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Villareal, Felize Ann Mei B.

May 7, 2024
BSHM 1B Readings in Philippine History

The Preamble of the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines

The 1987 Constitution of the Philippines has an interesting introduction that outlines the
crucial rules and objectives of the government. It emphasizes that the power of the
government comes from the people, who are the ultimate source of power. It
showcases that the government aims to create a "fair and compassionate society" with
significant goals such as aiding the common good, conserving and developing the
nation's resources, and ensuring that everyone has a voice in the government. These
goals indicate that the government desires a system that is impartial, sustainable, and

The introduction also expresses gratitude towards God, reflecting the religious beliefs of
most Filipinos. It lists some vital values, such as "truth, justice, freedom, love, equality,
and peace," which the government aims to use as the foundation for its laws and
society. It is not just about the regulations; it is also about being good citizens, which is
essential for maintaining harmonious relationships and ensuring that everyone's rights
are respected. Lastly, it states that the government is committed to taking care of
people both now and in the future by being wise and making the right decisions.
Therefore, this introduction highlights the government's objectives and the approach it
intends to take to achieve them.

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