FMP Evaluation

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For my proposal, I decided to discuss and introduce a possible concept of a video game which I could

create concept art, assets and a short gameplay for. Overall, I think I did a good job during my
research for my presentation as it can be seen on my cue cards, but there were some weak points in
how I presented things.

The greatest weakness of my presentation which can be seen in the video below, is my general
awkwardness and lack of confidence. Despite having prepared and carefully reading over my cue
cards multiple days in advance to prepare myself for showcasing the proposal in a professional and
collected way, on the day of the assignment my performance was very lacking. I kept forgetting
information and the subjects I talked about often ended up coming out jumbled and my intentions
weren’t always clear because of this. Another reason for this was my poorly formatted notes. I
formulated discussion points for myself to talk about and expand upon during the presentation,
however, whenever I lost my train of thought, I couldn’t always rely on my cards for support because
the font and typesetting on them were too small and I couldn’t read them very well. Because of this,
I couldn’t look at them as much as I could have. Next time I am asked to prepare a presentation, I will
prepare notes I can keep track of easily and I will present information in a bit more streamlined way
and pace myself better so that I won’t just be dumping information on my audience.

I think my notes themselves turned out better than my presentation itself, so another thing I would
change for my next attempt is the layout of my presentation slides. I could include a bit more
information for some of my points to give the audience a better reasoning and understanding of my

My biggest strength in the proposal was definitely the concept itself and the research I gathered to
expand on subjects. The idea itself was good and I touched up on how I could achieve the goals I set
for myself for this presentation decently well. Again, the only thing I would change about them is the
way I presented them. I should have properly discussed the underlying elements of my idea, to give
my peers a chance at better understanding my proposal. While my research wasn’t included in the
original slides that extensively, I think my points come across fine in my notes.

All in all, I think if I had organised my presentation a little better and given proper insight to the
audience about subjects, they would not normally know about, my presentation could have been
better. I also could have made my presentation a little more engaging, because I feel like the way my
proposal was displayed was a little monotone and that I lost my audience a few times because of

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