Villareal - Treaty of Paris 1898

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Felize Ann Mei B.

Villareal April 24,2024

BSHM 1B Readings in Philippine History

One of the favorable articles for the people of the Philippines is Article VI, which guarantees
certain rights and privileges to the inhabitants of the ceded territories. This article states that
upon the signature of the present treaty, all prisoners of war and all persons detained or
imprisoned for political offenses, in connection with the insurrections in Cuba and the Philippines
and the war with the United States, will be released. The U.S. government will pay for sending
these prisoners back to Spain, while the Spanish government will cover the costs of returning
prisoners to the U.S., Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines, depending on their place of origin.
This provision helps set a precedent for responsible treatment of prisoners and may be seen as
a step toward more humane international relations practices, which could benefit the Philippines
and its people in the long term.

On the other hand, one of the unfavorable articles for the people of the Philippines is Article III,
which dictates the treatment of the Spanish subjects in the ceded territories. This article states
that Spain ceded to the United States the archipelago known as the Philippine Islands. This
provision effectively transferred colonial rule from Spain to the United States without the
consultation or consent of the Filipino people, denying them agency over their governance and
perpetuating foreign domination. Furthermore, it did not address the aspirations for
independence that many Filipinos had been fighting for, setting the stage for further conflict and
resistance against American colonial rule. governance and perpetuating foreign domination.
Furthermore, it didn't address the aspirations for independence that many Filipinos had been
fighting for, setting the stage for further conflict and resistance against American colonial rule.

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