Major - Project - Synopsis2024 C

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1) Introduction 4
2) Problem Statement 5
3) Rationale 6
4) Objectives 7
5) Feasibility study 8
6) Methodology 9
7) System Requirement 10
8) Literature Review 11
9) Expected outcome 12

The basis of the world food system is agriculture. The world’s technology today has enabled mankind
to produce enough food to cater for over 7 billion people. Nonetheless, climate change, plant diseases
and other factors still threaten food security. There are more effects caused by plant diseases, this is
in line with global food safety and directly affects nutrition and trade in small-farmer’ products. In
most developing nations (UNEP, 2013), small farmers own the majority of agricultural land (more
than 80%).

This results in a lack of crops as a result of pests and diseases experienced by these farmers frequently
(Harvey et al., 2014). Crop diseases can spoil yields and lead to huge losses for farmers. Detection
and control of these diseases early is crucial in order to meet global food needs. The basis of the
world food system is agriculture. The world’s technology today has enabled mankind to produce
enough food to cater for over 7 billion people. Nonetheless, climate change, plant diseases and other
factors still threaten food security.

Most of the crops are lost due to diseases, which prompted various initiatives to be created. Integrated
pest management (IPM) approaches have replaced traditional ‘blanket’ pesticide use over the last ten
years (Ehler, 2006). The first step in effective treatment, whichever method is used, is to correctly
identify the disease when it first appears. In the past, farmers had to wait for long before agricultural
extension groups and other institutions including regional plant clinics helped them identify diseases.

In particular, smartphones have a range of features such as high-resolution displays and powerful
built-in accessories like HD cameras that make them unique in terms of aiding disease identification.
In addition, with more people using smartphones with better resolution cameras and more powerful
processors in mobile devices, automatic image recognition can now be used for diagnosing diseases.

The objective of this project is to develop an advanced system with machine learning techniques,
image processing capabilities and real-time analysis that will provide an overall system which can
promptly and accurately diagnose crop diseases at early stages. The project fuses AI abilities into a
user-friendly interface aiming to empower farmers with knowledge about protecting their crops or
optimizing yields among other activities that keep them economically viable.

Problem Statement 1: Early Detection for Targeted Diseases

Problem: Farmers and crop consultants face a huge number of losses due to the late
detection of specific plant diseases. Manual identification is more time-consuming and
prone to error, especially when dealing with subtle symptoms or visually similar diseases.
Goal: Develop a machine-learning-based image classification system to quickly and
accurately identify a targeted set of high-impact plant diseases from leaf images,
facilitating timely intervention and reducing crop losses.

Problem Statement 2: Broad-Spectrum Disease Diagnosis

Problem: A large variety of plant diseases cause confusion which leads to wrong diagnosis
and ineffective treatment. This increases the problem for less experienced farmers or
Goal: Create a comprehensive plant disease detection tool capable of identifying a broad
range of common diseases. The tool should provide clear visual explanations and suggest
possible treatment options that are available, aiding decision-making and promoting
healthier crop growth.

There are many reasons why this project is important. They are as follows:

1. Nutritional Insecurity and Suffering: Crop diseases have been one of the global leading factors
in food shortage and hunger. We can increase crop yield by accurately diagnosing and controlling
these diseases, ensuring a steady supply of food hence promoting world food security. The urgency
to address food security challenges becomes more pronounced as the world population burgeons.

2. Economic Influence: Farmers bear significant economic costs when their crops are attacked by
diseases whereas the whole agricultural sector also loses a lot of money as a result of crop disease
outbreaks. These losses have impact beyond just farmers’ lives at a countrywide level in terms of
national economy on the large scale. By minimizing crop disease, we can therefore sustain rural
economies and encourage stability in agriculture.

3. Ecological Conservation: Traditional approaches used to address diseases incorporate use of

chemical pesticides which are harmful to the environment; for instance, they lead to soil depletion or
affect non-target species among other environmentally deleterious impacts such as chemicals
application against pests and diseases. Taking into account that we can reduce chemical dependency
through more accurate data-driven approaches to disease management while supporting sustainable
farming methods.

