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l1 Thank you for choosing The Gatew ay l btel Beach RoadVisakhapahan fbre are tire details of your



ft Nllhdhav Reddy

raj rrnerorcte rEEEiiF-Ei56r: i oi 01 066782s irelDn l,!tbet: 556an6ol Conf

Fax:+91 891 2564370 l Aelch Road, 530002Vbakhapaban hdia,TeL+91-891-S23670, EEit

Arrival on: Ihu,03 Ncv | | Departure on: sun,06 tlcv 11 Deprture DeLails: Your A6omEodation Dcrafls ltumberoI R@.6: 1 Number '+rsons:2 of Accomdalion Type:Aecuwe Rood S view/ Kng Bed/27 Sq W fbia Onq'arge/ E Safe RateE Paym lnformalion ent RateBooked BrcaKastlnclusive on: Fate Rateper Rooft rq 8850.00 Ratetrformtion: RalehcludesBreaKast.Additiral 5 Ftt TaxAppliesOn Rac[ RatJ,r+15-&!Seqice Ta on R@mete TotalRaid{NR29267.32 <I c,.' .nL.u r,+m-ddiG;iil c:rd vi ""*-'-35e6 Deadline: 01 l\cv 11 Tue, Cncellalioh Speciaf Requests (Pleasenote- E haveektovle@
a@ilability at the lime of your uid) tl2linsAffi ll you w ould like to mke any changes 10your reserydbn, or fi liere is ahybing w e can assist vou w ith, pleasedont hesitate emil or call us.


pur spgial reqrests: deliverywill be subiect ta

Taj Reservalions Worldw ide lmportant lf you hale beenconfirred an airportpick-!p,please ookfor Tle @tew ay l-blelspagingboard on your aiiival al lhe airport . h keeping w ilh otr hejgHened seurity procedur4 w e rcquFt all guests io cary a photcidenlily lo prsent at check in- Forelgn naonals are requied to pfesenl the . sspori and valij can prsert any ore of the lo[o* hg: ftssport, Diving License Voter Dcad o. PAN vha. hdian nationats we hrs cad. Our slandardcheck-intire is 14OO and ch@k oul iire is 1200hrs locallire' tr available, can offer yd an erly chek-in and lale checkout faciliv. To guaranlee you an s v chck_in, vd w |ll need lo reserue the r@m frcm the previous night . I you need to cancel volr rservalbn please Jet6 bry berore Tue, 01 llov 11, io avoid cancellaiion or no-show charg, w hich could include the r(M larfi and apphable lax, lor the entire slay Fease be advised lhai lhe E dy Bnd, EdFded stav and Last lvhule !at6 requte a nohreiundable deposit at lhe lire oJ b@hng. Any can@llations on lh6e rat6 d anv rat6 requiring srich Reseryatirs etceeding 5 pr+payrent guaranle w ill attract a fulfstay cancelalim charge, br6plte.' rooc on overlapping dates w ill be considered a group bmkingi horet raervG ttre right to iefuse such boo&ngs on the basls ol availability and rey appv spcbl ral6 ' Rates are subject io change in case or change in validity periods. rate seasons. cont aclediriods. applible l'w ' nr qovdnrent polids ' For all as per ihe contact w ill applv rravel agedltoor opd-atd b@kigs, trc and ffdiim

22 callers di'rl+91 hdia180o111825(non-MTN,BsfL Freel'tut$efs: Worldwide ' Toll Taj Reservations 6601 1825).UsA & cnadaI 866969 1825,Restof tre wond oo 8a0 45aa1a25Fax.91 22 67021425 and w Website: w w !bss?&!c-e!Xslels-e9l! BEir: rese.vations@1a

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