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English for Academic and Professional Purposes

First Semester

Direction: Write the letter that corresponds to the

best answer.
1. The introduction of a text that follows the

thesis structure should:

A. provide a background of the problem
at hand
B. present that main argument
C. propose solutions to a certain problem
D. defend the main argument
2. Which of the following is an example of a text

that follows the factual-report structure?

A. editorial article
B. persuasive essay
C. news report
D. argumentative essay
3. The following statements tell something about

problem-solution structure, except:

A. The main argument is presented as
an overall solution to a problem.

B. The introduction may present either
the background of the problem or the
overall solution.
C. The body presents facts about the
subject being talked about in the text.
D. The conclusion presents a summary
of the main points presented in the text.

4. Which is the best text structure to be used

when writing an article that one’s
disagreement on the abolishment of
Sangguniang Kabataan?

A. thesis structure
B. problem-solution structure
C. factual-report structure
D. academic structure

5. Which of the following statements tells true

about factual report?
A. It presents the main argument in the
B. One example of it is an article about
how to do something.
C. The beginning gives an overview of
the problem.
D. It is highly imaginative in nature.

6. The purpose of text “Why do they that our

English is bad” is:
A. to argue
B. to inform
C. to entertain
D. to persuade

7. What is the purpose of the writer if he/she

writes an article about how to make a no-bake
A. to argue
B. to inform
C. to entertain
D. to persuade
8. The following are the considerations when
writing an academic text, except:
A. It should be backed up with strong
and valid evidence.
B. Formal and inappropriate language
should be used.
C. Jargons may be used by the writer.
D. Think of the purpose of writing the
9. In academic writing, the writer needs to
research in order to:
A. make the text easier to understand
B. ensure the validity of the details
C. determine the language to be used
D. know the purpose of the text he/she is
10. Academic text should use formal language. Is
this statement correct?
A. Yes, because the text is expected to
be read by professionals.
B. Yes, because it is written for a specific
C. No, because the writer expects it to be
read by anyone.
D. No, because it is not going to be read
11. It refers to the chief point an author is making

about what is being talked about in the

A. topic
B. main idea
C. topic sentence
D. thesis statement
12. The stated main idea of a paragraph could be

A. at the beginning
B. at the middle
C. at the end
D. anywhere in the paragraph
13. “The man’s co-workers are complaining that

he does not leave coffee for everyone. He has

such a high caffeine level that he is flying.”
The text has this kind of main idea.
A. Stated main idea, because the main
idea is found in the paragraph itself.

B. Stated main idea, because one
sentence in the paragraph covers the
C. Implied main idea, because the main
idea is suggested by the supporting
D. Implied main idea, because the
paragraph has only two sentences.

14. All the following should be done when

paraphrasing, except:
A. Properly cite the source of the
B. Write your opinion or view regarding
the ideas presented.
C. Make sure the main point is present in
the paraphrase.
D. Use new structure and new words.

15. Original Text: “In order to communicate

effectively with other people, one must have a
reasonably accurate idea of what they do and
do not now that is pertinent to the
communication” (Nickerson, 1999).
Paraphrase A: For effective communication, it
is necessary to have a fairly accurate idea of
what our listeners know and do not know that
is pertinent to the communication (Nickerson,

Paraphrase B: Nickerson (1999) suggests that
effective communication depends on a
generally accurate knowledge of what the
audience knows.

Which is the better paraphrase?

A. Paraphrase A, because it follows the
same structure as the original text.
B. Paraphrase A, because, it borrowed
some words from the original.
C. Paraphrase B, because it mentioned
the source at the beginning.
D. Paraphrase B, because it expresses
the original text in new form.

Select the best paraphrase.

16. “Difficult roads often lead to beautiful
destinations.” – Melchor Lim
A. Melchor Lim said that all the hard
work will pay off in the end.
B. Melchor Lim stated that it is difficult to
walk in a rough road.
C. According to Melchor Lim, success
takes time to achieve.
D. Melchor Lim said that always do your
17. “The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted

time.” – Bertrand Russell

A. Bertrand Russell said that It takes
time to learn new things that are helpful
to your life.
B. Bertrand Russell said that do not
spend time doing things that are
C. Bertrand Russell said that never feel
guilty for doing the things that make you
D. According to Bertrand Russell, you
only live once so do what you want to
18. “Don’t allow your wounds transform you into

someone you’re not.” – Paulo Coelho

A. According to Paulo Coelho, just be
yourself no matter what others say.
B. Paulo Coelho said that you should
learn from the mistakes you committed
in the past.
C. Paulo Coelho said that we should
forget the things that happened in the
D. Paulo Coelho said that the past
should not define who you are today.
19. “If your ship doesn’t come in, swim out to meet

it.” – Jonathan Winters

A. Jonathan Winters said that we should
not wait for opportunities to come;
chase them.

B. According to Jonathan Winters, we
should be patient in waiting for the right
time to come.
C. Jonathan Winters stated that one
must learn to adjust in different
D. Jonathan Winters said it takes time to
reach your goals in life.