4.Precision Agriculture: The project is consistent with the principles of precision agriculture,
which employs technology for saving resources and improving crop production. Identifying
diseases in advance and with a high level of precision would enable farmers to use treatments only
when and where they are necessary, thus decreasing wastage of resources and increasing efficiency.

5.Research and Innovation: The project fosters research and innovation in machine learning,
image processing, and farming. It brings together tech professionals and agriculturalists that work
towards creating up-to-date solutions.

6.Sustainable Agriculture Practices: There is a need for sustainable agriculture across the globe.
Disease detection and management ensures sustainable farming practices through minimizing
chemical inputs as well as promoting eco-friendly approaches.

1. To design and implement a robust image acquisition system for capturing high-quality images
of crops in the field.

2. To use an efficient and accurate disease detection algorithm using machine learning and deep
learning models.

3. To integrate the disease detection system into a user-friendly platform for farmers and
agricultural professionals.

4. To evaluate the system's performance in terms of accuracy, speed, and scalability.

5. To provide recommendations and insights to farmers for disease management and prevention.

The project aims to develop a platform that uses image recognition technology to detect and diagnose
crop disease in real-time. The project targets over all farmers over world where crop diseases pose a
significant threat to agricultural productivity.

1. Market analysis:

a) The target audience includes farmers with limited access to agronomic expertise.
b) Market research indicates a high demand for a user-friendly and accessible disease detection tool
in the region.
c)Competing solutions are limited, with few existing application focused on crop disease detection.

2. Technical feasibility:

a) The project requires smartphones with built-in cameras for image capturing.
b) Open-source machine learning libraries and frameworks available for developing the image
recognition model.
c)Cloud computing resources can be used to model training and inference.

3. Data availability:

a) A dataset of labeled crop disease images available for model training.

b) Historical disease records from local agricultural agencies.

4. Model development and validation:

a) The project will use convolutional neural network (CNN) to develop the disease detection model.
b) Model validation will involve cross-validation and evaluation metrics like precision, recall.

5. Risk analysis:

a) Risk includes challenges in maintaining data accuracy and potential bias in the model’s prediction.
b) Also include education and developing user friendly platform so that it can be easily adapted to
the all levels of farmers such as large scale and small scale.
c)Includes continuous model improvement.

6. Sustainability and impact:

a) The project aims to increase crop yield and farmer income while promoting sustainable farming
b) Impact will be measured by tracking disease detection accuracy and its effect on crop productivity.

1. Data Collection: Collect a diverse dataset of crop images, including healthy and diseased
samples, with detailed annotations. This dataset will cover various crops and diseases,
making it representative of real-world scenarios.

2. Image Acquisition: Develop a user-friendly web application that allows farmers to capture
images of their crops using smartphones ordedicated cameras.

3. Machine Learning Model: Train and fine-tune machine learning models such as
convolutional neural networks (CNNs) or deep learning models like ResNet, Inception, or
EfficientNet to classify crop images as healthy or diseased. Transfer learning may be used
to leverage pre-trained models for improved accuracy.

4. User Interface: Create a user-friendly interface for the platform, enabling farmers to easily
access the system and receive actionable insights.

5. Evaluation: Evaluate the system's performance using various metrics such as accuracy,
precision, recall, and F1 score. Conduct field tests to assess its real-world usability and

6. Recommendations: Provide actionable recommendations to farmers based on the analysis,

including suggestions for disease management and preventive measures.

The software and hardware required for the development of the project are:

1. Software requirements:

The first software which is required are IDE (Integrated development environment), here python-
based IDE i.e., Jupyter notebook.
The programming language that is used is Python because it provides libraries and framework for
machine learning and image processing task.

The Machine learning framework that is to be used in this project are TensorFlow, scikit learn that
is used for image classification and object detection. OpenCV is to be also used to as it is critical for
image preprocessing, feature extraction, and manipulation.

The project also includes a web-based platform which requires technology such as HTML, CSS,
JavaScript and web frameworks like Django.

A literature survey is a crucial step in any research project, including one focused on crop disease
detection. It helps you understand the current state of knowledge in the field, identify gaps, and build
on existing research. Here's an overview of some key research papers and articles in the area of crop
disease detection:

1. Deep Learning-Based Approaches:

"Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition" by K. He et al. (2022): This seminal paper the
concept of residual networks (ResNets), which have been widely used in deep learning-based image
classification tasks, including crop disease detection.

