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ROLE-PLAY ASSIGNMENT: Video Clip Submission

Step 1: Choose a job advertisement that you are most interested in.

Step 2: Imagine that you have an interview regarding that job position, you will have to prepare some common
questions that an interviewer might ask you.

Step 3: Find a classmate or someone that you know to work with in order to make a video clip of a job interview.

Two of you will play the roles as follows:

YOU as A JOB APPLICANT (INTERVIEWEE): Try your best to answer the questions of the recruiter.
YOUR PARTNER as A RECRUITER (INTERVIEWER): Ask about 10 questions to know more about the job

In the video clip, you are expected to show your body language during an interview. The time of your video clip is
approx. 10-15 mins. Submission of only voice recording will NOT be marked.

The person who submits the video clip on ELOLMS must be the job applicant. Therefore, if your classmate must
make a similar video clip as required in the course, you must switch roles so that your classmate can be a job
applicant in her/ his submitted video clip.

Below are the criteria for assessing a video clip (role-play).

No Criteria Score(s)

1 Appearance & Body Language 2

(Professionalism, Appropriateness)
2 Voice & Confidence 2
(Professionalism, Appropriateness, Intelligibility)
3 Content 3
(Appropriateness, Cohesion)

4 Language Use 2
(Appropriateness, Accuracy)

5 Video Clip Quality 1

(Visual, Volume)

Total Scores 10

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