20. “True love is like ghosts which everyone talks

about and few have seen.” – F.
A. F. Rochefoucauld said that people
often talk about love but only few have
found true love.
B. F. Rochefoucauld stated that one
must not love too much nor love too
C. According to F. Rochefoucauld, love
could be found everywhere and one
must search for it.
D. F. Rochefoucauld said that ghosts are
difficult to find yet everyone believe their
21. “I am not a product of my circumstances; I am

a product of my decisions.” – Stephen Covey

A. Stephen Covey said that one must
make good decisions in life in order to
B. Stephen Covey stated that
circumstances have deep impact on our
lives and on the decisions we make.
C. Stephen Covey said that you are not
made by events that happen in your life
but by the decisions you take in life.
D. According to Stephen Covey, one
should think that whatever happens in
one’s life is destined to happen.
22. “You are expected to make good, not to make

A. Making excuses for a wrongdoing is
B. It is best to try hard to achieve, not to
explain for your weakness.
C. You can always say sorry for the
wrong you have done.
D. Love means you never have to say

23. “Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it

happened.” – Dr. Seuss
A. Dr. Seuss said that there are things
that are really hard to let go.
B. According to Dr. Seuss, one should
move on and be thankful for the
experience you had.
C. Dr. Seuss said to dwell on the
negative things rather than the happy
D. According to Dr. Seuss, one should
learn to look back to the past.
24. “Walking alone with a friend in the dark is

better than walking alone in the light.” – Helen

A. Hellen Keller said that always treat
your friends in a right way even though
you have misunderstandings.
B. According to Hellen Keller, a friend in
need is a friend indeed.
C. Hellen Keller said that having a friend
by your side in tough situations provides
your own security.
D. Hellen Keller stated that always be
willing to lend a hand to a friend who is
in need.

25. “When hope is alive, the night is less dark, the

solitude less deep, and fear less acute.” –
Matthew Southall Brown Sr.
A. Matthew Southall Brown Sr. said that
when you are hopeful, you are also
B. According to Matthew Southall Brown
Sr., Bob Hope is a very good comedian.

C. Matthew Southall Brown Sr. said that
hope can make all your problems and
fears light.
D. Matthew Southall Brown Sr., said that
the night is less dark when there are no
Determine the idea not related to the given topic
26. Topic Sentence: My favorite food is pizza.
A. I love the crunchy crust and the
melted mozzarella cheese.
B. It is good either as a snack or as a
main course.
C. My brother only likes pizza with
anchovies and artichokes on it.
D. The ingredients are perfectly
27. Topic Sentence: My most boring class is

A. The work is too easy and it does not
challenge me.
B. Everything is in slow motion;
attendance often takes up half the time.
C. All we do is work, work and more
D. The classroom is untidy and too dim.
28. Topic Sentence: This classroom is a mess.

A. Dictionaries and papers are on the

B. Rows of desks are out of order
C. Comfort rooms do not have water.
D. Gums are stuck on the chairs.
29. Bowling is a perfect sport.

A. It provides a chance to interact with

other team members.
B. It can be played indoors at any hour,
during any type of weather.
C. I make it a point to be a member of a
bowling team.
D. It helps exercise a large number of
30. Reading is my favorite hobby.

A. When I am tired, I can relax with a

good book.
B. I can forget my problems by reading a
good book.
C. I do not like some kinds of books at
D. My idea of heaven is a quiet weekend
with a book.
Select the main idea.
31. Passing fears are common in early childhood.
Many 2- to 4-year-olds are afraid of animals,
especially dogs. By 6 years, children are more
likely to be afraid of the dark. Other common
fears are of thunderstorms, doctors, and
imaginary creatures.

A. Passing fears are common in early
B. Many 2- to 4-year olds are afraid of
animals, especially dogs.
C. By 6 years, children are more likely to be
afraid of the dark.
D. Other common fears are of
thunderstorms, doctors, and imaginary
32. Don't wait for your company to send you to

school. Determine your needs and ask about

the company's training program. If they don't
have one, sign up for classes at a local
college. When it comes to your profession,
you should be a lifelong learner. Put a high
priority on learning new skills and on personal
growth and professional development. Learn
new software technology and improve
interpersonal and writing skills.
A. Don’t wait for your company to send you

to school.
B. Determine your needs and ask about the

company’s training program.

