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Padios, Jerryco C.


Different Approaches of Methods:

1. Teaching Approach

-This refers to the overall philosophy or theory behind how you plan to teach. It is the broad
principles that guide your teaching practices. For example, a teacher may have a student-centered
approach, focusing on individual student needs and interests, or a more traditional teacher-centered

2. Teaching Strategy

-It refers to a way in which a teacher can go about implementing a particular teaching
approach. These are the techniques and tools that help deliver content and engage students. Strategies
can include group work, lectures, discussions, hands-on activities, and more.

3. Teaching Method

-It refers to a systematic way of presenting material to students. It is a step-by-step plan that
outlines the objectives, content, teaching strategies, assessment, and evaluation methods for a specific
lesson or unit.

4. Teaching Technique

-It refers to specific actions or processes that a teacher uses to facilitate learning. These are
the practical methods and activities used in the classroom to achieve the lesson objectives. It also
includes questioning techniques, visual aids, simulations, and classroom management strategies.

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