Chapter 1 - Course Description and Introduction To Sustainable Development - EN

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Sustainable Development and

Environmental Treatment Technology

Chapter 1. Introduction
Phạm Hồ Mỹ Phương, PhD
Department of Oil and Gas Processing Engineering

Room 109B2.
Office hour: Wednesday (8.30-11.30)

Phone: 0912222645
Course Introduction
This course provides students with basic principles and
practical knowledge such that upon completing the course, the
students can describe the concepts and criteria of sustainability
and sustainable development, propose solutions to minimize
environmental impact of chemical production plants, and
design treatment systems for gaseous, aqueous and solid
Course Introduction
Part 1 (sustainable development) includes two main topics:
i) The basic concepts of sustainable development.
ii) The technical solutions to achieve sustainability of chemical
production projects.

Part 2 (environmental treatment technology) includes two main

i) The basic concepts of environmental protection,
ii) Practical knowledge to design treatment systems for gaseous,
aqueous, and solid pollutants.
Reference textbooks
[1] Jan Harmsen, Joseph B. Powell. Sustainable Development in the Process
Industries: Cases And Impact, Wiley, 2010.
[2] Adisa Azapagic & Slobodan Perdan, Sustainable Development in Practice:
Case Studies for Scientists and Engineers, Wiley, 2011
[3] Fabrizio Cavani et al., Sustainable Industrial Processes, Wiley, 2009
[4] J. Sadhukhan, Kok Siew Ng, E.M. Hernandez, Biorefineries and Chemical
Processes_ Design, Integration and Sustainability Analysis-Wiley (2014)
[5] David Brennan, Sustainable process engineering_ concepts, strategies,
evaluation, and implementation-Pan Stanford, 2013
[6] Gyorgy Szekely, Sustainable Process Engineering, De Gruyter, 2021
[7] David T. Allen & David R. Shonnard, Green Engineering_ Environmentally
Conscious Design of Chemical Processes, Prentice Hall, 2001
[8] R. Smith. 2016. Chemical Process Design and Integration, 2nd Ed, Wiley, 2016
[9] Turton, Bailie, Whiting, and Shaeiwitz. Analysis, Synthesis and Design of
Chemical Processes, Fourth Edition. Prentice Hall, 2012.
Reference textbooks
[10] Seider, W. D., Seader, J. D., Lewin, D. R., & Seider, W. D. Product and
Process Design Principles: Synthesis, Analysis, and Evaluation, Wiley, 2016.
[11] Uche Nnaji. (2019). “Introduction to Chemical Engineering - For Chemical
Engineers and Students” (Chapter 7), Scrivener Publishing
[12] Alexandre C. Dimian, Costin S. Bildea, Anton A. Kiss, Integrated Design and
Simulation of Chemical Processes, 2nd Ed, Elsevier (2014)
[13] Tatsiana Savitskaya et al., Green Chemistry_ Process Technology and
Sustainable Development, Springer 2021
[14] Buxing Han & Tianbin Wu, Green Chemistry and Chemical Engineering-
Springer New York (2019)
[15] Kamelia Boodhoo & Adam Harvey, Process Intensification for Green
Chemistry, Wiley, 2013
[16] Susan J. Masten, Mackenzie L. Davis, Principles of Environmental
Engineering and Science, McGraw-Hill, 2020
[17] Richard O. Mine, Environmental Engineering : Principles and Practice, NJ :
Wiley Blackwell, 2014, Call No: 628 Ml-R

• Project: 40%

• Final exam: 60%

Part 1: Introduction to
Sustainable Development
Introduction to Sustainable Development

History of the idea

Introduction to Sustainable Development

History of the idea

• In 1972, the United Nations Conference on the
Human Environment was organized in
• The connection between quality of life and
environmental quality was first explored
Introduction to Sustainable Development