C. When it comes to your profession, you

should be a lifelong learner.

D. Learn new software technology and
improve interpersonal and writing skills.
33. Tsunamis, large ocean waves caused by

underwater earthquakes, can be deadly and

destructive. For example, in December 2004,
an underwater earthquake triggered a
massive tsunami throughout the Indian
Ocean. The tsunami killed more than 200,000
people and caused billions of dollars of
damage to the coasts of numerous Southeast
Asian countries.
A. tsunamis
B. Tsunamis, large ocean waves caused by
underwater earthquakes, can be deadly
and destructive.
C. For example, in December 2004, an
underwater earthquake triggered a
massive tsunami throughout the Indian
D. The tsunami killed more than 200,000
people and caused billions of dollars of
damage to the coasts of numerous
Southeast Asian countries.
34. When you're with your friends, it's okay to be

loud and use slang. They'll expect it and they

aren't grading you on your grammar. When
you're standing in a boardroom or sitting for
an interview, you should use your best English
possible, and keep your tone suitable to the
working environment.
A. When you’re with your friends, it’s
okay to be loud and use slang.
B. The language one uses depends on
the communication situation.

C. Correct grammar is always strictly
observed in all communication situations.
D. When you're standing in a boardroom
or sitting for an interview, you should use
your best English possible.
35. High blood pressure is sometimes call the

"silent killer" because there are no symptoms.

Another disease that often goes unnoticed is
heart disease. The first signs of a heart attack
are not always obvious. Diabetes is yet
another illness that many do not know they
have. In fact, the MSN Web page says that 16
million people are "silently at risk" for diabetes.
A. High blood pressure is sometimes call
the "silent killer" because there are no
B. There are diseases that kill many
C. Some serious medical conditions
often go unnoticed.
D. The MSN Web page says that 16
million people are "silently at risk" for

36. Which part of the reaction paper presents the

title and synopsis of the material?
a. introduction b. body
c. conclusion d. assert

37. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of
concept paper writing?
a. assert b. clarify
c. explain d. theorize
38 . Which of the following is the main purpose of
position paper writing?
a.assert b. inform
c. persuade d. theorize

. Which of the following is the main purpose of


writing a report?
a.assert b. inform c. persuade d.

____40. An introductory paragraph should always

A. A Table of Contents
B. The Thesis Statement
C. As many facts as possible.
D. A summary of the subject matter.

Choose the fallacy used in the following

____41. Members from the two fraternities got into
a fight. It is safe to assume that

all fraternity members are always involved
in violent incidents.
a. Non-sequitor b. False Attack c.
Bandwagon d. Emotional Manipulation

_____42. If you want to ensure a bright future for

your kids, you should enroll them
in Bright Minds Preparatory School.
a. Bandwagon b. emotional manipulation c.
circular reasoning d. False attack

_____43. The world famous inspirational speaker

recommends the Peace of Mind
resort for corporate meetings and
vacations; therefore, we are assured of its
quality services.
a. False Analogy b. Red herring c.
Appeal to Authority d. False Attack

44. I know you will donate to our worthwhile cause

because you are a kind and
compassionate person unlike others who refused
to help.
a. False attack b. Emotional manipulation c. red
Herring d. False Attack
45. Mr. Carlos was promoted as head of Technical
Services last August 2015. The efficiency rationg
of the technical staff fell by 25% for the period of
September- October 2015. The promotion of Mr.
Carlos is the cause of the drop in ratings.
a. Non-sequitor b. Either or Fallacy c. Emotional
manipulation d. False Attack
46.Possession of Marijuana should not be allowed
because it is illegal to have it.
a. Bandwagon b. Circular Reasoning c. False
Attack d. Emotional Manipulation
47. The Philippines is suffering from economic
difficulties because the people are poor.
a. Non –sequitor b. Either- or-Fallacy c. Circular
reasoning d. False Attack
48.Gerealdine listens to pop-rock music before
taking her exams. She almost always receives
high marks in his tests. Therefore, listening to
classical music can result in high grades.
a. Bandwagon b. False Analogy c. Hasty
Generalization d. Red Herring

49.Either you are our ally or you are our foe.

a. Red Herring b. False attack c. Either/ of
fallacy d. Red Herring

50. Please strongly consider Mrs. Biglang Hirap as

a replacement for your resigned executive
secretary. She has always been an efficient and
effective employee. At the same time, she recently
lost her husband so she really needs the work.
a. False Analogy b. Emotional Manipulation c.
Appeal to Authority d. Red Herring

Prepared by:
SHS English Teachers

Checked by:


Assistant School Principal II

Noted by:

School Principal IV


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