingworks in Canaan, Connecticut, to
Al and Art Mooney eventually form- free hours aloft in a Culver Cadet. do the metal and mechanical work.
ed their own company, which is when Although there were more than 100 on The Cadet was restored as much as
AI developed the single-place M-18 the FAA's registry, Walston estimated possible to its original condition, but


Walston made two concessions. One garnered numerous first-place awards and mahogany spar. Aft of the spar, the
was to replace the original full-swivel at airshows. wing is covered with fabric in a con-
tailwheel with a steerable unit, and the One glance at a Cadet explains why ventional manner.
other was to strengthen the bulkhead it is so fast and efficient. The wings A slot in each wing tip is intended
behind the seats to accommodate the and fuselage are exceptionally smooth, to improve spanwise stall characteris-
installation of shoulder harnesses. reminiscent of something made from tics and low-speed roll qualities. The
Except for the nose bowl and tail composite materials. There are no riv- U.S. Army, however, operated some
cone, all metal parts (of which there are ets, fabric stitches, metal joints, or Cadets with covered slots. These air-
not too many in a Cadet) had to be made other blemishes to interfere with the planes reportedly flew better and
from scratch. These included fairings, airflow. Sheets of mahogany plywood faster. There is no question that the
doors, panels, cowlings, and so forth. shape the semi-monocoque fuselage, gap seals used with the ailerons and
Although he purchased his project which is then overlaid with fabric to elevator increase aerodynamic effi-
for only $7,500, Walston estimates that protect the wood. ciency and performance.
he has more than $] 00,000 invested in The cantilever, elliptically shaped Walston's airplane is equipped with
his dream machine. N29398 took to wing is similarly constructed from the a wooden fixed-pitch Sensenich pro-
wing on May 16, 2000, its first flight in leading edge to the laminated spruce peller, although Cadets also were avail-
43 years. able from the factory with Freedman-
The fit and finish of N29398, which Burnham ground-adjustable propellers.
sports its original colors of Santa Fe red One negative feature is that the single
and Diana cream, are impeccable. It is 20-gallon fuel tank is only eight inches
not surprising that the restoration has forward of the instrument panel and be-

The four-cylinder
Continental A-75
engine is a slightly
more powerful
version of the A-65
used to power
thousands of
Aeronca Champions
and Piper Cubs
(above left). A
dipstick is more
reliable than the
Model A Ford fuel
gauge in the cockpit
(above center). The
landing gear is
raised and lowered
manually using a
locking mechanism
and a hand crank
(above right). These
were the only
instruments required
for instrument flight
during the 1940s


visibility during taxi
is good thanks to
the downward slope
of the Cadet's pug

hind the engine, which is not the most Although wing tip
crashworthy configuration. A fuel gauge slots are intended
from a Model A Ford below the instru- to improve stall
ment panel is more nostalgic than reli- characteristics,
able. Believe it only when it says Empty. some pilots
reportedly cover
When I first approached the Cadet, I
them to gain
seriously doubted that there would be
enough room in the diminutive air-
plane for two grown men. I climbed
onto the left wing, opened the left door
(there is one on each side), stepped
onto the seat cushion, and slid in.
I was relieved to discover that there
was ample head- and legroom for my
six-foot, two-inch frame, but cabin
width is miserly and makes for shoul- takeoff roll, but the rudder becomes One caution: Pilots new to the Ca-
der-rubbing intimacy. After Walston effective almost immediately, which det should not attempt to retract the
flicked the propeller for a manual start improves the ease of directional con- landing gear until reaching a safe alti-
and climbed into the cockpit from the trol. A stiff crosswind, however, proba- tude because it requires more than
right door, I noticed that he had to de- bly would require some use of differen- flipping a switch.
fer to my not-insubstantial width and tial braking early in the takeoff roll. The procedure involves using your
sat slightly twisted in his seat. The Cadet's three-point attitude right hand to shift a near-vertical lever on
The Spartan instrument panel is is about the same as the attitude for the floor (between the pilots) from the
neatly laid out and contains a center- best climb, so it is unnecessary to raise Locked Down to the Raise position. Then
mounted throttle, which I found a bit the tail for liftoff. The airplane flies you grip a small wheel and tug it about a
too high for comfort. itself off the ground quite nicely. Initial dozen times, with each tug turning the
The top of the pug nose slopes down- climb requires a surprising amount of wheel 20 or 30 degrees at a time to
ward significantly so that over-the-nose right rudder to compensate for p-fac- ratchet the wheels into their wells. (The
visibility during taxi is excellent. tor considering that you're containing tailwheel is not retractable.)
The tiny tailwheel and short-coupled only 75 hp. I am told that with practice you can
fuselage combine to give the Cadet a Like so many other pre-World War II raise the gear in five seconds.
mind of its own while taxiing. The pilot airplanes, a pilot's operating handbook The downward-sloping nose cowl is
needs a pair of active feet to keep the was never published for the Cadet, and initially deceiving when leveling off
aircraft on the straight and narrow. Toe many of the performance speeds have at altitude. When you lower the nose
brakes are available to help, but only been approximated by those who have to where you think it should be, the
on the pilot's side. flown the aircraft. Along these lines, the Cadet continues to climb. Leveling off
With only 75 hp, the Cadet does not airplane apparently climbs best at requires putting the nose in what
have sterling acceleration during the about 75 mph. appears to be an exaggerated nose-


