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A national study of the complications of lupus in pregnancy
Megan E. B. Clowse, MD, MPH; Margaret Jamison, PhD; Evan Myers, MD, MPH; Andra H. James, MD, MPH

OBJECTIVE: This study was undertaken to determine the risk of rare systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus patients also had a higher risk
complications during pregnancy for women with systemic lupus for cesarean sections (odds ratio: 1.7), preterm labor (odds ratio: 2.4),
erythematosus. and preeclampsia (odds ratio: 3.0) than other women. Women with
STUDY DESIGN: By using the Nationwide Inpatient Sample from 2000- systemic lupus erythematosus were more likely to have other medical
2003, we compared maternal and pregnancy complications for all conditions, including diabetes, hypertension, and thrombophilia, that
pregnancy-related admissions for women with and without systemic are associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes.
lupus erythematosus.
CONCLUSION: Women with systemic lupus erythematosus are at in-
RESULTS: Of more than 16.7 million admissions for childbirth over the creased risk for serious medical and pregnancy complications during
4 years, 13,555 were to women with systemic lupus erythematosus. pregnancy.
Maternal mortality was 20-fold higher among women with systemic
lupus erythematosus. The risks for thrombosis, infection, thrombocy- Key words: maternal mortality, preeclampsia, pregnancy, systemic
topenia, and transfusion were each 3- to 7-fold higher for women with lupus erythematosus

Cite this article as: Clowse MEB, Jamison M, Myers E, et al. A national study of the complications of lupus in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008;199:127.e1-127.e6.

A s the treatment of systemic lupus

erythematosus (SLE) improves,
more women with this disease are able to 2000.1 The risks for maternal complica-
codes for the years 2000-2003. The NIS
contains data from approximately 1000
hospitals and is the largest all-payer in-
become pregnant. Pregnancy outcomes tions from SLE pregnancies, however, patient care database in the United
have improved dramatically over the last are not well documented. As each previ- States. It is a 20% stratified sample from
40 years, with the pregnancy loss rate ously reported cohort has ranged from a sampling frame that comprises 90% of
falling from 43% in the 1960s to 17% by 25-265 pregnancies, reliable data for rare all US hospital discharges. Included in
complications has not been available. the sample are general hospitals and ac-
Though lupus is no longer a contraindi- ademic medical centers.2-5 The hospitals
From the Division of Rheumatology and cation to pregnancy, the extent of risk to are divided into strata based on owner-
Immunology, Department of Medicine (Dr a woman has been difficult to assess. ship, bed size, teaching status, urban vs
Clowse), and the Division of Maternal-Fetal
In this study, we have reviewed the Na- rural location, and region. Sampling
Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and
tionwide Inpatient Sample (NIS), a large probabilities are proportional to the
Gynecology (Drs Jamison, Myers, and
James), Duke University School of Medicine, database that includes detailed informa- number of hospitals in each stratum.
Durham, NC. tion on 20% of all hospitalizations The NIS has been used to analyze preg-
These data were presented as an abstract at
throughout the United States. By using nancy outcomes by several investigators
the 70th Annual Scientific Meeting of the this database, we sought risk estimates to identified risks for myocardial infarc-
American College of Rheumatology, for more rare, but potentially devastat- tion, stroke, and thrombosis, as well as
Washington, DC, Nov. 10-14, 2006. ing, maternal complications, including cesarean section rates.4-8
Received June 18, 2007; revised Dec. 6, 2007; thrombosis, infection, and maternal Information included in the NIS is
accepted March 7, 2008. death.
Reprints: Dr Megan E. B. Clowse, Box 3535
what can be derived from a typical dis-
Trent Dr., DUMC, Durham, NC 27710. E-mail: charge abstract, with safeguards to pro- M ATERIALS AND M ETHODS tect the privacy of individual patients,
Drs Clowse and James are funded by NIH The research protocol used in this study physicians, and hospitals. These data in-
grant 5K12-HD-043446 was reviewed and approved by the Duke clude diagnoses and procedures; admis-
0002-9378/$34.00 University Medical Center Institutional sion and discharge status; demographic
© 2008 Mosby, Inc. All rights reserved. information such as gender, age, race
Review Board. The NIS, from the
doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2008.03.012
Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project and median income for ZIP code; and
(HCUP) of the Agency for Healthcare hospital characteristics. Although the
For Editors’ Commentary, data are limited, the NIS is the most reli-
Research and Quality (AHRQ), was que-
see Table of Contents ried for all pregnancy-related discharge able source of data on hospital admis-

