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Discover Romania

A Brief History political autonomy (the principality

was known as Wallachia) in return for
Romania is the size of the United their military support. The populations
Kingdom but with a population of 22 of these medieval principalities were
million, 45% of which are still rural predominantly peasant, ruled by the
village dwellers. Romanians make up Hungarian ‘Boyars’ a hereditary
89% of the population, Hungarians aristocracy, who were in alliance with
6.6%, Roma gypsies 2.5% and the Saxon leaders.
balance is made up of Germans
Throughout the 14th and 15th
(Saxons), Ukrainians, Russians and
centuries, the Wallachians prevented
Turks. The language is melodious
the Ottoman expansion to the north
and one is often excused for thinking
and Vlad Tepes (the Impaler) was one
it is Italian. The Saxons and the
of their cult rulers from 1456-1462.
Germans live in Transylvania, the
Russians and Ukrainians in the By the 16th century, the Turks had
Danube delta and the Turks along the conquered Hungary and Transylvania.
Black Sea coast. To understand how Wallachia and Moldavia also came
modern-day Romania has evolved under their rule but retained their
one has to have a basic idea of its autonomy by paying dues to the
history. sultan. Although the bulk of Hungary
was conquered by the Turks,
Ancient Romania was inhabited by
Transylvania – being under Hungarian
the Dacians and was conquered by
administration – also succeeded in
the Roman emperor Trajan in AD
maintaining a kind of independence Brasov
105-6. For the next 175 years
from the Ottomans by paying a The late 19th century saw the virtual from 1965 to 1989. These two
Romania was a Roman province,
tribute to them. Catholicism and civil war between the Transylvanian nationalist, communist leaders
became fully integrated with the
Protestantism were declared official Romanians and Hungarians. The pursued their own foreign policy but
Romans and had a Latin speaking
religions and Orthodoxy tolerated Hungarians subsequently ruled the remained aligned to Moscow –
peasant population. Between the 4th
with the exception of Transylvania area but this plunged the state into although they did not follow
and 10th centuries, various peoples
where it was not. turmoil while Wallachia and Moldavia everything the Soviet Union dictated.
(Goths, Huns, Avars, Slavs, Bulgars
and Hungarians swept across the The late 16th and early 17th century were unaffected. This earned the mistaken support of
region creating a heady mix of saw various attempts by the In 1861 Moldavia and Wallachia the West.
cultures which were assimilated into Wallachian prince Michael Viteazul to united and declared independence Romanians suffered terribly under
the village communities. From the unite the three Romanian from the remnants of the Ottoman Ceausescu. Tens of thousands were
10th century, the Magyars principalities of Transylvania, Empire in 1877. Finally, in 1881, the imprisoned. Produce was exported,
(Hungarians) expanded into Wallachia and Moldavia but these kingdom of Romania was officially while his own people starved and his
Transylvania and, by the 13th century, attempts failed as a result of various recognised. The First World War was opponents were brutally murdered.
Transylvania and the Carpathians intrigues between the Habsburgs and the catalyst which finally united The end came in December 1989
were an autonomous principality of Transylvanian nobles. Transylvania with Romania and this when Ceausescu was deposed in a
Hungary. After the defeat of the Turks at new state was officially recognised in popular uprising and was
To protect Hungary from the Vienna in 1687, Transylvania once 1920 at the treaty of Trianon. subsequently executed. In 1990, the
marauding Tartars, the Hungarian more came under Habsburg rule and In the Second World War Romania National Salvation front won a
king encouraged German Saxons to there followed a period of political fought on both sides with democratic election under the social
settle in Transylvania and gave them upheaval in the three states. considerable loss of life before finally democracy of President Iliescu who
supporting the Allies against was himself ousted in 1996 after
Germany. After the war, with backing several years of corrupt leadership.
from Moscow, the communist party Emil Constantinescu followed as the
grew in size and power and in leader of a centre to right alliance.
November 1946, King Michael was Romania applied to become a
forced to abdicate and a people’s member of NATO and began
republic was proclaimed. accession negotiations with the EU.
Latin roots in the Romanian language Following various financial scandals
were obliterated, town names and widespread unrest and
changed and pre-war leaders and dissatisfaction with the way the
intellectuals imprisoned or sent to country was being run, Iliescu re-took
hard labour camps. By 1958 control. Currently, the social
however, Soviet troops withdrew, the democratic party forms a minority
country’s Latin heritage re- government.
established and leadership fell to two Romania, which joined the EU in
communist leaders Gheorghiu-Dej 2007, has American bases on its soil
from 1952 to 1965 and Ceausescu and is firmly western looking.

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