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Rubrics for AI lab assesment

Department of Software Engineering(SE), MUST Mirpur

Assesment Criteria Exceeds Expections(2) Meet Expectations(2-0.5=1.5) Acceptable(2-1=1) Unsatisfactory(2-2=0) Score(10)

Installs Anaconda and sets up Installs Anaconda and sets up Fails to install Anaconda or
Successfully installs Jupyter Lab according to Jupyter Lab with minor issues encounters significant issues
Anaconda and configures instructions. Configuration is or omissions. The environment during the setup process,
Installation and Setup
Jupyter Lab with additional correct, and the environment is is functional but may lack some resulting in an unusable or
relevant packages. ready for use without major optimizations or additional improperly configured
issues. configurations. environment.

Demonstrates advanced
proficiency in navigating Navigates Jupyter Lab
Navigate Jupyter Notebook Struggles with fundamental
the JupyterNotebook proficiently, creating, opening,
adequately but may encounter aspects of Jupyter Notebook,
interface, effectively using and saving notebooks with ease.
Jupyter Notebook Basics difficulties in some basic tasks. resulting in difficulty
keyboard shortcuts, and Demonstrates a good
Shows a basic understanding of creating, opening, or saving
showcasing an in-depth understanding of basic Jupyter
the interface. notebooks.
understanding of various Notebook functionalities.
Jupyter features.

Demonstrates mastery in
Successfully performs basic Performs variable operations
variable operations, using
variable operations, including with some errors or Struggles with fundamental
clear and efficient code
assignment, updating values, and inefficiencies. Variable names variable operations, resulting
Variable Operations with meaningful variable
arithmetic operations. Uses may lack clarity, and there may in errors or incorrect
names. Shows creativity in
appropriate variable names and be deviations from naming outcomes.
solving problems involving
adheres to naming conventions. conventions.
variable manipulation.

Displays a deep
Proficiently works with different
understanding of data types, Works with data types
data types, including integers, Struggles with fundamental
demonstrating advanced adequately but may make
floats, strings, and booleans. concepts of data types,
Data Types knowledge in handling errors or struggle with more
Demonstrates a solid leading to frequent errors or
complex data structures and complex data type
understanding of basic data type incorrect usage.
making effective use of manipulations.
type-specific methods.

Executes advanced
operations on data types, Successfully performs operations Performs basic data type
Struggles with fundamental
showcasing creativity and specific to different data types, operations with some errors or
data type operations,
Data Type Operations efficiency. Demonstrates a such as string concatenation, inefficiencies. May struggle
resulting in frequent errors or
thorough understanding of string formatting, and list with more complex operations
incorrect outcomes.
data type-specific manipulation. or edge cases.

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