History of the idea

• The term “sustainable development” was
defined in 1987:
• “development that can meet the needs of the
present generation without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their
own needs”
• Sustainable development focuses on
preserving natural resources and environment
systems for future generations
Introduction to Sustainable Development

History of the idea

• Rio Earth Submit 1992

• “balancing the economic and social needs of the people with

the regenerative capacity of the natural environment”

– Convention on Biological Diversity

– Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

– United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

Introduction to Sustainable Development

History of the idea

• Kyoto Climate Change 1997

to reduce greenhouse gases emissions, based on the premise that

a) global warming exists and

b) man-made CO2 emissions

World submit on Sustainable development

to restore the world's depleted fisheries for 2015

achieve the Millennium Development Goals

Introduction to Sustainable Development

US Federal Definition
Introduction to Sustainable Development

Sustainability requires the reconciliation of three pillars:

i) Environmental protection
ii) Social equity
iii) Economic demands
Sustainability implies responsible and proactive decision-
making and making use of sustainability metrics to
minimize negative impacts and maintain a balance
between society, the environment, and economic growth in
order to preserve the planet.
Introduction to Sustainable Development
Ways of Dealing with Environmental Problems
Introduction to Sustainable Development

Sustainability = Maintaining a balance between society, the

environment, and economic growth
Introduction to Sustainable Development

Sustainability = Maintaining a balance between society, the

environment, and economic growth
Example of
criteria of
of a biomass
Example: Economic, environmental, and social issues that a
company needs to address to achieve sustainability
and benefits as
well as possible
damages for
conforming / not
conforming to
Introduction to Sustainable Development

Sustainability depends on the extent of utilized resources and

generated waste. Sustainable development requires two

essential criteria:

(i) Natural resources need to be utilized sustainably to prevent

depletion of supplies in the long run

(ii) Any residues or waste should be generated at lower rates

than the natural environment can readily assimilate them

Introduction to Sustainable Development

Sustainable development
• Sustainable development is a dynamic process
of change in which
– the exploitation of resources,
– the direction of investments,
– the orientation of technological development,
– and government polices
• are made consistent with future and present
Introduction to Sustainable Development

The economic approach

• Maximize income while maintaining constant
or increasing stock of capital
• Increase GNP without threatening either
biophysical impacts or social impacts
• Set resource harvest rates at levels not higher
than managed natural regeneration rate
• Waste disposal rates should not exceed rates of
managed or natural assimilative capacity
Introduction to Sustainable Development

The socio-cultural approach

• Maintain the stability of social and cultural
• Reduce social inequality
• Emphasize corporate social responsibilities
Introduction to Sustainable Development

The ecological approach

• Maintain the resilience and robustness of
biological and physical systems
• Preservation of genetic diversity, and the
sustainable utilization of species
• World Conservation Strategy, providing an
environmental rationale
Introduction to Sustainable Development
Objectives of Sustainable Development
1. Reducing the consumption of resources: this includes
minimizing the use of energy, materials, water and land,
enhancing recyclability and product durability.
2. Reducing the impact on nature: this includes minimizing air
emissions, water discharges, waste disposal and the dispersion of
toxic substances, as well as fostering the sustainable use of
renewable resources.
3. Increasing product or service value: this means providing
more benefits to customers through product functionality,
flexibility and modularity
Introduction to Sustainable Development

