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1 Warm up

What do you know about these companies? Do you know anything about how they recruit?

• Red Bull
• Google
• Dyson
• McKinsey
• Menlo Innovations

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2 Speaking 1

Discuss the following questions in pairs.

1. Have you ever been through an unconventional selection process? What happened?
2. What’s the most surprising question you’ve been asked in a job interview? How did you answer

3 Reading 1

Read the article about unusual recruitment techniques. Match the companies to their main unique

1. Red Bull a. Recruiting early and training extensively

2. Google b. Prioritising applicants’ ability to work with colleagues

3. Dyson c. Using technology and games to assess applicants

4. McKinsey d. Identifying features that match the company’s ethos

5. Menlo e. Applying a personality evaluation

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Wacky recruitment techniques

You’ve been to one job interview, you’ve been to them all, right? Not if you’re applying for one of these
companies! Here are major businesses that use unorthodox hiring techniques to keep applicants on
their toes.
A. Red Bull

As their drink famously gives you wings, Red Bull’s recruiters asked themselves how they could incorporate that
spirit into the company’s recruitment process. The answer? Wingfinder, a personality assessment based on
psychometrics. By making the tool publicly available online for free, they not only made their recruitment more
transparent but added value for the applicants, who, regardless of the outcome, receive a strengths report and
coaching plan.

B. Google

Google has a well-established reputation for being a very unique work environment, with their HQ offering free
food and a range of other perks (including a dog park). This innovative approach starts even before employees join
the staff. Perhaps more important than technical skills for recruiters is what is called ’Googleyness’: a set of traits,
experiences and beliefs that includes intellectual humility, brave paths in your personal life and being comfortable
with ambiguity.

C. Dyson

Dyson is not only well-known for ground-breaking hairdryers, vacuum cleaners and other products. It also
innovates when it comes to recruiting its new talents, not the least where it pools them: usually fresh graduates
or even students straight out of high school. The Dyson Institute gives these youngsters not only a Bachelor’s
Degree in engineering but also a lot of practical experience in the company’s R&D department.

D. McKinsey

This global management consulting firm has introduced in its application process a stage called ’Solve’, consisting
of an online game which uses algorithms and evaluates your mouse clicks and movements in order to assess
your reasoning skills, metacognition, situational awareness and decision-making process. So, although time
management is a factor, it’s a lot more about how you got to a decision than what decision you made.

E. Menlo

You may not have heard of this software design and development company, but their recruitment process will
blow your mind! They hold mass auditions which replicate the company’s daily operations. The catch here is that
the applicants are paired up and have the specific goal of making their partner look good. The pairs are assessed
by Menlo staff members (or Menlonians) based on authentic collaboration, confidence and humility. They are then
re-paired twice more with different partners for more tasks. After the audition finishes, the three Menlonians who
assessed each candidate compare impressions and the applicants who get three thumbs-up go straight to the next


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4 Reading 2

Read the article again and choose the correct option.

1. What is the main purpose of the article?

a. to criticise conventional recruitment methods

b. to present exceptions to conventional recruitment

c. to prove that recruitment processes tend to be uniform

2. Which of these is NOT presented as a benefit of Wingfinder?

a. Candidates gain even if they’re not hired.

b. There is more clarity about how the company hires.

c. Candidates can train for the actual evaluation.

3. Which of these is considered a sign of ’Googleyness’?

a. pursuing the one correct answer

b. making bold decisions outside work

c. thinking highly of your intellect

4. What phrase better replaces ’not the least’ in the text?

a. in particular

b. except

c. including

5. What does the article say about McKinsey’s ’Solve’?

a. It evaluates a number of different cognitive skills.

b. The main goal is to reach the correct outcome.

c. There is no time limit in the game.

6. What is unusual about Menlo’s recruitment?

a. Either the pair is hired, or neither of them.

b. Each candidate has to compete directly with another.

c. The company’s employees help choose the new hires.

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5 Speaking 2
How do you think you would fare applying for each of these companies? How could an applicant
excel in each case?

6 Language focus
Part A: Look at these sentences from the report. What do the underlined words and expressions
mean? What do they have in common?

• Here are major businesses that use unorthodox hiring techniques to keep applicants on their toes.
• You may not have heard of this software design and development company, but their recruitment
process will blow your mind!
• After the audition finishes, the three Menlonians who assessed each candidate compare impressions
and the applicants who get three thumbs-up go straight to the next stage.

Part B: Complete the sentences below with the parts of the body in the box. Then discuss with a
partner whether these sentences are true for you or not.

brain foot foot hands

head heart neck teeth

1. In a job interview, I once started off on the wrong with the recruiter, but I managed
to turn things around.

2. I don’t have any say in terms of who my company hires. My are tied!

3. Off the top of my , I can’t think of an unusual recruitment process I’ve been through
right now.

4. When I’m applying for a job, I always try to find someone who works there so I can pick their

5. I’ve had a change of and withdrawn from a selection process mid-way.

6. I think it’s always better to stick your out and take risks when it comes to a job

7. I’ve conducted a job interview with a candidate who was so shy it was like pulling !

8. If you really want to work in a company, I think sometimes it’s worth doing something unusual to
get your in the door.

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7 Speaking 3

In pairs, research further into the recruitment process of one of the companies in the text and roleplay
an interview.

8 Talking point

In pairs, discuss the questions below. Try to use the words and phrases in the box when suitable.

wacky unorthodox assessment traits

ground-breaking pool catch blow your mind

1. Which recruitment technique did you find most interesting? Why?

2. What are the pros and cons of thinking outside the box in terms of recruitment?
3. What other companies do you know of that have unusual recruitment techniques?
4. How well do you perform out of your comfort zone?

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9 Extension activity 1

Record a TikTok video on unusual recruitment techniques. Talk about the companies in the article or
research other ones.

10 Extension activity 2

Complete the following idioms related to the body. Research if necessary. Then in pairs, prepare
short dialogues using the idioms.

1. You’ve hit the nail on the !

2. Since you’re twisting my , I’ll help you.

3. She went behind my and ...

4. We don’t really see to on that matter.

5. I shouted at the top of my : ...

6. Alright, I’m all . What’s the plan?

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