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The cry or also known as the cry of the rebellion is the way that the Katipuneros do in

order to show their grief against the Spaniards. The First Revolutionary Battle cry is one if not

the most important event in the history of Philippine revolution as it is the event wherein the

Filipinos or the Katipuneros spearheaded by the Supremo Andres Bonifacio decided to revolt

against the Spaniards. Our National Hero, Dr. Jose Rizal, is one of the reasons of this revolution

as he woke up the minds and opens up the eyes of the Filipinos using his famous novels Noli me

Tangere and El Filibusterismo to the unjust and superior governance of the Spaniards. The

location or the site of the First Revolutionary Battle cry is also an open book up until now

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because there are several statements from different perspectives both primary and secondary

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sources wherein they are claiming that the First cry happens in Balintawak, while other say that

it happens in Pugad Lawin, and also Santiago Alvarez claims that it happens in Bahay Toro.
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Based on the testimonies and reports of the eyewitness and other primary and secondary

sources about the First Revolutionary Battle Cry, I personally believe that the first cry happens in
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the land of Balintawak on August 26, 1896. Several evidences prove that it really happens in

Balintawak and one of these is the statement of Guillermo Masangkay who is one of the generals
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of the Katipunan which means that he is directly involve in the said gathering. According to his
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statement, a big gathering in the house of the Cabeza of that barrio in Caloocan on morning of

August 26, 1896 was happen which is presided by Andres Bonifacio and the main purpose of the

meeting is to discuss when will the revolt or the uprising will happen. Three leaders including

Dr. Pio Valenzuela disagreed that revolt must happen immediately because according to them it

may cause distress to the Katipuneros. However, Andres Bonifacio asked the opinion of the

people wherein they shouted “Revolt!”. According to Masangkay, it was 5 o clock in the

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afternoon when they begin to position which means that they really started the revolution on

August 26 in Balintawak.

The second proof that the First Revolutionary Battlecry was happened in Balintawak is

the report of the guardia civil in the name of Captain Olegria Diaz. According to him, the

Supremo Andres Bonifacio moved to the barrio of Balintanac which is in Balintawak where the

first cry happened. In Balintawak, the Supreme Council gathered all the people and had a big

meeting wherein 5,000 members attended, and the agenda of the meeting is to discuss the action

that will be taking in the new situation including the arrest. I believe that the statement of Pio

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Valenzuela wherein he mentioned that the Balintawak is just the first refuge because he dated on

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August 19, 1896 which is a way too far on the statement of the two primary source which is

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dated on August 25 and August 26. Also, there is a possibility that the report of Captain Diaz is
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the night of August 25.

To sum all the points that were mentioned, I believe that it is still in Balintawak where the
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First Revolutionary Cry happened because there is an article saying that the Pugad Lawin only

existed in 1935 and they are saying that the term Pugad Lawin was made up just because of the
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hawk’s nest that can be found at the tree in the backyard of Tandang Sora. No matter where the
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location of the first revolt is, what is important is that the actions of the Katipuneros ignited the

flame of desirement for the Philippines to be called as an independent country in today’s



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