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1. A cargo of coal appears to be self heating on voyage.

What action should the ship’s

Master take in such circumstances?


Follow guidance in lMO Bulk Cargo Code and measure carbon monoxide levels

2. Which one of the following procedures should be followed when a bulk cargo of

Coal is being carried at sea?


Al hot work and smoking prohibited otherwise normal deck procedures.

3. A bulk carrier has badly maintained hatch cover seals which allow seawater to leak

Into the cargo space in bad weather. What is the main danger of this situation

When considering a non liquefying liquefying cargo?


the cargo space will fill with water and reserve buoyancy will be lost

4. Which one of the bulk cargo types given in the options is more likely to have

Liquefaction risk?


Heavy metal ores

5. A bulk cargo may shift within the cargo hold and cause the vessel to list. Under

What circumstances is this most likely to happen?


The moisture content of the carao is the same or hiaher than the fiow moisture

Point of the cargo.

6. How Should a bulk cargo generally be loaded to reduce the likelihood of the cargo

Shifting when the ship is roling heavily in bad weather?


Irimmed and levelled near to the horizontal

7. Which one of the procedures given in the options should be followed before any

Entry into an enclosed space such as cargo space is made?

A risk assessment and permit to work completed

8. A number of deaths have occurred in cargo spaces used for cargoes such as grain

And steel scrap (swarf). This is thought to be caused by the cargo absorbing which

Of the gases given in the options?


Oxvaen from the cargo space atmosphere

9. For which of the groups of gases given in the options should the atmosphere of

Enclosed spaces, such as cargo holds, be checked?


Toxic qases, oxygen and flammable aas

10.Before entry into any enclosed space, such as a cargo hold, what should the

Minimum oxygen content be?



11. A cargo of crushed coal, particle size 1mm , is about to be loaded. The flow

Moisture point of the coal is 20 and the moisture content of the coal is 17. There

Has been heavy rain at the port and the cargo is not covered on the quayside. The

Moisture content was established 12 days ago. Which action, from the options

Given, should the Master of the vessel take?


Request a new test certificate for the moisture content as it should not be morg

Than 7 days old and then decided whether to load.


A cargo has a low angle of repose of 32”. Which one of the following

Statements is true?


The cargo pile may easily shift

13. A cargo has a high angle of repose of 45”. Which one of the following

Statements is true?

The cargo pile will be stable.


A vessel is to load 100,000tonnes ofiron ore at stowage factor (SF)0.50 m/t

Which of the given options is the required stowage volume?




AvesseIl is to load 20,000 tonnes of iron ore at a stowage factor of 0.30 mi/t

.The vessel has four cargo holds each with a volume of 6,000 m” and a maximum

Allowed loading of 7,000 tonnes in each hold. Which of the folowing statements

Is correct?


All four holds will be approximately 25% full by volume


A vessel is to load 100,000 tonnes of coal. The stowage factor (S.F) is 1.50

Mi/t. What volumetric cargo space will be required to loading this cargo, measured

In cubic metres, m3?


15000m 틀림


Which of the procedures given in the options must a vessel carrying a coal

Cargo observe when at sea? There may be more than one correct option


No hot work to be carried out and no smoking where gases from cargo holds may

Be present.

Normal work to be carried out on deck.


What is a bulk carrier carrying a coal cargo advised to monitor?

Temperatures, Carbon monoxide and Methane levels


What will be the effect on a bulk carrier of being loaded with a high-density

Cargo such as iron ore?


The vessel will have a high GM and fast roll period


What is likely to be the resulting condition of a bulk carrier that is heavily

Loaded in the mid section of the vessel and lightly loaded at the ends?




What are the main gases that may be produced by a coal cargo?


Carbon monoxide and Methane


What should be considered as the main danger to a bulk carrier associated

With seawater leakage into a cargo space?


The cargo is more likely to liquefy

23. A bulk cargo which is classified as a class 5.1 dangerous good must be

Separated from a bulk cargo classified as a Class 6.2 by at least 3 metres

Segregation category 3 is applicable to them. Is this true or false?




Group C contains a list of materials which are neither liable to liquefy nor to

Possess chemical hazards. Is this true or false?



What is the main reason why bulk cargo should be trimmed level, or nearly



To avoid the dangers associated with cargo shifting.


Which one of the bulk cargoes given in the options is most likely to be subject To liquefaction?


Ore concentrates


How should bulk cargoes which may be subject to liquefying be dealt with?