General Sustainability Principles

● minimize resource consumption, use of non-renewables,
pollution, toxics, waste

● maximize efficiency, reuse, recycling, renewable resource use

● foster conservation, understanding of natural systems functions,

economic justice

● focus on quality v. quantity, needs v. wants

● redesign the economy and artifacts to mimic natural systems

(green & clean designs)
Introduction to Sustainable Development
✔Reducing the material requirements (total mass consumed)
✔Reducing the energy intensity (energy consumed during every
phase of production)
✔Reducing toxic dispersion (release of toxic substances to all
✔Enhancing material recyclability (reuse of materials or energy)
✔Maximizing sustainable use of renewable resources (avoiding
depletion of finite resources)
✔Extending product durability (optimizing product life)
✔Increasing the service intensity (creating value added while
reducing environmental impacts)
Introduction to Sustainable Development
Example: new approach to manage / treat municipal solid waste
leans on recycling / reuse / conversion-to-energy to achieve
Example: new approach to manage / treat municipal solid waste
Example: process flow scheme of an waste-to-energy to convert
municipal solid waste to heat and power
Energy efficiency of Energy-from-waste conversion systems
Example: environmental, social and economic indicators that
need to be monitored, and methods to control and improve
these measures so as to achieve sustainability (students self-
Economic indicators and their purpose
Environmental indicators and their purpose
Social indicators and their purpose
Projects and activities to address key sustainability issues
Projects and activities to address key sustainability issues
Projects and activities to address key sustainability issues
People and the Environment
The Twin Problems: Population and
• Human population has been growing exponentially since the
beginning of the industrial revolution (1.7%/year)
• Industrial production has also been growing at an
exponential rate (3.5%/year 1970-2000)
• World fertilizer consumption is doubling every 15 years.
Total use now is 15 times greater than the end of WWII.
• In this century, consumption of energy and materials will
increase by a Factor of 12 (2000-2100) if growth in
population continues at the same rates
People and the Environment
People and the Environment

People and the Environment
World Demographic Transition
People and the Environment

Population Growth over Time

• 1650: 0.5 billion 0.3%/year DT=250 yrs
• 1900: 1.6 billion 0.5%/year DT=140 yrs
• 1970: 3.6 billion 2.1%/year DT= 34 yrs
• Result: Superexponential growth, the rate of increase
is increasing
• 1990: 5.4 billion 1.7%/year DT= 42 yrs
• 2000: 6.0 billion 1.7%/year DT= 42 yrs

DT = Double time: time for the parameter to double

People and the Environment
Worldwide Growth in Selected Activities 1970-2000
1970 2000
Population 3.6 billion 6.1 billion
Automobile Production 22.5 million 40.9 million
Oil consumption 2,189 MTOE 3,332 MTOE
Natural gas consumption 1,022 MTOE 2,277 MTOE
Coal consumption 1,635 MTOE 2,034 MTOE
Wind Energy Capacity(MW) approx 0 18,100
GDP ($-1999) $16.3 trillion $43.2 trillion
GDP ($-1999/capita $4,407 $7,102
AIDS Deaths approx 0 21.8 million
People and the Environment

Some Evidence of Real Problems

• Twenty per cent of Earth’s land cover has been significantly degraded
by human activity and 60% of the planet’s ecosystems are now
damaged or threatened (UNEP, 2009).

• Species are becoming extinct at rates which are a 100 times faster than
the rate shown in the fossil record

• Global average temperatures have risen by about 0.74 oC since 1906,

and the rise this century is projected to be between 1.8 and 4 oC

Sustainable Development in Practice: Case Studies for Engineers and Scientists, Second Edition
People and the Environment

Some Evidence of Real Problems

• Atmospheric CO2 has risen from 290 ppm (early 1880’s) to 315
ppm in 1958, 345 ppm in 1990, 369 ppm in 2000

• Available freshwater resources are declining: some 80 countries,

amounting to 40% of the world’s population, are suffering serious
water shortages

• Around half of the world’s rivers are seriously depleted and polluted

Sustainable Development in Practice: Case Studies for Engineers and Scientists, Second Edition
People and the Environment

Some Evidence of Real Problems

• More than 2 million people worldwide are estimated to die
prematurely every year from indoor and outdoor air pollution

• The number of hungry people worldwide grew to 963million, or

about 14.6% of the world population of 6.6 billion (FAO, 2009)

• Around 1.1 billion people still lack access to safe drinking water
and an estimated 2.6 billion people today lack improved sanitation
facilities (UNEP, 2007)

