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THESIS STATEMENT: Malaysia, located in Southeast Asia, is renowned for its cultural
blend, picturesque landscapes, and flourishing economy. With its diverse population and
natural beauty, Malaysia provides numerous opportunities for exploration and enjoyment. The
reason I am proud to be an Malaysian is Malaysia is rich in ethnic diversity, unity spirit and
cultural legacy.
1 )TOPIC STC 1: Firstly, the reason I am proud to be a Malaysian because Malaysia is rich
in ethnic diversity.
i) The coexistence of Malays, Chinese, Indian and indigenous communities in
Malaysia promotes cross-cultural understanding, tolerance, and appreciation,
contributing to a harmonious and inclusive society.
ii) In addition, Malaysia’s ethnic diversity encompasses various cultures, languages,
and traditions, creating a vibrant tapestry that enriches the country’s social fabric
and fosters a sense of unity in diversity.
MINI CONCLUSION: In conclusion, Malaysia’s rich ethnic diversity fosters unity,
tolerance, and cultural appreciation, making it a source of pride for its people.
2) TOPIC STC 2 : After that, unity spirit which involves people coming together and
supporting each other.
i) Unity spirit means accepting and welcoming everyone, no mater where they come
from or what they believe.
ii) For instance,when there’s a problem like a natural disaster or unfair treatment,
everyone helping each other out shows how strong unity can be .
MINI CONCLUSION : In simple terms, unity spirit is about people joining forces, being
kind and standing up for each other.
3) TOPIC STC 3 : Lastly, cultural legacy refers to things like traditions, stories, and objects
that are passed down through generations, shaping who we are and where we come from.
i) Cultural legacy is rooted in the history of a community, representing reflect the rich
cultural heritageof a civilization.
ii) For example, old stories and special buildings tell us about the way people used to
live long ago.
MINI CONCLUSION : In conclusion cultural legacy is like treasure chest full of stories,
songs, and buildings that show us who we are and we have come from.
In summary, Malaysia's pride stems from its rich ethnic diversity, fostering a unity spirit
where people support one another, and preserving a cultural legacy that reflects the nation's
history and identity. These elements collectively contribute to the unique and vibrant tapestry
of Malaysian society.

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