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Good afternoon everyone and welcome to my

presentation. First of all, let me thank you all for coming
here today. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. It's
an honor to have the opportunity to address such a
distinguished audience. The Khmer New Year festival
originated from Brahmanism, a part of Hinduism, which
was a religion that Khmer believed in before Buddhism.
Later on, Buddhism became associated with the festival
and then took all the important roles in the festivity.
Cambodian people have many holidays during the year.
The most important is Khmer New Year or in Khmer:
បុណ្យចូលឆ្នាំថ្មី. It is celebrated over three days starting
from the 13th or 14th of April, which coincides with the
end of the harvesting season. Khmer New Year is a
precious time for Cambodian people to gather with
family, friends and their community. It is celebrated
throughout Cambodia and is rooted in Buddhist
traditions. So how is Khmer New Year celebrated?
Let’s my friend Heqin tell you about the tradition on each
day. Chealeang
Thank you, Chealeang.
There are different traditions on each day
Day 1: Maha Songkran On the first day of Khmer New Year people put
fruit in front of their houses as an offering to the gods. They believe that
the new gods will come to take nourishment from the fruits and give
their blessings to the home. Day 2: Virak Vanabat On the second day
people visit their relatives, give gifts to their parents, have a nice lunch
with them or visit somewhere together. Day 3: Vearak Loeng Sak On the
last day people bathe statues of Buddha and their parents and
grandparents with water blessed by monks. In the Khmer language we
say “Srong Tek. This is a way to respect the Buddha and your parents,
bring them health and long life, and ask their forgiveness for past
wrongs. Over the three days, people also bring some food to the pagoda
for ancestors who have passed away. And there’re things to play on
Khmer New Year’s.
Let My Friend Huymeng tell about you guys about the thing to play on
Khmer New Year’s.

Thank you Heqin
NoThe best thing about Khmer New Year
is that it have Foods and also Games.
There are a lot of great games to play on
Khmer New Year include:
- Bos Angkunh: A game played especially
on the first nightfall of the Khmer New
Year by two groups of boys and girls.
Ten or 20 people comprise each group,
standing in two rows opposite each
other. One group throws the chhoung to
the other group. When it is caught, it will
be rapidly thrown back to the first
group. If someone is hit by the chhoung,
the whole group must dance to get the
chhoung back while the other group
sings to the dance.
- Chab Kon Kleng: A game played by
imitating a hen as she protects her chicks
from a crow. Adults typically play this
game on the night of the first New Year's
Day. Participants usually appoint a
strong player to play the hen who
protects "her" chicks, while another
person is picked to be the "crow". While
both sides sing a song of bargaining, the
crow tries to catch as many chicks as
possible as they hide behind the hen.
- Leak Kanseng: A game played by a
group of children sitting in a circle.
Someone holding a "kanseng"
(Cambodian towel) that is twisted into a
round shape walks around the circle
while singing a song. The person
walking secretly tries to place the
"kanseng" behind one of the children. If
that chosen child realizes what is
happening, he or she must pick up the
"kanseng" and beat the person sitting
next to him or her. And apart from the
games is that there’re foods to eat on
Khmer New Year which my friend Seyha
will tell you. Huymeng
Thank a lot Huymeng
After playing these games you will become thirsty
and want drink some water and also want to eat
some snack. And the snack includes:
- Num Anso Chrouk: is a traditional Cambodian
food prepared by Khmer people since ancient times.
Num Ansorm Chrouk is made during Pchum Ben,
Khmer New Year, and Cambodian wedding
The ingredient:
1. 2 Kg glutinous rice.
2.400 ml coconut milk.
3.2 tbsp. (tablespoon) sugar.
4.1 tbsp. (tablespoon) salt.
5.Pork 1 kg
And after you enjoy all these delicious food you also
need to wear some clothes. Let my friend Vinchhing
tell you about clothes on Khmer New Year’s.
Thank You Seyha
Let me tell you about the traditional clothes to wear
on Khmer New Year’s. On Khmer New Year,
people wear new clothes to welcome the “angel” of
the new year that comes on the day. Traditionally,
the “sampot” or “sarong” is a fabric wrapped on the
lower body style popular among men and women.
There are many type of sampot like:
-Sampot Chang Kben
-Sampot Tep Apsara
-Sampot Chang Samloy
And much more.
If you really want to enjoy the Khmer New Year’s Celebration. I will
recommend these place for you. The best place to enjoy Khmer New
Year include

-Siem Reap

-Phnom Penh


And that all.

And that brings us to the end. I’d like to thank you for your time and
attention today.

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