AUGUST 2008 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 127.e1

Research Obstetrics

There were more than 16.7 million deliv-
Demographics and modifiable risk factors
eries between 2000 and 2003: 13,555 of
Demographic and SLE Non-SLE which were to women with a diagnosis of
risk factors pregnancies pregnancies P-value
SLE. These pregnancies resulted in 18.3
Mean age (y) 30.0 27.5 ⬍.001 million pregnancy-related hospitaliza-
Age at delivery ⱖ35 21.2% 14.2% ⬍.001 tions: 17,263 of which were to women
Ethnicity with a diagnosis of SLE.
The demographic make-up of the SLE
White 55% 53% .05
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... pregnancies was different from the non-
African 20% 14% ⬍.001 SLE pregnant population (Table 1).
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Women with SLE were, on average, older
Hispanic 17% 23% ⬍.001 than women without SLE. A larger pro-
Other 8% 10% ⬍.001 portion of SLE pregnancies were to Afri-
Obesity 1.2% 1% .39 can American women, consistent with
Tobacco use 2.9% 2.9% .97
the demographic distribution of this dis-
.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ease. According to this database, 0.08%
Alcohol and 0.8% 1% .30 of white deliveries, 0.12% of African
substance abuse
.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. American deliveries, and 0.06% of His-
SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.
panic deliveries were to women with
Clowse. A national study of the complications of lupus in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008.
The modifiable lifestyle risk factors for
poor pregnancy outcome were not statisti-
sions and discharges. Reliability is sup- and complications, both the ICD-9 code
cally different for women with SLE (Table
ported by agreement between the NIS, a for a particular condition in pregnancy
1). A similar proportion of women with
telephone survey, and the National and the general ICD-9 code for that con-
SLE were reported to be obese, smoked to-
Health Interview Survey (a national, dition were used. If the pregnancy-re-
bacco, or abused alcohol or drugs during
door-to-door survey). Invalid or incon- lated code was not specific, it was not
pregnancy, compared with the non-SLE
sistent diagnostic codes are flagged.2,3,5 used.
population. These risk factors were rare,
The pregnancy-related discharge Data were analyzed based on the NIS
with only 3% of women smoking during
records included in the sample from sampling design, a multistaged sampling
2000-2003 were identified by using the frame consisting of 3 stages. The 3 stages pregnancy.
International Classification of Diseases are strata (geographic region, urban vs Women with SLE have more comorbid
Ninth Revision (ICD-9) and were classi- rural location, teaching status, type of conditions that place their pregnancies at
fied as to whether they were an admis- ownership, and bed size), hospitals higher risk than other women (Table 2).
sion during pregnancy or postpartum. A within the strata, and individual dis- Diabetes mellitus and hypertension diag-
pregnancy admission was defined as any charges weighted by population counts nosed before pregnancy were both more
discharge record with a pregnancy-re- and controlled for missing data. STATA common among women with SLE; how-
lated code (ICD-9 codes 630-648) or de- 9.0 (Stata Corp LP, College Station, TX) ever, when adjusted for maternal age, the
livery code (ICD-9 codes 74 for cesarean with its SVY (survey data) commands OR for pregestational diabetes was no
delivery and 72, 73, 75, v27, or 650-659 using these 3 stages were used for all longer statistically significant for SLE and
for vaginal delivery). A postpartum ad- analyses, both descriptive and inferen- non-SLE populations (OR: 1.1; 95% CI,
mission was defined as any discharge tial. Two-way ␹2 analyses were per- 0.9-1.3). Pulmonary hypertension and re-
record that included a postpartum diag- formed, accounting for the complex sur- nal failure, both signs of advanced connec-
nosis (ICD-9 codes 670-677) and did not vey design of the NIS. The 2-way tive tissue disease and relative contraindi-
also include a delivery code. weighted ␹2analyses yielded cell fre- cations to pregnancy, were rare but more
The ICD-9 code used for Systemic Lu- quencies and their proportions. Logistic common among women with SLE. After
pus Erythematosus was 710.0. Women regression analyses were used to com- adjusting for the older maternal age among
were identified as having a hypercoagu- pute odds ratios (OR) with 95% confi- women with SLE, the OR of pulmonary
lable condition by using codes 286.5, dence intervals (CI) for medical condi- hypertension (OR: 2.6; 95% CI, 1.7-3.6)
289.9, 795.79, 273.8, 286.9, 289.91. tions and obstetric complications. and renal failure (OR: 3.7; 95% CI, 2.8-4.6)
There is no designated ICD-9 code for Logistic regression models adjusted for remained elevated, though not as high as
antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), but age for comorbidities, pregnancy com- when unadjusted. Thrombophilia, diag-
we believe that women with this syn- plications and medical computations nosed in this study by using a broad spec-
drome will be included in this hyperco- yield new adjusted odds ratios with trum of ICD-9 codes that included women
agulable group. For other comorbidities 95% CI. with APS and other hypercoagulable