Sustainable Development in Practice: Case Studies for Engineers and Scientists, Second Edition
People and the Environment
People and the Environment


People and the Environment

• Surge in energy demand

• Supply of Resources will struggle to keep pace
• Environmental stresses are increasing
People and the Environment

Climate change and its impact

• Temperature rise
• Sea level rise The greatest challenge
• Massive biodiversity loss of the 21st century
• Increase of extreme events
• Depletion of fresh water resources
• Increase of vector-borne (caused by either parasites, bacteria
or viruses) diseases
• Economic and social instabilities

Climate change is real and a very serious threat to global

Part 2: Strategies / Tools of
Sustainable Development in
the Chemical Process Industry
with Illustrated Examples
2.1 Process Integration

Definition of process integration

The International Energy Agency (IEA) definition of process

"Systematic and General Methods for Designing

Integrated Production Systems, ranging from
Individual Processes to Total Sites, with special
emphasis on the Efficient Use of Energy and
reducing Environmental Effects"

From an Expert Meeting

in Berlin, October 1993
2.1 Process Integration
• Objectives:
– Lower capital cost design, for the same design objective
– Incremental production increase, from the same asset
– Reduced unit production costs
– Better energy/environmental performance, without
compromising competitive position

Reducing Increasing
2.1 Process Integration methodology
– Process Modeling and Simulation, and Validations of the results
in order to have accurate and reliable information of the process.
– Minimize Total Annual Cost by optimal Trade-off between
Energy, Equipment and Raw Material
– Within this trade-off: minimize Energy, improve Raw Material
usage and minimize Capital Cost
– Increase Production Volume by Debottlenecking
– Reduce Operating Problems by correct (rather than maximum) use
of Process Integration
– Increase Plant Controllability and Flexibility
– Minimize undesirable Emissions
– Add to the joint Efforts in the Process Industries and Society for a
Sustainable Development.
2.1 Process Integration methodology

There are three distinct types of process integration:

1. Energy / Heat Integration: heat recovery to reduce energy
consumption in the process heaters, boilers and coolers
2. Property / Material Integration: recycle / reuse of process
water and by-products, mass exchange of process streams to
increase production yield, reduce consumption of water,
pollution prevention via emission reduction
3. Combined Energy and Material Integration: aims to achieve
the benefits of both types of integration (energy and
material integration)
2.1 Process Integration

Process integration has evolved from Heat recovery methodology in

the 80’s to become what a number of leading industrial companies
and research groups in the 20th century regarding as the holistic
analysis of processes, involving the following elements:

– Process data – lots of it

– Systems and tools – typically computer-oriented
– Process engineering principles - in-depth process
sector knowledge
– Targets / Objectives – typically an optimal trade-
off between cost and performance
2.1 Process Integration

A process without Heat integration

2.1 Process Integration

Note: heat integration of two distillation columns

The same process, with Heat integration (option 1)

2.1 Process Integration

Note: heat recovery from the overhead vapor phase

stream of the distillation column, typically not used
in traditional design
The same process, with Heat integration (option 2)
2.2 Process Intensification
Process intensification (PI) indicates the ensemble of
technologies that lead to a substantially smaller, cleaner, safer
and more energy efficient process technology.
The aim is to create a smaller (i.e., intensified) chemical plants
that would be significantly cheaper and safer than existing ones.
The initial focus was on process unit operations, in particular
gas/liquid mass transfer. Later the concept is extended to cover
reaction intensification (microreactor, novel types of reactors)
and the whole process.

