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The given diagrams illustrate the process of growing up of salmon, which is a large

Overall, its lifespan goes through 4 different steps: eggs, fry, smolt and adult salmon.
Each of these steps have their own conditions living and years living there.
Start from being an eggs, laying deep down under the water, among the stones, with
the flow is slow and then after 5-6 months, they transform into fry. They live as an
group and each of them has an average size around 3-8cm. Spending around 4 years
on living in the lower river, where its current is fast. Following this, they become
bigger and being what is called smolt, the fish is currently reach to 12-15 cm.
Moving to the final step, where the smolt swim in the open ocean around 5 years,
then it mature into an adult salmon, expand their length to 70-76cm. Finally, they
head to a slow river and repeat its cycle again.

There is no denying that the numbers of visitors have increased in recent years.
Because of the development of the travel tourism and also the management, lots of
museum decide to charge the entry fee, besides the others are still open freely for
society. Although there are some disadvantages can be seen, it is evident that
charging visitors do have benefits. And I will scruntinize they in this essay.
Facing the increased visitors each year, it is easily to recognize the problem of having
no way to control this numbers. As a strategy to supervise the visiors, museums now
set up several cameras acrross the buildings, and in addition to this, the entry fee also
appears to ensure the security of museums. With this fee, museums can control the
numbers of tourists enter the building by tickets after they purchase it to have access.
In comparision with the free entry strategy, although it is more attractive tourist more
by introducing no fee, the museums do not have any tools to check how many tourist
visit them.
Furthermore, entry fee also contribute to improve the experience of visiting a
museum where sculptures, paintings, arts, … is exhibited. Because of reducing
tourists who are allowed to visit, the feelings of witness these masterpieces do not
interupted by the crowd or noise was made by numbers of people with their sounds,
which happens frequently in a social facilities with free entry. In spite of fewer
visitors leading to the decrease of revenue of museum, the experience of tourists will
increase remarkably and these arts will be treasured in a way that they deserve to
In conclusion, I strongly believe that charging visitors has potentials to improve the
progress of museums in this tourism and travel era.

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