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Smart summary of the whole unit # 06: Fishing

Smart-Summary of UNIT # 6 : FISHING

One of the oldest occupation adding 0.9% to DP and 6% of exports of Pakistan. Mostly engaged in inland
fishing (rivers, farms) but marine (sea) catch is thrice more than inland to catch fish.
USES OF FISH: Waste used in fertilizer and poultry feed, white meat with low cholesterol, fish oil rich in
vitamin A and D.


AREAS FOR MARINE Sindh coast (Karachi) and Makran coast Fish farms, Lakes (Mancher
AND INLAND (Jiwani, Gawadar, Pasni, Ormara, Sonmiani) in Dadu, Khairi, and Haleji
in Karachi) Mangla and
Tarbella reservoir, Sukkur
and Kotri barrage, Thatta.
SPECIES FOR MARINE Crab, Lobster, Prawns, Sardines, Sharks on Trout, Rahu, Palla, Thalla,
AND INLAND Indus delta. Other marine fish are Herring, Mahaseer.
Croakers, Skates, Rays, Drums, Cat fish.
TECHNIQUES OF Commercial: Mechanized boats (going to 50 Subsistence: Small wooden
FISHING FOR km), get nets, trawlers, radars to detect, boats (3-5 km) no
COMMERCIAL AND nylon ropes, winches to pull, refrigeration refrigeration, small nets,
SUBSISTENCE facilities so can stay up to 5 to 15 days, 16 stays in sea for 1 day.
FISHERMAN ice factories are working on Makran coast.


Fisheries training centre, Aqua culture development project, construction of Korangi and Pasni fish
harbor, cold storage, processing and packing centre, fishermen cooperative society, 1002 Gawadar fish
harbor was developed, loans to craftsmen for boat making, training to women for net making,
protection of spawning areas, model village for met office for weather information, marine fishing
department of quality control labs and monitoring of vessels.
shelf, Indus delta, better export and processing facilities, government priorities, large domestic market.
REASONS FOR MORE PEOPLE IN INLAND FISHING: More population than coastal area, Indus plain more
developed with basic facilities than Makran Coast, other opportunities for employment available like
agriculture and industries.
IMPORTANCE OF FISHING: Less investment and great return, employment, adds to foreign exchange,
reduce burden on livestock and crops.
INTERNATIONAL FISH MARKET: Pakistan exports fish to 30 countries, Japan is the largest market than
USA, UK, France, and Germany. 80% of Makran fish is dried and export to Middle East.
DOMESTIC MARKET: Local fish market through whole seller, fishing centre, street hawkers, door to door
selling, and departmental stores.
METHODS OF MARKETING: Open sea marketing to avoid port charges, auctioned at fish harbor,
marketed locally.
THREATS TO FISH: Water pollution, over fishing, threats to mangroves, by catch, eating babies, increase
in population, destruction of spawning areas, logging mining explosion , industrial waste.
POSSIBILTY FOR FUTURE SUSTAINABLITY OF FISHING: Fix the fishing seasons, strict laws enforcement
for fishing during that season, reforestation of mangroves, protects spawning areas from pollution by
strict industrial laws and port activities monitored for not causing pollution, more fish farms.

1|Page By Adnan Ashraf, Beaconhouse Liberty Campus,Lahore

Smart summary of the whole unit # 06: Fishing

FISH FARM: Rectangular fish farm with concrete base, solid mud on banks, shallow water, and fertilizer
is added to the decompose and turn into fish food, water when added gets muddy so limestone is added
to settle the dirt and small size fish of same species is added to farm till it grows and breeds.
ADVANTAGES: Utilizes less space than agriculture for revenue, less investment, waste recycled for
frertilizer industry and poultry feeds industry, good employment opportunities in both marine and
inland fishing. A huge and good source of healthy food to feed fast-growing population.
DISADVANAGES: Sub soil water is pumped out reducing water table, conversion of coastal area into fish
farm has reduced natural breeding grounds for fish, environmental pollution due to fish-waste, air and
water pollution due to huge modern fishing trawlers .

SPECIES/fish-types found in Pakistan:

Inland: Rahu, Malhi , Palla , Thaylla, Manaseer, Gulfam , Grass, Silver, Trout
Marine : Sharks , Drums , Skates, Croakers, Cat-fish , Rays
FISHING IN GWADAR: Deep sea port is feasibility for fishing with an opportunity to provide employment
half of workforce is involved in fishing in Gawadar directly or indirectly (boat making, net making, fish
process). Future development can be training, loans.
Some important questions:
Q1. Why do we have most of fish-farms in Punjab ?
Ans: Explain / elaborate these points in your own words :
the huge network of 5 major rivers full of fish provides tremendous, large-scale, best , ideal & natural
habitates to fish
huge reservoirs of major barrages are ideal for fish-farming
type of soil doesn’t soak much water
tube-wells facility
the world-biggest canal system for regular supply of water in all seasons even many desert areas in
Punjab have also been converted into fertile farm-land which are equally suitable for fish-farming
naturally levelled & plain lands in Punjab are ideal for both fish-farming and agriculture
favourable & friendly environment /climate of Punjab is best/ideal for breeding many types of fish at the
same time e.g. Rahu , Palla, Thaylla , Malhi , Manaseer , grass and silver etc.
Punjab fisheries department is also playing a vital role in promotion of inland fish-farming by providing
them excellent hatcheries , high yield varieties of baby-fish , free of cost technical assistance, survey and
advisory services to fish-farmers.
Q2. We have good number of inland fish farms in Province Sindh but why is this number less than
Ans : Explain / elaborate these points in your own words:
 only one major river Indus with many barrages
 lakes and other water reservoirs get less fresh water due to dames & barrages built on Indus in
upstream areas
 permanently Drought affected areas and huge deserts of Nara and Tharparkar so impossible to
make fish-farms in arid areas of Sindh
Q3. Why do we have less fish farms in KPK ?
Ans : Explain / elaborate these points in your own words :
 un-even land due to hilly areas so it’s not ideal for fish-farming,
 rivers and lakes have a natural & regular supply of water with limited quantity of specific fish-
type “Trout-fish”
 underground water-table is too deep to install tube-wells.

2|Page By Adnan Ashraf, Beaconhouse Liberty Campus,Lahore

Smart summary of the whole unit # 06: Fishing

 Climate of KPK is best/ideal only for breeding a small type of fish “TROUT” which is very costly
due to low production/supply.
Q4. Why don’t we have any fish-farm or Inland fishing industry in Balochistan ?
Ans : Explain / elaborate these points in your own words :
 Extremely arid and dry climate
 Extreme shortage of water in both underground and surface water resources.
 Nomadic way of life
 90% area is either rocky or sandy desert especially Kharaan desert.
 No prominent river-system so the biggest source(water) for inland fishing is missing.
Only salt-water lakes (Playa-lakes) and seasonal lakes are found which are not suitable for fishing.

3|Page By Adnan Ashraf, Beaconhouse Liberty Campus,Lahore

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