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1. A rectangular bar is subjected to a direct stress   in one plane only. Prove that the normal
and shear stresses On an oblique plane are given by

 n   cos 2  and  t  sin 2

2. A rectangular bar is subjected to two direct stresses (  1 and  2 ) in two mutually

perpendicular directions. Prove that the normal stress (  n ) and shear stress (  t ) on an
oblique plane which is inclined at an angle  with the axis of minor stress are given by:
1   2 1   2
n   cos 2
2 2

1   2
t  sin 2

3. a) At a point within a body subjected to stresses in two mutually perpendicular directions, the
stresses are 100 N/mm2 (tensile) and 75 N/mm2 (tensile). Each of the above stresses, is
accompanied by a shear stress of 75 N/mm2. Determine, analytically, the normal, shear and
resultant stresses on an oblique plane inclined at an angle of 450 with the axis of minor tensile
stress. Also determine the major and minor principle stresses and the obliquity.
b) Answer the above question using Mohr’s circle given that the stresses are changed to 120
N/mm2 and 80 N/mm2.

4. The figure shows a T-section of dimensions 10 x 10 x 2 cm. Determine the moment of inertia of
the section about the horizontal and vertical axes passing through the centre of gravity of the

5. Prove that the torque transmitted by a solid shaft when subjected torsion is given by

T D 3
6. A hollow shaft is to transmit 337.5 kW at 100 r.p.m. If the shear stress is not to exceed 65
N/mm2 and the internal diameter is 0.6 of the external diameter, find the external and internal
diameters assuming that the maximum torque is 1.3 times the mean.

7. Determine the diameter of a solid shaft which will transmit 337.5 kW at 300 r.p.m. The
maximum shear stress should not exceed 35 N/mm2 and twist should not be more than 1° in a
shaft length of 2.5 m Take modulus of rigidity= 9 x 104 N/mm2.

8. Two shafts are connected end to end by means of a flanged coupling in which there are 12
bolts, the pitch circle diameter being 30 cm. The maximum shear stress is limited to 60 N/mm2
in the shafts and 25 N/mm2 in the bolts. If one shaft is solid of 6 cm diameter and the other is
hollow of 12 cm external diameter, calculate the internal diameter of the hollow shaft and the
bolt diameter so that both shafts and the coupling are all equally strong in torsion.

9. A hollow shaft of 1.5 m long has external diameter 60 mm. It has 30 mm internal diameter for a
part of the length and 40 mm internal diameter for the rest of the length. If the maximum
shear stress in it is not to exceed 85 N/mm2, determine the maximum horse power transmitted
by it at a speed of 350 r.p.m. If the twists produced in the two portions of the shafts are equal
find the lengths of the two portions.

M  E
10. Prove the relation;  
I y R
M = Bending moment, I= moment of inertia
a = Bending stress, y = Distance from N.A.
E =Young's modulus, and R =Radius of curvature.

11. A rectangular beam 300 mm deep is simply supported over a span of 4 m. What uniformly
distributed load per metre, the beam may carry if the bending stress is not to exceed 120
N/mm2? Take I= 8 x 106 mm4.

12. A cast iron cantilever of length 1.5 metre fails when a point load W is applied at the free end. If
the section of the beam is 40 mm x 60 mm and the stress at the failure is 120 N/mm2, find the
point load applied.
13. A beam of an I-section shown in the figure below is simply supported over a span of 4 metres.
Determine the load that the beam can carry per metre length, if the allowable stress in the
beam is 30.82 N/mm2.

14. A simply supported beam of length 4 m carries a point load of 16 kN at a distance of 3 m from
left support. The cross-section of the beam is shown in the figure below. Determine the
maximum tensile and compressive stress at a section which is at a distance of 2.25 m from the
left support.

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