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+ FUNDAMENTALS OF ELECTRIC CIRCUITS 1 dectron (e) = -1.u02 xio C 4 Coulomb (0) = - & 24 x10" ekechrong Ande - f . Marie 2 ag | . =f tdt} y= current i ak |’ 4 Je f y+ charge, - Ampere, Armpone C4) 24 Colo (S y= a i Wwe energy) (J) wy a Al essanvo Antonio Joule. ( a) > Notto, Couloml Cc ~ Owl. hye tt = pver (WW) p= a; |w Jy. Pat, p P {volt W)= 4 Joule (I 1 watt ON) = 1 “sexond (3) SPRESERSIGNSCONVENTION, | —> + power — aborted = +e = puer —supied 22 yy - + oun caw ‘tpaveirat —dork Grea, T= current CN) se Reo L= SL] 7 Nenottoge (Y) L=0 V=0 R Re veistnee (2) P- resistivity Cam) Re pa 7 Le length em A = cross-sectond) area Cm) Ge wnduckonee Pevi= “= TR= = VG) 5° (rot sera) G= Ye, nde. node 2 node.3 ss 7 ‘ ma ms FLECTRICAL bratdn’t QO branch OC banhY — NETWORK) Loop’ Loop 2 rode b= no. of branch, b= Lt n-1 | Le af logs n= mo. of Mdes eM ete ee Ry AN AN WW] Ry = Rat Rad mF Ra = oe Be | [ip eRe Led =y oat 4 pau din " on Vee WA Va tty r nN Vr Vu 2 Rat R Ait Ry I Ut, \t Ry ye a =‘ SR, Ry Ry ven oo ‘ i= Yo == Vay Tye 4 Ltt dy em Ur, BY =O] @ a lop Gusto oer + yotkage, when the canent, ertters the pritive pavty KirdalnofS (rottage dre’) ~ ~oltage sven Me turrent utbors the negate paiiy Croltage, vise) Sy O -Nit Na Vg Vy te FO Ohm’s Law ZI=0] @ o twee: \ h 's or Y ler ZiLcowy bb “4 @ o node la uth of eavrents entering O ode or ZT MB vale: oh equal s He sum of carvers Bates Bias @ wie A feonnng, the same node - Sie we Eye vat \s rye Va \s Writ , rbybs =D ORNENAE 2 R. SANGRE R = RR. © | Raz RR+ RRat KR Rat Rot Re “ Ra Rex Ra on + R Ry= RR + Rak + RR R,= RaRy, . & 3 R, = RRat Rt RR + Re Rat Rot R Rs exampe: ae Short the spermde, } a es ond, opply KCL Ry (v)T, Solution: DI=0 © awpernode: Nei, Ney a T4=0 Ry Ra Ady ky supertiode lop 5 2N=0 Na-V,- WFO example: 2. _- Dpen the superinesh 5 W- x and KYL Gd ' 40, 22, atHGH ANY NW SA tt ae Zo L y T 7 Solution: IN=0. @ superines\) aT, +6l, + (Ht@OL, - ST, = 2I=0 ° voleg 21-0 @ vole b 5 =1,~-T, 8t.= 1,7, ZV=0 @ mech4 (442)1, - I, +10 =0 SHORTCUT: NODAL ANALYSIS Cirouts wih purely dependent conent source: ( w/o wdeperdent or dependent: ~wltage sure, of depordent catrent source) \ 1® QL; Node Equations: ie R) Ri \ q hae Ye . L 3 Grants with pecly indepentent independent plage Soutles, (wfo Independent / depenkent caren source oF dependent voltage. sowee) AW AN R, R, \, s) (ry ZR ) ©». R Rs Mean Equations « Ws by [RARER i I. | - Ra + (RAR Rs] LE} LY f) Tun off all dependent gurces except one ste df a time. Keep the dependent souvces DN a) Repeat step 1 Fy code of the other independent source. 