127.e2 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology AUGUST 2008 Obstetrics Research

states, more frequently complicated SLE

pregnancies. Thrombophilia remained el- TABLE 2
evated (OR: 20.9; 95% CI, 13.5-32.4) when Comorbid illnesses in women with SLE
adjusted for the older age of women with Percentage of Percentage of
SLE. Comorbid SLE deliveries non-SLE deliveries
illness with the condition with the condition OR 95% CI P value
Pregnancy complications Pregestational 5.6% 4.2% 1.7 1.2-2.2 ⬍ .001
Women with SLE had a 2- to 4-fold in- ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

creased rate of pregnancy complications Hypertension 3.9% 0.7% 5.5 4.5-6.8 ⬍ .001
than the non-SLE population (Table 3). Pulmonary 0.2% 0.01% 10.9 3.9-30.0 ⬍ .001
More than one-third of women with SLE hypertension
had a cesarean section and one-fifth were Renal failure 0.2% 0.002% 36.9 25.0-52.3 ⬍ .001
admitted with preterm labor. Pre- Thrombophilia 4.0% 0.04% 34.7 27.7-43.4 ⬍ .001
eclampsia was diagnosed in 22.5% of ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.
women with SLE. When adjusted for the
Clowse. A national study of the complications of lupus in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008.
increased maternal age of the women
with SLE, the risks for preeclampsia, pre-
term labor, and intrauterine growth rate ties, perhaps, combined to increase the thrombosis, infection, and hematologic
(IUGR) remained unchanged. Intra- risk for transfusion 3-fold among complications during pregnancy. These
uterine or fetal growth restriction oc- women with SLE. Interestingly, the rate elevated risks make clear the need for
curred in 5.6% of SLE pregnancies, but of postpartum hemorrhage was only close monitoring by both maternal-fetal
the database did not contain the birth- slightly higher than in the remainder of medicine physicians and rheumatolo-
weight, so we cannot comment on the the population (OR: 1.2, P ⬍ .001). gists during pregnancy.
frequency of small-for-gestational-age The risk for venous thromboembo- Women with SLE in the NIS cohort
infants. lism was 5- to 8-fold higher and the risk had several demographic and medical
of stroke was 6.5-fold higher for women risk factors for adverse pregnancy out-
Medical complications with SLE compared with other women. comes, beyond the diagnosis of SLE.
Women with SLE also had more medical Even when adjusted for the older age of Women with SLE were older and more
complications during pregnancy than women with SLE, the risk for thrombosis were African American compared with
healthy women (Table 4). The risk of (deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary em- the non-SLE population. As would be
maternal death (325/100,000 live births) bolism, or cerebrovascular accident) re- expected given the natural history of
was more than 20-fold higher than the mained more than 10-fold higher for SLE, women with this disease had a
non-SLE population. The actual rate of women with SLE. higher incidence of comorbid condi-
death was 0.32% among all SLE preg- tions, including diabetes, hypertension,
nancies, which averages to about 11 ma- C OMMENT pulmonary hypertension, and renal fail-
ternal deaths per year in the United When compared with other women, SLE ure.9 Treatment with corticosteroids
States. When adjusted for maternal age, patients are at increased risk for maternal during pregnancy can increase the risk
the risk of maternal death remained death, preeclampsia, preterm labor, for diabetes and hypertension. Pulmo-
markedly elevated for women with SLE
(OR: 17.8; 95% CI, 7.2-44).
The risk for sepsis and pneumonia was
Pregnancy complications in SLE pregnancies
several fold higher among women with
SLE, though the absolute risk of infec- Percentage of Percentage of
tion remained low. Postpartum infec- SLE deliveries non-SLE deliveries
Pregnancy with the with the
tions occurred slightly more commonly complication complication complication OR 95% CI P value
among women with SLE (OR: 1.4, P ⬍
Cesarean section 36.6% 25.0% 1.7 1.6-1.9 ⬍ .001
.001). ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Hematologic complications are com- Preterm labor a

