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Science 9
Quiz 5

1. The sum-total of the potential and kinetic energy of the molecules of a substance is called
A. heat energy C. mechanical energy
B. internal energy D. molecular energy
2. Which of the following laws states that the change in internal energy of a system is equal
to the difference between the heat taken in by the system and the work done by the system?
A. First Law of Thermodynamics C. Third Law of Thermodynamics
B. Second Law of Thermodynamics D. Law of Conservation of Energy
3. While a gas does 400J of work on its surroundings, 900 J of heat is added to the gas.
What is the change in the internal energy of the gas?
A. 300 J B. 400 J C. 500 J D. 600 J
4. Given the following mechanisms, which BEST describes the correct sequence of a
refrigeration cycle?
A. 4,3,2,1 B. 3,4,1,2 C. 2,3,4,1 D.
5. Given the following strokes, what is the CORRECT sequence of four-cycle stroke of
gasoline engine?
A. 1,2,3,4 B. 2,3,4,1 C. 1,4,2,3 D. 1,3,4,2
6. What is the function of a heat engine? It converts
A. chemical to mechanical energy. C. mechanical to chemical energy
B. thermal to mechanical energy. D. thermal to chemical energy.
7. Which of the following happens during the POWER STROKE of a heat engine?
A. Gases are expelled out by the exhaust pipe.
B. Gases are ignited by the spark plug.
C. Gases are compressed into fractional amount.
D. Gases are filled in the cylinder.
8. How does a condenser in a refrigerator work?
A. It compresses the refrigerant to a pressure of several times.
B. It absorbs heat from the contents of the refrigerator.
C. It cools down the content of the refrigerator.
D. It turns the cooled gas to near room temperature which then turns into liquid.
9. Which of the following refers to the harmful effects on the environment caused by the
release of heat from heat engines?
A. Air pollution C. Thermal pollution
B. Noise pollution D. Waste pollution
10. How does a geothermal power plant utilize the natural heat coming from underneath the
A. The heat coming from the earth is used by a turbine to create electricity.
B. The heat coming from the earth is directly converted to electricity by means of an
C. The heat coming from the earth is funneled into distribution pipes that is used to
power electrical appliances.
D. The heat coming from the earth boils water in a tank. When water turns to steam,
the steam rotates the blades of a turbine. The turbine converts
mechanical energy to electricity.
11. The sum-total of the potential and kinetic energy of the molecules of a substance is called
A. heat energy C. mechanical energy
B. internal energy D. molecular energy
12. What does the First Law of Thermodynamics state?
A. The change in internal energy of a system equals the difference between the heat
taken in by the system and the work done by the system.
B. Heat is not destroyed nor created; it is just transformed one form to another.
C. The total thermal energy before and after heating is equal.
D. Heat will always flow from a higher to a colder body.
13. Find the change in internal energy of a system that releases 2000 J of heat while it does
500 J of work.
A. 2500 J B. 2000 J C. 1500 J D. 1000 J
14. Which BEST describes the correct sequence of a refrigeration cycle?
A. Compression > Condensation > Expansion > Evaporation
B. Compression > Evaporation > Expansion > Condensation
C. Compression > Expansion> Condensation > Evaporation
D. Compression > Condensation > Evaporation > Expansion
15. How does an evaporator in a refrigerator work?
A. It compresses the refrigerant to a pressure of several times.
B. It absorbs heat from the contents of the refrigerator and changes liquid to gas.
C. It restricts the flow of the fluid and lowers its pressure as it leaves the expansion
D. It turns the cooled gas to near room temperature which then turns into liquid.
16. Which of the following converts’ thermal energy to mechanical work is ________.
A. heat engine C. heat pump
B. heat converter D. heat mover
17. What is the CORRECT sequence of a four-cycle stroke gasoline engine?
A. intake > power > exhaust > compression
B. intake > compression > power > exhaust
C. power > exhaust > compression > intake
D. intake > exhaust > compression > power
18. Which of the following happens in during the INTAKE STROKE of a heat engine?
A. Gases are expelled out by the exhaust pipe.
B. Gases are ignited by the spark plug.
C. Gases are compressed into fractional amount.
D. Gases are filled in the cylinder.
19. What causes thermal pollution?
A. The exhaust from different industrial engines.
B. The exhaust of different vehicles.
C. People cutting off trees
D. All of them
20. How does a geothermal power plant utilize the natural heat coming from underneath the
A. The heat coming from the earth is used by a turbine to create electricity.
B. The heat coming from the earth is directly converted to electricity by means of an
C. The heat coming from the earth is funneled into distribution pipes that is used to
power electrical appliances.
D. The heat coming from the earth boils water in a tank. When water turns to steam,
the steam rotates the blades of a turbine. The turbine converts
mechanical energy to electricity.

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