3) Fire the tal crbiputons by add ing algeooicaly all the untri bations due to the independent suates. EE the sources ae wa idee, darye the tuted Ht snurces hy Beir anternal vesistances . pW * R ud ® Nag sh Ng=IaR ot Lee 3 Leon Charles pe Thevenin a Gat the open veltaye, ovrws the formal arb \n) Get Rr ores ob by tarmny ot indepen ©) Re dent soumes. Tf there is denadent spivte, » pt avotery Voltage | cuvient spite Ounss decmngls 0-0 with decired Nalye say Ve Rn then whe He ceunt for Te then np = a Rat RO +R ‘ry \n cave of row Weal sources , drange Wem ~> it into Freie nterra reastanues ue turned. off Yet ss a Almost the sate og Thevernin's Theorem, but wwetead Of Finding te. open ~oltcqe, ovase @y &S SR formals ob faa te sort creat cuvrent Hong obo Then Filow the offer skeps fr b % Finding Rn PB Edvard I =— Ty se Lowe Fat Bh cs - Moriimum poured Is transferred ty tre load Wen the nad weistane. equals foe Thevemnn vecistance os geen fromthe load (R= Ret) 4 i R L Rra + R Nii ra ™ Re Fs % AR E b y 7 nor ideal op- amp Na ¥ i Yo Va - Nav No = ANax AW) | 1) has wfinte ‘oop goin , Awe 2) hae infinite wput resitanve , 3) hos tex output redstance, R, ~ O 09 >> -- Rey No R v= (v4 Bey, We ¥i ~~ (Bey f Ress + wi BOW) R.\ Ra 14 7B Jeet .- By = byw) QR VAR t— ; > dstate We des | C* =f ) Cromer TL] \ metal pat oq C Mm bee Se] Veaad OF) = I deledn WW Aiea nfprniboty NC : We é ke C dt Midna Nez Sf edb + Vlbo) Faraday - Nat ce aNe Pe Vele ONe dt We 2%" Fe 0k capacitor is open avout ty YC 2) The voltage ona capacitor must be contwons . A discontnunns change. Noltage requres an infinite, carent which ig pry cally Impossible wnonridea| capacitor N+ leakage, resishnce ~ ” ne . can We, ny | Fs Ee Cw 4 @® GP Ce on LONG G= G a ¢ a Tr thy pe CoG cs Qr= Q.= Qi27 Nie dwn Ty= Ly7T,207 In Qs * Cry Cy 2 Cyt Gt eit Cy Qy” QitQat int Qn Nhe y= Na an 7 NN Type Dat Tatowt In Qy = GNy = Nav L L Le “ne o = | dle VA a i bb i, LJ vwat + tb) e¥i 2 Lu dle PeM oe 2%. We plu ONdtes Dy Tratchis® i) An inductor ocks like a short cirout + DC 2) The current Ahrough a ain wrductor can act charge cota A dceotnucus Onarye 18 tartent Horougn He inductor request te Voltage syhidy i rot prystaly pasible. nade waco LR mindy Festive, Eo m™ winding capocttart ths AMAL atom, | r= Lat latent by Or, u 8 LY) ea act YH (7 Ter Ty Tas wi? On \b PARALLEL: INDICTORS: The = 1, VL. Ov a, au Ly= 3Ly | Vr = Ny = Vi 7 W Tye Tt tnt aya Z ++ =r 4 bro b + 4. [F via)dt + Le) de b= RC at Ur No = Ye ls) Ws Mi acy eb ee espns C+ = T=RC|— hme corstant, “wien tT, tq) ‘ew 36.8% of No Mor (GO) tre ~olbage. is ot steady state, Vu) <1% of No Power Bissrpabed wr resistor: -% In Mo ct pk): Vege Wee tase t ie a P= We wid reat = JT eM at =2b awe al . Lnq-~e i) 2R @ ° 2 2 Note: as +e 00 » Wa Coe) 7 CN. ule Is the came ae We (0) (Aisspatedin the «ssh 4 “REN TO WORRING ANITH SOURCE PREE RO CRO ITS” 1) Find the inital voltage Vii6)=V, 0unss the capaciter 2) Tind Ye time, constant D5 For R= get the Theretin vesistare, aums. capacitor Jormoals, SOURCE FREE RE CIRWIKS: Ty= Tr) _— iw: be a — natural respnge Je a — me warstant, [vate = {R: TeRe 7 puy~ Ves Te Ree ww = $lu-~e**) Nole as tao > Wal) — Eu REY TD WORRING WITH SOURCE PREE'RL GROUITS: ) Find the wihal cutent Us) =1, Horeug We \nducho’ 2) Find We time wanstant «TF ; Tor R= get the Thevenin vesistarre, aungs induc tormnals, d 0 ,tdte Wl to) ULlt~ te) = 4 1 1 tote to + fe f 0 4 L-+te Ube) Ult+T.) = 1 ) 4 td-te " to jb SO guy = § = Alu) « {te t=Dd ‘ ,t>0 Jo swat =4 — sheng $2 Fee)8 Let at = Fees) | — sang ah S49) gtd = $l) Vg tt) rte) W) = i eso a t eee a . e(t-4) = . t Sh. £-t, ,tEts i + 0 tet Clt+to) rer te) = i b= ] b» ~t, €. ° t=o capacitor’ 5 V Lt yey, (0) > twtial sothage. . TRO Seno constant \e t0 3) Find the bwe constant, 7, R= Rm ocacs Youmnals of canciber ~¢t, VW)= VO) + Cwy— wore “7 «STEP RESPONSE DF RL CIRCVITS to . Woducty!s y= lo) ~ rmtial cunent \k @ £ oN Wao LL, tame const i Z RB ) Find Ye nitiol oduct cuvent , bil8) , #We =the roots of the antical equation ore veal and unequal Sit Sak iw) Ave” + Me Me) aan + 2) 4 A= Wo ( ~4he voots are real” and equal (Ws (Art tye UW Ts. 4 Ny one i it aw me ong tar Dif A< w , ceundaraanpeyweaseDp Sie d+ twa) = Ot JM S.2 -A~ n-Gur-a*) = Oj Wa where: J N=T ond War Nant d? Sampry frequonay ~(A— JO iu): Le Jeayt A —Catjwat ) eat > =e (hes a, eu*) aa” « From Euler's \denthty ~Je . = eh tysin0 5 e = cos —) sin8 L(t) = Olay Ccoswat Fysin oat) F A, Cooswat ~ sana] = O** [Qs +A,) coswat + yeh Aa) srodat J Ut) = eo '(B,aswat +B, smwat ) Noe: The rosponig, \ns a ime onstant i and a pened ¢ Ts ot a4 = ST=0 © rede V ig FUL tt, =O DO 1 AU, ot WwW. =p — at Li udt + CAP D6 Difterentiaking Cond on 2s ae thee ap o=-26) a + eG + v=] —-@ obtaining Ohara ctor atic equahon: l=,S te + Le =0 s+ Re = het Sat lb t Noo ae ee 1 Woe 4 Three posible Cases: eqvenianpedmease (A >ws) VE)= Ayes t+ A,e 3) ( k= we) mat vu) = (Ant mt )e oF 5) eedonpatemonse (ok 4 Uw) Sir = aol + Wd Wa= Vir a VIE) =O (Nq cos yt + 4, sinaat ) The onary fix and fy ore Acormmed from initial valig, Vo) and ao , find (1 To fing ued, fom ay @ Ww) | AN) _ “a + tO) Tt Oe D Vl dio) = gt he €f8 Dd dw . — eth | © & Re STEP RESPONGE: OF AeSERIEG RLO ORCUTT te 2A ay —aren + Ror ko : “© ~ e=-V Agdyeg KYL = DVo7 OD orate, loop NeiNi+ N= Ns 2% Lae + Ret Vo Nc y but | = oo The solution tokes the frm: We) Vet) + bsg lt) transient Seady-state, Feqpense respon? Vgle) isthe same as the franient negunse. fir saute Fee dvants Ue) = Ae" hen — wveldymped -dt uu) + (At Ae — vrikcally- donged Vyte) ¢ CAvas oak + i andiiies” 4 wrder damped Who Ve, LW) > VC) =N; Ov R There-fore © - V@ Net vine how’ — etdanged VK (MERE cal on Ve: (Ayes Wat + A senior —> unterdanped 2% The Nalues of hy and Ay are obtained fran ynvtial condi hon s V8) ond ae : STEPHRESPONSE OF PPARALLEL RIC ORAITS: Aoniying KoL: ST =0 @ woe J ip Fla ads grurce-ts ut VF it R dyiy a dy tee Ee de RE ak LC Tre compete solution is LW) = Up lt) + belt) Tronsrent seedy stale, veeponce, reepente, Bo le (k) 1s the same as He Honsiertt response fir sawee Fee cvants : ‘ at Ly) = Aes he — dverdamped . -At tw: tite = critically: domped —dt bel) 2 (nos Wat + A,sawst)e —> urderdamped sit) = LWW) = Ly oh SA {hi Iherefore : > : 7 at ; Le)? TA Aye + hye” — ovetinmpad Lud * Let (Ma Rte — ential. domed wat Le) * Lt (os watt Aanwat)e > wrderdanped

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