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We, members of the Palestine Solidarity Coalition at the University of the Western Cape
(PSCUWC), write in solidarity with comrades at UCT in holding our universities accountable in
the struggle for Palestinian liberation.

The PSCUWC is an emerging intergenerational coalition of staff, students, workers, and alumni
of UWC. We operate alongside the Palestine Solidarity Association of the University of the
Western Cape (PSA UWC), an SRC-affiliated student formation established at UWC in 2014.

As a coalition we have been growing since October 2023. Since then events and interventions
on our campuses have been hosted by comrades at the School of Government, The Desmond
Tutu Centre for Religion and Social Justice, the Gender Equity Unit and Women’s and Gender
Studies Department, the Centre for Humanities Research, and the Tshisimani Centre for Activist
Education. These actions have been holding spaces for learning and discussion relating to
Palestinian liberation and challenging Apartheid Israel and Zionism.

We welcome pro-Palestine statements made by our Rector/VC Prof Tyronne Pretorius, the
university’s chancellor Archbishop Thabo Makgoba, and the Acting President of the SRC
Siyabonga Sgudla. We see the positive statement recently made by the UWC Council as a direct
positive consequence of lobbying from members of the coalition in the senate supported by
groundwork / research from comrades in the coalition. Words from the university’s executive
bolster powerful statements issued by numerous departments across UWC; the International
Relations Office, the Faculty of Dentistry, the Muslim Students Association, the SRC, the School
of Government, and the UWC Employment Union.

In order to institutionalise these messages of solidarity we are working towards the university
establishing a clear and progressive position regarding boycotting Apartheid Israel or

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Zionist-supporting institutions, first with implementing the PACBI and then severing any
economic ties.

In addition, we as the PSCUWC, together with our fellow comrades at UCT send this message,
and let us be clear. We will not collaborate with Apartheid-Israel in any academic activity. We
will not be complicit in genocide and scholasticide. We will continue to illustrate our unwavering
commitment to denounce the atrocities, war-crimes, inhumane treatment and ethnic cleansing
of the Palestinian people. The unfathomable injustices being inflicted for decades on women,
children and innocent civilians are the most abhorrent actions of Zionist-Israel whilst they
occupy stolen Palestinian lands. Our stance is firm and clear, any economic and educational
links or ties to Apartheid-Israel within our institutional and academic spheres are to be
dismantled. We uphold the view that any Apartheid-Israel and Zionist-supporting institutions are
to be removed from our academic spaces.

As we continue to rework Azania and sing "From Cape to Rafah, Jenin to Madagascar" we
applaud our comrades struggling at the university on the mountain. Forward to reclaiming
universities as sites for radical social justice! Forward to a free Palestine!

The Palestine Solidarity Coalition at the University of the Western Cape

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