Only be loaded and carried if the transposable moisture limit is less than 90% of

The flow moisture point


What can be the result of moisture migration in a bulk cargo?


A flow state existing on the cargo’s surface


A bulk cargo with low angle of repose has a high likelihood of shifting. Ls this

True or false?




A cargo of coal appears to be self heating on voyage. What action should the

Ship’s Master take in such circumstances?


Follow guidance in IMO Bulk cargo Code and measure carbon monoxide levels.

Which one of the following procedures should be followed when a bulk cargo

Of coal is being carried at sea?


All hot work and smoking prohibited otherwise normal deck procedures.

Which one of the folowing statements is the most likely to be true, in relaton to a cargo with a
high angle of repose or 45C?

The cargo pile will be stable

Whilch one of the bulk cargoes glven in the options is most lkely to be subject to llquefaction?

Ore concentrates

Which one of the following conditions is likely to occur when a bulk carrier is heavily loaded in
the mid section and lightly Loaded at the ends?


Which one of the following Statements I’s the most lkely to be true, in relation to a cargo with a
low angle of repose of 32C?

The cargo pile may easly shift

Q. Which one of the following groups of gases should the atmosphere or an enclosed space, for
example a cargo hold, be Checked for, before entry is permitted?

A. Toxic gases, oxygen and flammable gas

Which one of the following Is the main reason why bulk cargo should be trimmed level, or nearly

To avold the dangers assoclated with cargo shinting

Whlch one of the bulk cargo types glven in the options Is more lkely to have a lquefactlon risk?

Heavy metal ores

Which one of the following identfes the main gases that are lkely to be produced by a cal cargo?

Carbon monoxide and Methane

Q. A number or ceaths have occurred in cargo spaces that have been used for cargoes such as
grain and steel scrap (swam).

which one of following is thought to have been absorbed by the cargo, from the cargo space
atmosphere, so causing these Deaths?

A. OxYgen

Which one of the following ‘s considered to be the main danger to a bulk carier in relatlon to
seawater leakage into a Cargo space?

The cargo ls more likely to liquefy

Which one or the following wll be the lkely resut or a bulk carrier being loaded with a hlgh-
density cargo such as iron Ore?

The vessel wl have a high GM and fast roll period

Q. which one of the following identifies what is recommended should be monitored on a bulk
carrier that is carrying a cargo Of coal?

A. Temperatures, Carbon monoxide and Methane levels

Which two of the following apply to a vessel carrying a coal cargo when at sea?

Al access to deck prohibited

No hot work to be carried out and no smoking where gases from cargo holds may

Be present.

With a volume cf 6,000 m’ and a maximum allowed loading o 7,000 tonnes in each hold.

A vessel ‘s to load 20,000 tonnes of iron ore with a stowage factor (Sf) or 0.30 m/t The vessel has
four cargo holds each

Which one of the following statements is correct in relation to the above?

All four holds will each be approximately 25% full by volume

In relation to the dlasses given in the mMsBC Code, is the following statement true or false?

Two buk cargoes,a diass 5.1 dangerous good and a Class 6.2, requiring a category 3 segregation,
must have at least 3 Metres separating them.


Cargo of coal appears to be selr heatng on voyage

Which one of the following actions should the ship’s Master take in such circumstances?

A Follow guldance in IMO Bulk Cargo Code and measure carbon monoxide levels

Which one of the following is the most likely result of moisture migration in a bulk cargo?

A flow state existing on the cargo’s surface

Enclosed space, such as cargo space, is made?

Which one of the following statements is the most accurate with regard to actions to be carried
out before entry into an

A risk assessment and permit to work must be completed

A bulk cargo may shift within the cargo hold and cause the vessel to list.

Which one of the following circumstances is this most likely to happen under?

The moisture content of the cargo ls the same or higher than the flow moisture

Point of the cargo

Q. which one of the following identifies how a bulk cargo should generally be loaded in order to
reduce the likelihood of the Cargo shifting when the ship is rolling heavily in bad weather?

A. Trimmed and levelled near to the horizontal

Which one or the following procedures should be followed when a bulk cargo or coal ls being
carried at sea

All hot work and smoking should be prohibited, otherwise normal deck


In relation to the groups given in the IMSBC Code, ls the following statement true or false?

Group C contains a last of materials which are neither liable to liquefy nor t possess chemical

Which one of the following ldentfes the action that should be taken with bulk cargoes that may
be subject to liquefying?

They should only be loaded and caried ir the transposable molsture limit ls less

Than 90% of the flow moisture point

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