To Be Puntos Manuel

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To be (Ser o estar)

Affirmative (+)
I am-I´m = yo soy / estoy
You are- you´re= tu eres/ estas
He is- he ´s= el es/ esta
She is –she ´s=ella es/esta
It is- it ´s=eso es /esta
We are – we ´re= nosotrs
somos/ estamos
You are- you ´re=vosotros sois/
They are –they´re=ellos son /estan
Negative (-)
I am not -I´m not = yo no soy
You are not – you aren´t = tu
no eres/ no estas
He is not –he isn´t= el no es/
no esta
She is not – she isn´t = ella no
es/ no esta
It is not – it isn´t= eso no es
/no esta
We are not –we aren´t= nosotrs
no somos/ no estamos
You are not - you aren´t =
vosotros no sois/ no estais
They are not- they aren´t= ellos
no son /no estan
Interrogative (?)
Am i? = soy yo
Are you? Eres tu
Is he? es el
Is she? Es ella
Is it? es eso
Are we? Somos nosotros
Are you? sois vosotoros
Are they? Son ellos?

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