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1 Introduction 1
2 Basic Principle 1 to 2
3 History of mass spectrometry 2 to 3
4 Components of mass spectrometer 3
4.1 The Ionization Source 3
4.2 The Mass analyzer 3
4.3 Ion detection system 4
5 Measurement principles. 4 to 5
6 Mass spectrum 5
6.1 Mass Spectra of Some Chemical Classes 5
6.2 Hydrocarbons 5 to 6
7 Mass spectrometry applications 7 to 8
8 Mass spectrometry summary 8


The interaction between electromagnetic radiation and matter is a ubiquitous and fundamental
phenomenon that underlies a wide range of physical and chemical processes. From the absorption
and emission of light by atoms and molecules, to the heating and cooling of materials through
radiative transfer, these interactions play a crucial role in shaping our understanding of the world
around us. This [article/presentation/book] provides an overview of the various mechanisms by
which electromagnetic radiation interacts with matter, including electronic transitions, vibrational
transitions, rotational transitions, ionization, and excitation. The factors that influence these
interactions, such as the frequency and energy of the radiation and the properties of the material,
are also discussed. Finally, the many applications of these interactions, including spectroscopy,
imaging, heating and cooling, and communication, are highlighted, demonstrating the significance
and relevance of this fundamental phenomenon to our daily lives.

Photons are a type of boson that carries electromagnetic energy. They have no charge and
are therefore an indirectly ionizing particle. At lower energies, they predominantly interact
with matter through coherent scatter and the photoelectric effect. For the photoelectric
effect, a photon goes in and an electron comes out. At energies in the range of radiotherapy
treatment, the predominant interaction is Compton scatter, where photons bounce off of
electrons and transfer some of their energy to the electrons in the process. At higher
energies, pair production becomes possible such that a photon will cause the production of
an electron and a positron that can cause annihilation. Also at higher energies, photons
may interact with the nucleus and cause it to release nucleons. Pair production and
photonuclear disintegration are generally undesirable for the purposes of radiation

1. Introduction

The interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter is a fundamental phenomenon that underlies a
wide range of physical and chemical processes. Electromagnetic radiation, which includes all forms of
radiation from low-frequency radio waves to high-frequency gamma rays, interacts with matter in various
ways, depending on the properties of both the radiation and the material.

Electromagnetic radiation is characterized by its frequency (ν), wavelength (λ), and energy €, which are
related by the speed of light ©: c = λν. The energy of the radiation determines its ability to interact with
matter, with higher-energy radiation capable of causing more significant changes to the material.

It is well known that all matter is comprised of atoms. But subatomically, matter is made up of mostly
empty space. For example, consider the hydrogen atom with its one proton, one neutron, and one electron.
The diameter of a single proton has been measured to be about 10-15 meters. The diameter of a single
hydrogen atom has been determined to be 10-10 meters, therefore the ratio of the size of a hydrogen atom
to the size of the proton is 100,000:1. Consider this in terms of something more easily pictured in your
mind. If the nucleus of the atom could be enlarged to the size of a softball (about 10 cm), its electron
would be approximately 10 kilometers away. Therefore, when electromagnetic waves pass through a
material, they are primarily moving through free space, but may have a chance encounter with the nucleus
or an electron of an atom.

Because the encounters of photons with atom particles are by chance, a given photon has a finite
probability of passing completely through the medium it is traversing. The probability that a photon will
pass completely through a medium depends on numerous factors including the photon’s energy and the
medium’s composition and thickness. The more densely packed a medium’s atoms, the more likely the
photon will encounter an atomic particle. In other words, the more subatomic particles in a material
(higher Z number), the greater the likelihood that interactions will occur Similarly, the more material a
photon must cross through, the more likely the chance of an encounter.

When a photon

does encounter an atomic particle, it transfers energy to the particle. The energy may be
reemitted back the way it came (reflected), scattered in a different direction or transmitted
forward into the material. Let us first consider the interaction of visible light. Reflection and
transmission of light waves occur because the light waves transfer energy to the electrons of the

material and cause them to vibrate. If the material is transparent, then the vibrations of the
electrons are passed on to neighboring atoms through the bulk of the material and reemitted
on the opposite side of the object. If the material is opaque, then the vibrations of the electrons
are not passed from atom

to atom

through the bulk of the material, but rather the electrons vibrate for short periods of time and
then reemit the energy as a reflected light wave. The light may be reemitted from the surface of
the material at a different wavelength

, thus changing its color.

Matter, on the other hand, is composed of atoms and molecules, which have their own energy levels and
transitions. The interaction between electromagnetic radiation and matter occurs when the energy of the
radiation matches the energy difference between two energy levels in the material. This resonance enables
the transfer of energy from the radiation to the material, leading to various effects such as:

- Absorption: The material absorbs the radiation, transferring energy to its atoms or molecules.

- Emission: The material emits radiation, often as a result of absorption or excitation.

- Transmission: The radiation passes through the material with little or no interaction.

- Reflection: The radiation is reflected by the material, changing direction.

- Scattering: The radiation is scattered in different directions by the material.

Understanding the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter is crucial for various fields,

- Spectroscopy: Studying the interaction of radiation with matter to understand material properties and

- Heating and cooling: Using radiation to transfer energy to or from materials.

- Imaging: Using radiation to create images of materials or objects.

- Communication: Using radiation to transmit information.

- Medical applications: Using radiation for diagnosis, treatment, and research.

- Materials science: Understanding how radiation interacts with materials to develop new technologies
and applications.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into the mechanisms of interaction, types of radiation, and
applications, providing a comprehensive overview of the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with

2. Types of interaction

The interaction of electromagnetic radiation with matter can be classified into several types based on the
nature of the interaction. Here are the main types in detail:

1. *Absorption*: The material absorbs the radiation, transferring energy to its atoms or molecules.
This leads to an increase in the material’s temperature, excitation of electrons, or even chemical

2. *Transmission*: The radiation passes through the material with little or no interaction. The
material is transparent to the radiation, and the radiation maintains its intensity and direction.

