TSSEG Activity 3

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Poblacion, Rapu-Rapu Albay

Teaching Social Studies in Elementary Grades ( Philippine History and Government)

Activity 3: Position Paper on Territorial disputes over the West Philippine Sea

Name: Kenny S. Enaje Year and Block: A-II Date:_______

1.What is your background idea about the issue? Briefly provide insight on the issue given.
The issue of territorial disputes over the West Philippine Sea is significant not only for the
countries directly involved but also for the international community. It has implications for
maritime security, freedom of navigation, regional stability, and the rule of law in international
2.What is your stand on the said Issue?
The territorial issue about west Philippine sea is very old issue and until now this issue never
end, we all know that China is one of the most powerful country we haven’t any chance to win if
we fight or have a war against them so think we need to have a deal with the China
Present your Arguments:
2,1.One argument is that the Philippines has a legitimate claim to the area based on historical
and legal grounds. The country has been inhabiting and using the islands and waters in the
West Philippine Sea for centuries, and these territories are clearly within the country’s exclusive
economic zone as defined by international law.
2.2.Another argument is that China’s claims to the area are illegitimate and based on historical
inaccuracies and excessive territorial ambitions.
2.3.The country’s construction of artificial islands and military installations in the region have
raised tensions and threatened the stability of the region, leading to concerns about potential
conflict and violation of international laws.
What are your References?

3. Do you thing the present administration is on the right track with regards to its policy towards
our territorial claim over the West Philippine Sea?
I think this administration is the same in the past administration in terms of west Philippine sea.
4.What is your conclusion on the said Issue?
I think we need to deal with the Chinese government about that issue.

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