20.8% 8.1% 2.4 2.1-2.6 ⬍ .001
mon among lupus patients and so not Intrauterine (fetal) 5.6% 1.5% 2.6 2.2-3.1 ⬍ .001
surprisingly among lupus pregnancies. growth restriction
Anemia was diagnosed in more than Preeclampsia 22.5% 7.6% 3.0 2.7-3.3 ⬍ .001
12% of SLE pregnancies at the time of Eclampsia 0.5% 0.09% 4.4 2.7-7.2 ⬍ .001
delivery. Thrombocytopenia, a common ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus.
manifestation of lupus, was identified 8 a
Preterm labor indicates women admitted for preterm labor but is not an accurate proxy for preterm birth.
times as often in SLE as in non-SLE preg- Clowse. A national study of the complications of lupus in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008.
nancies. These hematologic abnormali-

AUGUST 2008 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 127.e3

Research Obstetrics

tion, further thrombotic risk factors,

TABLE 4 such as thrombophilia (in particular an-
Medical complications in SLE pregnancies tiphospholipid antibodies), hyperten-
Percentage of sion, tobacco use, and immobility
Percentage of non-SLE should be addressed prophylactically in
SLE pregnancies pregnancies
Medical with the with the
women with SLE during pregnancy.
complication complication complication OR 95% CI P value Women with SLE are at increased risk
for infection caused by both disease-re-
Thrombotic complications
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... lated immune dysregulation and immu-
Stroke 0.32% 0.03% 6.5 2.8-10.3 ⬍.001 nosuppressive therapy. This is reflected
Pulmonary 0.4% 0.04% 5.5 2.8-10.8 ⬍.001 in the increased risk for pneumonia and
Embolus sepsis found in this study. In a prospec-
DVT 1.0% 0.01% 7.9 5.0-12.6 ⬍.001 tive cohort of SLE patients, sepsis oc-
Infectious complications curred in 0.24 of every 100 patient years
and pulmonary infection 1.4/100 patient
Sepsis 0.5% 0.1% 3.5 2.0-6.0 ⬍.001
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... years.20 The frequency of sepsis and
Pneumonia 1.7% 0.2% 4.3 3.1-5.9 ⬍.001 pneumonia found in this pregnancy
Hematologic complications study is similar to that expected in non-
Transfusion 2.7% 0.5% 3.6 2.8-4.2 ⬍.001 pregnant SLE patients.
Prior cohort studies have demon-
Postpartum 4.5% 3.3% 1.2 1.0-1.5 .01
hemorrhage strated increased rates of pregnancy
complications in women with SLE, but
Antepartum 2.0% 0.4% 1.8 1.3-2.4 ⬍.001
this is the largest to date to describe the
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... risk for cesarean birth, preterm labor,
Anemia at 12.6% 6.8% 1.9 1.7-2.2 ⬍.001 and preeclampsia. The NIS database
..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... does not, however, include data on the
Thrombocytopenia 4.3% 0.4% 8.3 6.8-10.1 ⬍.001 gestational age at birth or birthweight.
CI, confidence interval; DVT, deep venous thrombosis; OR, odds ratio; SLE, systemic lupus erythematosus. Data on early fetal loss that was managed
Clowse. A national study of the complications of lupus in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2008. as an outpatient is also not included in
the database.
nary hypertension and renal failure are SLE. Among studies published since This study confirms prior reports of
both life-threatening complications of 1995, the annual mortality rate for non- cesarean section rates, with more than
severe SLE.10 Many would consider both pregnant SLE patients range between one-third of pregnancies delivered surgi-
conditions relative contraindications to 790 and 3208 deaths per 100,000 patient- cally. Prior reports of SLE pregnancies
pregnancy; the low number of pregnan- years (0.79-3.2%).12-16 Though it is not found similar percentages of cesarean
cies is evidence that this message is ideal to compare mortality rates between deliveries: 38.2% in a population based
reaching these women. different types of studies, the maternal study in California in 1993-4, and be-
Reliable maternal mortality rates for mortality rate found in this study is at tween 26-38% in tertiary care center
women with SLE have not been previ- least several folds lower than expected in cohorts.21-23
ously available. In the Hopkins Lupus the nonpregnant SLE patient. Though 20.8% of SLE pregnancies in
Cohort, 3 maternal deaths occurred in Nonpregnant women with SLE are at this cohort had a diagnosis of preterm
265 pregnancies, leading to a rate of 1100 increased risk for venous and arterial labor at the time of childbirth, this is not
per 100,000 births.11 This cohort is from thrombosis with an estimated 2% having an accurate estimate of the rate of pre-
a quaternary care referral center and a thrombotic event during each year of term birth. Women with premature rup-
would be expected to include women at disease.17-19 Pregnancy also increases the ture of membranes, pharmacologically
higher risk of death than the general SLE risk of thrombosis by about 3-fold, even induced labor, or a cesarean section for
population. In the NIS, we found that the in otherwise healthy women. In this medical indications may deliver prema-
maternal mortality rate of 325 per study, however, we found that the risk turely, but without preterm labor. In a
100,000 live births (0.325%) to women for thrombosis increased even further literature review of SLE pregnancy co-
with SLE is more than 20-fold higher among women with SLE, by 10-fold horts, one-third of all SLE pregnancies
than the mortality rate for the non-SLE when adjusted for maternal age. This led were delivered preterm.1 Risk factors
population. This statistic is alarming and to 1.7% of SLE pregnancies having a associated with preterm birth in these
should heighten the level of vigilance thrombotic complication. Given this el- cohorts include increased SLE activity
that we use for SLE pregnancies. How- evated risk, women with SLE who com- before and during pregnancy, pre-
ever, the rate is not surprising given the plain of possible thrombotic symptoms eclampsia and hypertension, use of pred-
annual mortality rate for women with should be evaluated carefully. In addi- nisone, and low complement.11,24