3. *Reflection*: The radiation is reflected by the material, changing direction. The material acts as a
mirror, and the radiation is bounced back without being absorbed or transmitted.

4. *Scattering*: The radiation is scattered in different directions by the material. This occurs when
the radiation interacts with the material’s atoms or molecules, causing the radiation to change
direction and spread out.

5. *Emission*: The material emits radiation, often as a result of absorption or excitation. The
material releases excess energy as radiation, which can be in the form of light, heat, or other
forms of electromagnetic radiation.

6. *Refraction*: The radiation passes through the material, but its direction is changed due to the
material’s refractive index. This occurs when the radiation travels from one medium to another
with a different optical density.

7. *Diffraction*: The radiation is bent around the edges of the material or through small openings.
This occurs when the radiation encounters an obstacle or a narrow slit, causing it to spread out
and change direction.

8. *Polarization*: The radiation’s electric field is aligned by the material, causing the radiation to
vibrate in a specific plane. This occurs when the radiation interacts with materials that have a
high degree of symmetry.

9. *Ionization*: The radiation removes electrons from the material’s atoms or molecules, creating
ions and free electrons. This occurs when the radiation has sufficient energy to overcome the
material’s ionization energy.

These types of interactions are not mutually exclusive, and multiple interactions can occur simultaneously
depending on the material and radiation properties. Understanding these types of interactions is essential
for various applications in physics, chemistry, and engineering.

3. Interaction of different Electromagnetic radiation:

I. Microwave interaction

The quantum energy of microwave photons is in the range 0.00001 to 0.001 eV which is in the range
of energies separating the quantum states of molecular rotation and torsion. The interaction of
microwaves with matter other than metallic conductors will be to rotate molecules and produce
heat as result of that molecular motion. Conductors will strongly absorb microwaves and any lower
frequencies because they will cause electric currents which will heat the material. Most matter,
including the human body, is largely transparent to microwaves. High intensity microwaves, as in a
microwave oven where they pass back and forth through the food millions of times, will heat the
material by producing molecular rotations and torsions. Since the quantum energies are a million
times lower than those of x-rays, they cannot produce ionization and the characteristic types of
radiation damage associated with ionizing radiation.

II. Ultraviolet Interactions:

The near ultraviolet is absorbed very strongly in the surface layer of the skin by electron
transitions. As you go to higher energies, the ionization energies for many molecules are reached
and the more dangerous photoionization processes take place. Sunburn is primarily an effect of uv,
and ionization produces the risk of skin cancer. The ozone layer in the upper atmosphere is
important for human health because it absorbs most of the harmful ultraviolet radiation from the
sun before it reaches the surface. The higher frequencies in the ultraviolet are ionizing radiation
and can produce harmful physiological effects ranging from sunburn to skin cancer.

Health concerns for UV exposure are mostly for the range 290-330 nm in wavelength, the range
called UVB. According to Scotto, et al, the most effective biological wavelength for producing skin

burns is 297 nm. Their research indicates that the biological effects increase logarithmically within
the UVB range, with 330 nm being only 0.1% as effective as 297 nm for biological effects. So it is
clearly important to control exposure to UVB.

III. Visible Light Interactions:

The primary mechanism for the absorption of visible light photons is the elevation of electrons to higher
energy levels. There are many available states, so visible light is absorbed strongly. With a strong light
source, red light can be transmitted through the hand or a fold of skin, showing that the red end of the
spectrum is not absorbed as strongly as the violet end.

Application of Spectroscopy:

Spectroscopy is mainly used for studying the structure of molecules and atoms. Spectroscopy will use a
large wavelength to investigate the structure and electron configurations of atoms and molecules.

Spectroscopy can also be used for finding the unknown chemical composition of materials.
Spectroscopy’s emission spectrum will help to concentrate on a few parts per million of a trace element in
a materia.

The study of the spectral emission lines will help astronomers to study distant galaxies. This will help to
analyse the universe in all directions. Astronomers will also use the doppler shift of spectral lines for
observations. Usually, a doppler shift will occur when the source of radiation like stars, nebula moves
relative to an observer


In conclusion, the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and matter is a complex and multifaceted
phenomenon that underlies a wide range of physical and chemical processes. From the simplest atomic
transitions to the most complex macroscopic phenomena, these interactions play a crucial role in shaping
our understanding of the world around us.

Through the absorption, transmission, reflection, scattering, and emission of electromagnetic radiation,
matter reveals its intricate structure and dynamics. The various mechanisms of interaction, including
electronic transitions, vibrational transitions, rotational transitions, ionization, and excitation, offer a
window into the properties and behavior of materials at the atomic and molecular level.

The factors that influence these interactions, such as the frequency and energy of the radiation and the
properties of the material, provide a rich landscape for exploration and discovery. By understanding and
harnessing these interactions, we have developed a wide range of technologies and applications that
transform our daily lives, from spectroscopy and imaging to heating and cooling, communication, and

Furthermore, the study of the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and matter continues to drive
innovation and advancement in fields such as materials science, chemistry, physics, and engineering. As
we push the boundaries of our knowledge and capabilities, we may uncover new and unexpected ways in
which electromagnetic radiation and matter interact, leading to breakthroughs and discoveries that will
shape the future of science and technology.

In summary, the interaction between electromagnetic radiation and matter is a fundamental aspect of the
physical world, offering insights into the behavior of materials at the atomic and molecular level, driving
technological innovation, and shaping our understanding of the universe around us.


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