down attitude that in most other air- left to the Locked Down position, which
planes would cause a shallow dive. One SPECSHEET
inserts locking pins into place. Finally,
quickly adapts to this quirk. Culver Cadet restore control of the aircraft from the
The elevator-trim crank is on the Price as new: $2,395 (1941) knees to your left hand.
ceiling between, and somewhat be- Price as tested: $75,000 to $100,000 The original Cadet had an interlock-
hind, the pilots. It is similar to the trim Specifications ing throttle that prevented the pilot
control on many early Piper aircraft, Powerplant Continental A-75-8, from reducing power to idle with the
and at first you'll have to think about 75 hp @ 2,600 rpm landing gear retracted. Most owners
which way it should be turned to Recommended TBO 1.800 hr disliked this feature, deactivated it,
Propeller Sensenich. 2-blade, 70-in dia
achieve a given result. Fortunately, Length 17 ft 8 in and replaced the throttle block with
trim changes are usually small, and Height 5 ft 6 in a gear-warning horn powered by a
there is seldom a rush to relieve con- Wingspan 27 ft nine-volt battery.
trol forces. Wing area 120 sq ft Al Mooney had a flair for unusual
The Cadet maneuvers easily and Wing loading 10.9 Ib/sq ft
gear-warning solutions. Retard the
Power loading 17.4 Ib/hp
quickly about all three axes, but the Seats 2 throttle of a Mooney Mite with the
controls are not that well harmonized. Cabin length 26.5 in wheels retracted, for example, and a
The elevator is most sensitive, the rud- Cabin width 35 in small red metal flag at the end of a
der is next, and the ailerons are least Cabin height 33.5 in vertical rod waves like a metronome
sensitive. Basic empty weight 750Ib
across the instrument panel to remind
Max gross weight 1,305 Ib
And if you're not in a hurry, you can Max useful load 555 Ib the pilot that he might be about to
chug along at 80 mph while sipping Max payload w/full fuel 435Ib land on his belly. In a Cadet, the pilot
only 1.5 gph, a specific range of 53 Fuel capacity (all usable) 20 gal can use the three-inch-square Plexi-
miles per gallon. Oil capacity .4 qt
Baggage capacity 50 Ib
glas viewing lenses on the right and
The Cadet reacts quickly to turbu- left sides of the cockpit floor of a Cadet
lence and tends toward neutral stabil- Performance to confirm that the wheels are no
ity about the longitudinal axis. When Takeoff distance. ground roll 600 ft longer in their wells, but these lenses
gusts lower a wing, the aircraft shows Rate of climb. sea level 800 fpm
are essentially worthless. Being able
Max level speed, sea level 145 mph
little desire to return to a wings-level to move the locking pins into place
Cruise speed/endurance w / 45-min rsv, std
attitude on its own. The good news is fuel (fuel consumption) 7,000 ft proves that the wheels could not be
that only light corrective forces with @75% power 120 mph/4.0 hr (4.2 gph) retracted.
the stick are needed to keep the air- Service ceiling 17.500 ft The Cadet does not have flaps. With
craft on an even keel. Landing distance. ground roll .400 ft
a stall speed of 45 mph and the agility
The aircraft does not have a stall to perform steep and effective slips,
Limiting and Recommended Airspeeds
warning system, but aerodynamic buf- Vx (best angle of climb) 65 mph they are not needed.
feting provides ample notice. Buffeting Vy (best rate of climb) 75 mph Making a full-stall touchdown with
begins at 55 mph, and the Cadet tends VlE (max gear extended) 100 mph the stick fully aft can result in an over-
VlO (max gear operating) 100 mph
to buck a bit as if rebelling against the flare and landing tailwheel first. Th e
VNO (max structural cruising) 145 mph
impending stall, which occurs at 45 VNE (never exceed) 175 mph main gear then plunks firmly onto the
mph. There also is a noticeable loss of VS1 (stall, clean) 45 mph ground, making one hope that the
roll control; the Cadet has a bad repu- Vso (stall. in landing configuration) .45 mph spindly gear legs and small five-by-four
tation for its stall manners, preferring wheels are up to the task. The recom-
to almost always fall off on a wing at All specifications are based on manufactur- mended technique is to flare to but not
the break (power-off or power-on). er's calculations. All performance figures are beyond the airplane's normal three-
Although recovery is easy and con- based on standard day, standard atmosphere. point attitude while close to the ground.
ventional, be careful not to apply sea level. gross weight conditions unless oth- The airplane will land softly on all three
erwise noted. Data are not available for take-
excessive aileron to pick up a wing. wheels, which is much preferable to a
off and landing over a 50-foot obstacle.
The little airplane will enter an incipi- design maneuvering speed. and demonstrated full-stall landing. The technique is rel-
ent spin with little additional encour- crosswind component. atively easy once you become accus-
agement. tomed to the pitch sensitivity.
Although the Cadet was initially
approved for aerobatics, some pilots
got into trouble, perhaps because of the
turbulence because the short wings
offer limited roll damping.
Gear extension requires first placing
i Additional
The classic Cul-
ver Cadet is a joy
to fly, a wonderful
about the Culver
airplane's sensitivity and quickness. the control stick between your knees. playmate with
Cadet can be
Aerobatic approval was rescinded and Then use your left hand to pull up on the which to cavort
found on AOPA
intentional spinning prohibited. Too lever while simultaneously placing your about the sky, and
Online (www.
bad. The Cadet loves to spin. right hand on the landing gear wheel. it is doubtful if you
The landing gear should be lowered Pull up slightly on the wheel to release links.shtml) . can find another
before entering the traffic pattern to the ratchet. Then move the lever from production air-
prevent becoming distracted during a Raise to Drop with the left hand while plane that can cruise at 120 mph and
critical phase of flight. This might be using your right hand to snub the wheel. costs so little to operate. ACRi'4

one reason why the Cadet was not cer- This allows the gear to free-fall against a
tified for IFR flight. Another might be dashpot (a hydraulic dampener) and Visit the author's Web site (www.
that the airplane can be a handful in into position. The lever is then moved


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