127.e4 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology AUGUST 2008 Obstetrics Research

This study confirms that preeclampsia several comorbid illnesses, including more cesarean births, preeclampsia, in-
is a significant problem in SLE pregnan- pregestational diabetes, renal failure, fections, thromboses, and maternal
cies. We included ICD-9 codes for hy- and pulmonary hypertension, appear to deaths than pregnancy in other women.
pertension in pregnancy, mild, and se- be highly dependent on maternal age. We also found that medical complica-
vere preeclampsia in this category. The primary drawback to this study is tions, including thrombosis, infection,
Distinguishing between preeclampsia the inability to confirm the SLE diag- and hematologic abnormalities are more
and lupus nephritis (proteinuria, active noses included in the NIS. We selected common for patients with SLE. When
urine sediment, and hypertension) can 710.0, the ICD-9 code for SLE, because it compared with risks endured by non-
be difficult and sometimes impossible. is the most precise code available for this pregnant SLE patients, however, the
The distinction is important clinically as condition. We suspect that some women risks during pregnancy are not elevated.
the treatment for preeclampsia (deliv- with a positive antinuclear antibody ti- This comparison demonstrates that,
ery) and lupus nephritis (immunosup- ter, but not meeting the American Col- though pregnancy can pose a risk to a
pression) are different. We expect that lege of Rheumatology criteria for SLE, woman with SLE, this risk may not be
some patients labeled as having pre- were included in this cohort. However, higher than any other year of this
eclampsia in this study actually had lu- by virtue of the fact that the diagnosis woman’s life.
pus nephritis. Even with this bias, it is was included in the discharge paper- Prior cohort studies have identified risk
still notable that one-fifth of pregnancies work, the SLE generally must have been factors, such as increased lupus activity be-
are complicated by significant hyperten- sufficiently symptomatic to warrant fore and during pregnancy, lupus nephri-
sion or preeclampsia. In prior SLE co- mention. tis, and hypertension, that place a woman
horts, 2.7-30% of pregnancies were com- The NIS does not include the gestational with SLE and her pregnancy at particularly
plicated by preeclampsia, a rate up to age at delivery nor data about the infant, high risk. Further large-scale cohorts are
5.7-fold higher than expected.23-25 such as APGAR scores, birthweight, new- required to stratify the risk for rare events
The main strength of this study lies in born intensive care unit admission, or con- based on these factors to provide more in-
the size of the NIS cohort. The NIS re- genital abnormalities. The data are deiden- dividualized counseling to SLE patients
flects a 20% stratified sample from a tified and do not allow for matching of contemplating pregnancy. f
sampling frame that comprises 90% of women to infants. Therefore, we are un-
all hospitalizations in the United States able to comment on the rate of preterm
and has been demonstrated to be repre- birth, low birthweight, or other complica-
1. Clark CA, Spitzer KA, Laskin CA. Decrease in
sentative of all pregnancies. Prior studies tions in the infant. pregnancy loss rates in patients with systemic
of SLE pregnancies have relied on co- Because of the nature of the database, lupus erythematosus over a 40-year period.
