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Vocabulary list about environmental problems

contribute to global warming zur Klimaerwärmung beitragen

carbon dioxide Kohlenstoffdioxid
to contribute to zu etwas beitragen
effect Auswirkung, Effekt
consequence Konsequenz
plastic bag Plastikbeutel
pollution Verschmutzung
to pollute sth. etw. verschmutzen
environmentally friendly umweltfreundlich
to care about sth. sich um etw. kümmern, sorgen
global problem globales/weltweites Problem
global warming Erderwärmung
to prevent sth. etw. verhindern
issue Thema, Angelegenheit
avoid sth. etw. vermeiden
deny sth. etw. verleugnen
to disrupt sth. etw. unterbrechen
evidence Beweis
rainforest Regenwald
organic food Bio-Lebensmittel
returnable bottle Mehrwegflasche
to deal with a problem mit einem Problem umgehen (auseinandersetzen)
to protest/fight against climate change Gegen den Klimawandeln protestieren/kämpfen
to take responsibility for sth. für etw. Verantwortung tragen
cartoon / cartoonist die Karikatur/ der Karikaturist
to waste resources Ressourcenverschwendung
to have an impact on something Einfluss auf etw. haben
to be faced with something mit etw. konfrontiert werden
to damage sth. Etw. beschädigen
to improve sth. Etw. verbessern
to take a stand Stellung beziehen
greenhouse effect Treibhauseffekt
acid rain saurer Regen
bottle bank Altglascontainer
landfill site (Müll)Deponie
waste disposal Müllentsorgung
mess Durcheinander, Unordnung
cure heilen
disease Krankheit
horrific schrecklich
consideration Rücksicht, Berücksichtigung
to consider (sth.) etw. berücksichtigen / beachten / erwägen
sorrow Kummer
greed Gier
to draft animals to extinction Tiere in die Vernichtung treiben
to become extinct Aussterben / vom Aussterben bedroht sein
endangered species bedrohte Arten
threat Drohung, Bedrohung
to urge drängen
fossil fuel fossile Energie
ozone layer Ozonschicht
nuclear power Kernenergie
renewable sources of energy erneuerbare Energien
EK En -Year 10- HANS
Useful phrases for a discussion

Introducing a discussion:
● I think that … because… What is your
view on this subject?
● Let us discuss the statement… ● That´s a good point / argument.
● What do you think about it? ● I see your point / agree with you.
● I agree/disagree with the statement. ● That / Your argument / This idea is
● What do you think? convincing.
● In my opinion… ● I understand what you´re saying.
● Do you agree with me ● You´re right in some aspects.
● That´s correct / true / right.
● I totally / fully / partly agree.
● I believe you´re right.
● You´re right up to a point.
● That´s right. / Exactly.
● I think that´s true.
● That´s exactly what I think.
● I like that idea.


● I´m sorry but I have to disagree with

● I don´t think so. / I don´t agree with
● I see things a little differently.
● Your argument is not very convincing.
● Your argument is invalid, because...
● I don´t see your point.On the contrary..
● I think you have to look at it from a
different side.
● Obviously, this is wrong. / I´m not sure Conceding a point:
that this is correct.
● I wouldn´t say that...
● That can´t be right. / I don´t agree at ● I can not deny that...
all. ● I guess I have to take that into
● I can´t understand why / how ... consideration.
● I´m not convinced that… ● Fair enough.
● I´ve never come across the idea that... ● Good point. I don´t have any argument
● If you want my honest opinion... against that.
● Well if you ask me, that´s not true...
● I think that this is a prejudice. In fact...
Useful phrases for a discussion

Introducing new arguments: Helping each other:

● You shouldn´t forget that… ● Maybe you can describe what

● On the one hand I can understand what you you mean exactly?
are saying, but on the other hand... ● Maybe…/Perhaps…
● Don´t forget that… ● If you don´t know the word,
● Another argument is… just start again to say what you
● You have to see that… wanted to.
● It is also important to remember that ● Maybe you mean…?
● It is also important to consider… ● Could you tell me…?
● But how about… ● Do you know anything about…?
● Furthermore… ● Can you tell me a reason, why
● Something that should also be taken into you think so?
account is ... ● Can you give an example?
● However… ● Do you know if…?
● Do you know…?
● Have you ever thought about…?
● It seems also very interesting to look at…
● There is also another very important point to
● But a lot of people think…
● From my point of view…
● Although…
● To introduce another argument….
● I would like to raise another point…
● I would also like to mention…
● What we haven’t looked at is the fact that…
● We also have to take into consider action…

Keeping the discussion going:

● What is your opinion about…/

the argument?
● I think we are finished
discussing this argument,
maybe we should now talk
about ...
● Could you elaborate on that?
Working with Cartoons
Partner A:
1. Prepare (10 mins). You have to analyse
the cartoon and present your findings to a
partner. Look at p. 3 of the handout. Go
through the three steps. Take (English)

a) Describe the cartoon.

b) Interpret the information.
c) Comment on the cartoon.

2. Persent to your partner. Speak English

only. Then listen to your partners
presentation. Give feedback.

© David Horsey 2009

Working with Cartoons
Partner B:
1. Prepare (10 mins). You have to
analyse the cartoon and present
your findings to a partner. Look at
p. 3 of the handout. Go through
the three steps. Take (English)

a) Describe the cartoon.

b) Interpret the information.
c) Comment on the cartoon.

2. Listen to your partners

presentation. Give feedback. Then
present to your partner.

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