Will be discussed in Chapter / Lecture 6

2.2 Process Intensification
2.3 Green chemistry
▪ The maximum amounts of reagents are converted into useful products
(atom economy)
▪ Production of waste is minimized through reaction design
▪ Non-hazardous raw materials and products are used and produced
wherever possible
▪ Processes are designed to be inherently safe
▪ Greater consideration is given to use of renewable feedstocks
▪ Processes are designed to be energy efficient
▪ Real-time analysis for pollution prevention
▪ Catalysts: should be as selective as possible; catalysts are usually easier to
recover and reuse than excess reagents
▪ Design for degradation: products should be designed so that they break
down into harmless degradation products at the end of their function
▪ Safer solvents and auxiliaries: The use of auxiliary substances (solvents,
separation agents, etc…) should be avoided wherever possible and safe /
harmless when their use is unavoidable
2.3 Green chemistry

Atom economy criteria: synthesis methods should be

designed to maximize all materials used to produce the final
product (has high AE number)
2.3 Green chemistry

The direct oxidation of propylene to produce propylene oxide

follows the principles of green chemistry
2.3 Green chemistry - Advanced catalysts

Needs for advanced catalysts:

1. Advanced catalysts for the conversion of heavy fossil energy

2. Advanced catalysts for conversion of biologically derived
feedstocks and specifically the deconstruction and catalytic
conversion to fuels of lignocellulosic biomass.
3. Advanced catalysts for the photo- and electro-driven
conversion of carbon dioxide and water
4. Solid acids allows simpler reactor design and simpler, cheaper
separation and purification steps
2.3 Green chemistry - Advanced catalysts
A new type of catalyst allows a better way to synthesize maleic
2.3 Green chemistry - Advanced catalysts
A new type of catalyst allows a better way to synthesize maleic
2.3 Green chemistry - Advanced catalysts

Synthesis of
(MDA). Comparison
of the commercial
process (a) with a
new one based on
the use of solid
acid catalysts (b)
2.3 Green chemistry - Inherently safer process design

There are four major strategies for inherently safer process

1. Minimize the size of process equipment.
2. Substitute a less-hazardous substance or process step.
3. Moderate storage or processing conditions.
4. Simplify process and plant design.
2.3 Green chemistry – Green Engineering
Green engineering is a concept related to green chemistry, whose principles are
summarized as follows:
1. Minimize hazards in material and energy inputs.
2. Prevent waste rather than cleaning it up.
3. Minimize energy and materials consumption in the separation and
purification steps.
4. Design products and processes to maximize mass, energy, and space –
time efficiency.
5. For optimal efficiency, select and remove outputs rather than forcing
mass and energy inputs.
6. Embedded entropy and complexity must be considered when making
choices on recycle, reuse, or disposition.
7. Targeted durability should be a design goal, not infinite life.
8. Avoid unnecessary capacity or capability.
9. Promote recycling by minimizing the compositional diversity of
10. Optimize heat and material integration.
11. Where plausible, products, processes, and systems should be designed
for use in a commercial “ afterlife. ”
12. Use renewable material and energy inputs where possible
2.4 Bio-based economy
Bio-Based Economy: combination of the biotechnology
processes with classical and new biochemical processes to
produce new, sustainable, eco-efficient and competitive
products– especially in the chemical, materials and biofuels
1. Biocatalysis – novel and improved enzymes and processes.
2. Developing the next generation of high efficiency
fermentation processes
3. Process eco-efficiency and integration: the biorefinery
concept, producing biofuels and bio-based chemicals from
biomass feedstocks
2.4 Bio-based economy

Comparison of commercial (a) and proposed

bioroute (b) for the synthesis of adipic acid
2.4 Bio-based economy
2.4 Bio-based economy

Products (fuels,
chemicals) based on
biological raw
2.4 Bio-based economy
The US national vision goals for biomass technologies by the
Biomass Technical Advisory Committee
2.4 Bio-based economy - Biorefinery
Example of two
One platform (C6
sugar) biorefinery
for bioethanol
from starch crops
(wheat). One
platform (oil)
biorefinery for
biodiesel, glycerol
from oil crops

CHP: Combined Heat and Power

2.4 Bio-based economy - Biorefinery

Biorefinery products and their market drivers

2.5 Biofuels and renewable energies

To be discussed in Chapter / Lecture 4

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