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1 Warm up

Read the headlines and look at the photos. What do you think the articles are about?

1) UK’s youngest bus driver 2) Animal emojis do not 3) Boy gets ‘hero arm’ for
represent reality enough Christmas

4) 2023: The hottest year on 5) Historic win at the Golden 6) Lego Houses
record Globes

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2 Focus on vocabulary

Complete the following definitions with the missing vowels (a, e, i, o, u).

Group 1:

1. k _ _ n (adj.) – very interested or wanting to do something

2. r _ ng _ (n) – a group of things of the same type, but different

3. _ pd _ t _ (v) – include the most recent information available

4. f _ _ l (n) – something that produces power or heat

5. pr _ v _ _ _ s (adj.) – taking place before something or someone else

6. _ tm _ sph _ r _ (n) – the gas layer around earth

Group 2:

1. _ ncr _ d _ bly (adv.) – something that is difficult to believe

2. r _ r _ (adj.) – something that does not happen often

3. sw _ tch (v) – change from one thing to another

4. w _ nd _ r (v) - ask questions in order to understand something

5. n _ t _ v _ (adj.) – be from a place

6. bl _ ck (n) – a piece of material that is in the form of a square

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3 Listening / reading news

Part A: Listen to or read the articles on page four. And answer the following questions

Which story ...?

a. ... is about a negative impact of human actions?

b. ... is about a different way of doing something?

c. ... is about someone that achieved something very young?

d. ... is about a request for more variety?

e. ... is about a technology that helps people?

f. ... mentions the reason why something took a long time to happen?

Part B: Do you remember what these numbers refer to? Read the articles to check.

0.17°C 10 18 1850 2023 23 5 days 800 £1,700

a. how much Alex paid for his test

b. how far temperature records go back to

c. how many locations of Open Bionics there are

d. Harry’s age

e. the warmest year on record

f. how much warmer 2023 was compared to 2016

g. how long it took for Alex to pass the theory test

h. how much stronger Renco’s blocks are in comparison to usual building

i. the age of the UK’s youngest bus driver


prosthesis - object created to replace a missing body part

indigenous - someone or something native to a place

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Here’s a recap of the amazing news from the past two weeks

1. UK’s youngest bus driver warmer than the period from 1850 to 1900,
before industries started to burn large quantities
In the UK, you are allowed to learn how to drive
of fuel. Though scientists had predicted the rise
from the age of 16, but you need to be 18 to drive
in temperatures, it broke the previous record: we
a bus. At 18 years and 12 days, Alex from Selby,
have now seen a 0.17°C increase compared to
became last December the youngest bus driver in the
2016. Scientists explain that this is in part due to
country. Alex saved up to pay the £1,700 for the test
El Nino, a natural event that results in more heat
himself. He passed the theory test just 5 days after
in the atmosphere. However, these incredibly high
his birthday, and then a week later, he passed the
temperatures are mainly the result of years of human-
practical test for the first time. He has always been
caused pollution.
a keen bus fan, so he is looking forward to his career
on the road. 5. Historic win at the Golden Globes
2. Animal emojis do not represent reality enough Lily Gladstone made history at the Golden Globes
When was the last time you sent an emoji of an after becoming the first indigenous actress to ever
animal in a message to a friend? Animals are among win the award in 81 years. Gladstone won for her
the most popular emojis, but they do not represent role in Martin Scorsese’s Killers of the Flower Moon,
the range of different animals found in the natural also starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert De Niro.
world. That was what a group of scientists from the The actress started her speech in the indigenous
University of Milan who carried out a study on animal Blackfeet language before switching to English. She
emojis found out. While there are several different stated how grateful she was to be able to do this.
emojis of some animals like bears and lions, others In the past 16 years, out of 1,600 big Hollywood
are not available at all. The researchers said that in productions, only one film had a Native American
a world that is more and more digital, it is important in the main role. Considering how rare it is for
for emojis to better represent reality and asked the indigenous people to play lead roles in big Hollywood
Unicode Emoji Subcommittee, which decides which projects, it is no wonder it took 81 years for this win.
emojis are included, to update their list.
6. Lego Houses
3. Boy gets ‘hero arm’ for Christmas
Renco, a company from Florida, has created a new
Harry, a 10-year-old boy from Lancashire, UK, got building style: blocks that look like Lego. The
a very special present from Santa: a prosthetic arm company claims that its invention is 23 times stronger
made to look like Iron Man’s arm. Harry was born than the building material most used and can even
without the lower part of his arm, but the prosthesis, stand against strong hurricanes. The houses can be
made by Open Bionics and available in 800 locations built faster than traditional methods and the material
around the world, notices the movements of the cannot catch fire. However, that is not all: in addition
muscles in the top half of Harry’s arm and allows him to being stronger, the material is also better for the
to perform movements and hold objects. environment too. The blocks are built using recycled
4. 2023: The hottest year on record materials, such as glass and plastic, making it also a
greener alternative.
Scientists have now confirmed that last year was
the hottest year on record going back to 1850. Sources: BBC, News Sky,
Temperatures recorded were on average 1.48°C

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4 Speaking practice
In pairs, choose an article and write a dialogue between the people involved in the story. Role-play
the dialogue with your classmates.

5 Talking point
In groups, discuss the questions below.

1. Do you think Lily Gladstone’s win will make it easier for indigenous people in Hollywood?

2. Do you think temperatures will get even higher after 2023?

3. Why is a prosthesis like Iron Man’s arm important to younger children like Harry?

4. Do you often use emojis when messaging your friends?

5. Will the Lego blocks become the standard construction material?

6. When you were younger, did you have a dream career like Alex?

6 Extension activities / homework

Task A: Choose two articles that you think a friend of yours might like to know about. Record a voice
message for each story, telling your friend what happened in each.

Task B: How many words from the worksheet can you remember? Test yourself!

Group 1:

1. What K-word means to be interested in?

2. What R-word is written information from the past?

3. What M-word means mostly?

4. What S-word means having someone as the main actor in a film?

5. What G-word describes feeling thankful?

Group 2:

1. What R-word is something that does not happen often?

2. What C-phrasal verb means to complete a task?

3. What P-word means to see something coming?

4. What I-word is something that has just been created?

5. What M-word means a way of doing something?

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