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College Sampla (Rohtak)


1. Students should solve the Assignment on A4 Size Paper.

2. He/she will be sending the soft copy of his/her attempted questions in PDF format
only google form subject wise link given below.

B.A 6th Semester History:-

B.A 6th Semester English:-

B.A 6th Semester Hindi:-

B.A 6th Semester Po. Sc.:-

3. The quality of such PDF format file is to be ensured by the student such that the
contents are readable. In case the file is not readable, then the solved Assignment
shall be treated as cancelled.

4. The student must ensure that the overall size of PDF file does not exceed 10 MB.
Save file as Subject Name-Student ID.pdf.

5. The Student shall create a PDF of the attempted questions sequentially and the file
name shall be as per example given as under:-

E.g. :-

Name of subject + Student ID

Hindi + 370965 = Hindi370965

English+370965 = English370965

Political Science+370965 = PoliticalScience370965

History+ 370965 =History370965

6. Students are required to submit the solved Assignment(s) Latest by 24.04.2024.

Govt. College Sampla
7. The student should fill his/her particulars in the following format on first page of
solved Assignment:

Class/Semester ________________________________________________

Subject Name ____________________________________________________________

Subject Code/Paper Code: ______________________________________________

Academic Session_________________________________________________________

Student ID: ________________________________________________________________

Registration No.

Name of Student _________________________________________________________

Date of Submission of Solved Assignment______________________________

Signature of the Student

Govt. College Sampla
Semester 6th


Qus 1. प्रथम विश्ि युद्ध के कारणऔर प्रभाि का िणणन कीजिए।

Qus 1. Describe the causes and effects of the First World War.
Qus 2. िापान के आधनु नकरण के बारे में बताइए।

Qus 2. Tell about the modernization of Japan.

Qus 3. इटली और िमणनी के एकीकरण पर नोट ललखिए।

Qus 3. Write a note on the unification of Italy and Germany.

Qus 4. 1917 की रूस की क्ाांनत के कारण ि घटना बताइए।

Qus 4. Explain the causes and events of the Russian Revolution of 1917.


Que 1. Draw a character sketch of Portia.

Que 2. Explain Casket Episode in detail.

Que 3. Explain trial scene.

Que 4. Throw light on the character of Antonio.


ू क हिन्दी के मित्ि पर प्रकाश डाललए l

Que2. हटप्पण की पररभाषा दे ते िुए उसके ननयमों तथा लसद्धाांतो पर प्रकाश डाललए।

Que3. पत्रकाररता का स्िरुप और उसके मित्ि पर प्रकाश डाललए।

Que4. फीचर की पररभाषा और उसकी विशेषताओां पर प्रकाश डाललए l

Political science

Que. 1) what is meant by Legislature? Describe the causes of decline of Legislature.

विधानपाललका से क्या तात्पयण िै ? विधानपाललका की शजक्तयों के िास के कारणों

का िणणन कीजिए।

Que.2) what is Bicameralism of Legislature? Give your arguments for and against it.
विधानमांडल की द्विसदनीय प्रणाली क्या िै ? इसके पक्ष तथा विपक्ष में अपने तकण

दीजिए ।

Que.3) what do you mean by independence of Judiciary? Discuss the ways and means to
ensure independence of Judiciary.
न्यायपाललका की स्ितांत्रता से आपका क्या अलभप्राय िै ? न्यायपाललका की स्ितांत्रता

सनु नजश्चत करने के उपायों का िणणन कीजिए।

Que.4) Comparative analysis of Political Culture.

रािनीनतक सांस्कृनत का तल
ु नात्मक अध्ययन कीजिए।

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