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Build Failures:
 Issue: Builds fail without clear error messages.
 Troubleshooting: Check build logs for error messages, validate dependencies,
review code changes, and verify configuration settings.
2. Jenkins Server Unresponsive:
 Issue: Jenkins server becomes unresponsive or slow.
 Troubleshooting: Monitor system resources (CPU, memory, disk), optimize
Jenkins configuration, limit concurrent builds, and consider scaling resources.
3. Authentication Problems:
 Issue: Users are unable to authenticate or login to Jenkins.
 Troubleshooting: Verify user credentials, check LDAP/AD configurations, review
security settings, and ensure network connectivity.
4. Plugin Compatibility Issues:
 Issue: Jenkins plugins are not compatible with the Jenkins version or other
 Troubleshooting: Update plugins to compatible versions, check plugin
dependencies, and review plugin release notes for compatibility issues.
5. Disk Space Exhaustion:
 Issue: Jenkins server runs out of disk space.
 Troubleshooting: Monitor disk usage, clean up old build artifacts, configure
retention policies, and consider adding additional storage.
6. Build Queue Backlog:
 Issue: Builds are stuck in the queue for extended periods.
 Troubleshooting: Review build queue status, prioritize builds, optimize build
configurations, and add more build agents.
7. Permission Problems:
 Issue: Users encounter permission errors when accessing Jenkins resources.
 Troubleshooting: Check user permissions and roles, review Jenkins security
settings, and adjust permissions as needed.
8. Node Connectivity Issues:
 Issue: Jenkins agents fail to connect to the Jenkins master.
 Troubleshooting: Verify network connectivity, check agent configuration, restart
agents, and ensure proper firewall and security settings.
9. Email Notifications Not Working:
 Issue: Jenkins fails to send email notifications for build results.
 Troubleshooting: Check email server settings, verify SMTP configuration in
Jenkins, review email notification settings, and test email connectivity.
10. Intermittent Build Failures:
 Issue: Builds fail intermittently without consistent error patterns.
 Troubleshooting: Investigate environmental factors, concurrency issues, timing
dependencies, and potential race conditions in the build process.
11. Slow Build Execution:
 Issue: Builds take longer than expected to complete.
 Troubleshooting: Identify performance bottlenecks, optimize build steps,
parallelize builds, and allocate more resources to Jenkins.

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