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Nama : Mochammad Chaerudin

NIM : 051487721


Soal nomor 1

- Identifikasi ragam bahasa apakah yang digunakan dalam percakapan tersebut dan jelaskan
alasannya. / Identify what style of language used in the conversation and explain your answer.

JAWABAN : the language style is used in the conversation is informal language, because the
conversation is between friend and sound casual way

-Identifikasi topik percakapan tersebut. / Identify the topic of the conversation

JAWABAN : the conversation between jane and halen is about job interview

- The language style used in the conversation above is informal language because in this
conversation we can see the situation is casual and relaxed
Example : - Hay, Jane! ( hei Jane )
- Oh hey, I didn’t see you there
- So, what’s going on?
- Oh, not much. You?

The topic conversation above is between a friends discussing jane’s experience in taking part in a job

Soal Nomor 2

- Hello my name is Mochammad Chaerudin ,today I wiil show you the place I worked and this is the
picture of my office. I worked in Mohammad Noer General hospital which is public health service in
jl.bonorogo 17 lawangan daya pademawu in Pamekasan city . in my office there is a lot employe
such nurse, doctor and office boy. in my own office there is several tool for service like printer
computer bookshell and telephone which is only found in my office.the interesting thing in my
workspace is the atmosphere Is very confortable and neat, this Is also makes me feel at home and so
excited to work.

Soal nomor 3

A. The Manager
B. To all Employee and all staff

C. is about farewell ceremony in honour of Jesse Carillo

Soal nomor 4

Dear, Sir/Madam
My Name Is Mochammad Chaerudin, I am 26 years live in Pamekasan City
Iam interested in applying for

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