horts of pregnancies collected at single sequential hospital admissions for the J Rheumatol 2005;32(9):1709-12.
institutions; the largest study included same woman cannot be linked together. 2. (HCUP) HCaUP. Overview of the Nationwide
Inpatient Sample (NIS) 2000. Rockville, MD: The
265 pregnancies.11 The small size of Undoubtedly, some women had multi-
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality;
prior SLE pregnancy cohorts precluded ple admissions during their pregnancy, 2002.
the assessment of rare complications and these admissions are counted sepa- 3. (HCUP) HCaUP. Introduction to the Nation-
such as maternal death. Prior studies rately. Similarly, some medical compli- wide Inpatient Sample (NIS) 2002. Rockville,
were based in referral centers and ad- cations that occur during pregnancy (ie, MD; 2004.
4. James AH, Bushnell CD, Jamison MG, My-
ministered by rheumatologists with spe- an infection) may not be recorded at the
ers ER. Incidence and risk factors for stroke in
cial interest and expertise in SLE preg- time of hospitalization for childbirth. pregnancy and the puerperium. Obstet Gy-
nancies, and were therefore biased We have taken this into account by in- necol 2005;106(3):509-16.
toward the sickest SLE patients. The NIS cluding all hospital admissions associ- 5. James AH, Jamison MG, Biswas MS, Bran-
cohort represents women admitted to all ated with pregnancy when counting the cazio LR, Swamy GK, Myers ER. Acute myo-
cardial infarction in pregnancy: a United States
types of hospitals, collecting data on medical complications (events) included
population-based study. Circulation 2006;
women with all severities of SLE. This in Table 4. The comorbid conditions 113(12):1564-71.
makes the NIS lupus cohort more repre- listed in Table 2, which typically con- 6. James AH, Jamison MG, Brancazio LR, My-
sentative of the lupus patients seen by tinue throughout pregnancy, were only ers ER. Venous thromboembolism during preg-
community obstetricians. counted at the time of delivery to avoid nancy and the postpartum period: incidence,
risk factors, and mortality. Am J Obstet Gynecol
Because of the large size of this dataset, recounting these persistent conditions.
we were able to perform a multivariate This is the largest study to date of SLE 7. Meikle SF, Steiner CA, Zhang J, Lawrence
analysis by using maternal age. Unfortu- pregnancies and provides a nationwide WL. A national estimate of the elective primary
nately, data on race are not available for assessment of pregnancy complications. cesarean delivery rate. Obstet Gynecol 2005;
29% of the pregnancies, as several states This study demonstrates that the major- 105(4):751-6.
8. Kabir AA, Pridjian G, Steinmann WC, Herrera
did not report this, precluding inclusion ity of women with SLE can have a suc-
EA, Khan MM. Racial differences in cesareans:
of race in the multivariate analysis. After cessful pregnancy. However, as has pre- an analysis of U.S. 2001 National Inpatient
adjusting for age, the OR for pregnancy viously been reported, pregnancy can be Sample Data. Obstet Gynecol 2005;105(4):
complications did not change. However, risky for women with SLE, resulting in 710-8.

AUGUST 2008 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 127.e5

Research Obstetrics

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127.e6 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology AUGUST 2008

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