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Group 8

Impact of Technology on the Academic performance of Senior High School

Students Effectiveness in SCIS
Statement of the Problem

1. What is the impact of the use of technology in the academic performance of student?
2. What practical suggestions can be derived to maximize the use of technology in the new normal
set-up of learning?

Survey Questionnaire
Name (optional):

Thank you for participating in this survey. This questionnaire aims to understand
how technology influences academic performance and how it can be optimized for
learning in the new normal. Your responses will be used for research purposes only.

Section 1: Impact of Technology on Academic Performance

1. How often do you use technology (e.g., computers, tablets, smartphones) for
academic purposes?
a. Daily
b. Several times a week
c. Occasionally
d. Rarely
e. Never

2. In your opinion, how has the use of technology affected your academic
a. Improved significantly
b. Improved somewhat
c. No noticeable effect
d. Declined somewhat
e. Declined significantly

3. Which specific technologies do you find most helpful for your academic
performance? (Select all that apply)
a. Computers/laptops
b. Tablets
c. Smartphones
d. E-books/e-readers
e. Online learning platforms (e.g., Moodle, Canvas)
f. Educational apps
g. Other (please specify);_______________

4. Do you think technology has made learning more engaging and interactive?
a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly disagree

5. Have you ever experienced distractions due to technology use during

academic activities?
a. Yes
b. No

6. How do you manage distractions caused by technology during academic

activities? (Select all that apply)
a. Setting time limits
b. Using website blockers/apps
c. Creating a distraction-free study environment
d. Practicing self-discipline
e. Other (please specify):________________________

Section 2: Practical Suggestions for Maximizing Technology Use

7. Considering the new normal setup of learning, what suggestions do you have
to maximize the use of technology for academic purposes?

8. How do you think educators can effectively integrate technology into their
teaching methods?

9. What resources or support do you think students need to fully utilize

technology for academic success?

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