"A Review on Deep Learning Techniques for the Diagnosis of Plant Diseases" by A. Sladojevic et
al. (2018): This review provides an overview of deep learning techniques and their applications in
the detection and diagnosis of plant diseases, offering insights into various neural network
architectures and datasets used.

2. Computer Vision and Image Processing:

"Computer Vision Tools for Plant Phenotyping: Current Status and Future Challenges" by S.
Tsaftaris et al. (2023): This paper discusses computer vision techniques applied to plant phenotyping
and disease detection, highlighting the importance of image analysis in agriculture.

"A Review on Computer Vision Technologies for Pest Detection on Green Leaves" by L. Liu et al.
(2016): While primarily focused on pest detection, this review discusses computer vision methods
applicable to crop disease detection as well, emphasizing feature extraction and classification.

3. Disease Datasets:
"PlantVillage Dataset" by H. A. Beijbom et al. (2018): This dataset comprises a large collection of
plant images, including healthy and diseased samples, covering multiple crops. It has been widely
used in research related to crop disease detection.

"Deep Learning for Plant Disease Detection and Diagnosis" by N. Sharma et al. (2022): This paper
introduces a dataset of diseased and healthy plant images, along with benchmark results of various
deep learning models applied to plant disease detection.

4. IoT and Sensing Technologies:

"Internet of Things in Agriculture for Crop Management" by P. Gubbi et al. (2020): This review
discusses the role of IoT technologies, including sensors and data analytics, in crop management and
disease detection, offering insights into real-time monitoring.

5. Remote Sensing and UAVs:

"A Review of Remote Sensing Sensors for Crop Mapping and Monitoring" by Z. Yang et al. (2022):
This paper explores the use of remote sensing technologies and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
in crop disease detection, emphasizing the benefits of spatial and spectral information.
6. Mobile Applications and Field-Level Solutions:
"Development of a Mobile Crop Disease Diagnostic Application for the Real-World Assessment of
Disease Pressure" by B. Hughes et al. (2019): This study presents a mobile application for real-time
disease diagnosis in the field, demonstrating its potential for on-the- spot decision-making.

7. Challenges and Future Directions:

"Challenges and Opportunities in Image-Based Plant Phenotyping" by F. Tardieu et al. (2023): This
paper discusses the challenges associated with image-based plant phenotyping, including disease
detection, and outlines future directions for research in this

These papers and articles provide a solid foundation for understanding the current landscape of crop
disease detection research. Conducting a comprehensive literature survey will help you identify gaps
in knowledge and inform the development of your project.

1. Precise disease determination: The most important thing when it comes to crop disease detection is
usually trying to come up with a system that can be able to identify and classify the diseases that affect
crops accurately. As such, the resulting model would be one able to recognize various crop disorders
with high precision.

2. Early-Stage Detection: Detecting diseases at its early stage are highly important for effective disease
control. With this project, it will enable us ascertaining crop diseases before they cause much harm,
hence allowing for intervention on time.

3. Lessened Crop Losses: Effective detection of diseases can result in reduced losses of produce. If any
farmer manages to identify and deal with a particular ailment promptly, he or she will take necessary
measures towards minimizing low harvests.

4. Enhanced Quantity and Yield: Diseases identification and treatment might lead to additional
volumes of crops and elevated quality of agricultural products, which are beneficial both for farmers
themselves and their customers.

5. Fitting into Precision Farming: Crop disease detection shall be integrated into precision agriculture
making use of chemicals like pesticides which are target specific and fertilizers efficiently where
necessary. The project outcome could also include recommendations for precise treatments based on
the results from disease detection process.

6. Farmer’s tool to be friendly: For example, user-friendly tools are envisaged with a simple
interface that may take pictures of crops and diseases instantly diagnosed or farmers’ access
would be easier for them.

7. Environmental dividends: It may also be of environmental benefit as this will result in a

situation where the need for too much pesticides application is reduced hence there is lower
use of chemicals and less damage to non-target species.

8. Economic advantages: There can be gains made economically by farmers and other
stakeholders from improving crop yields and reducing costs of production linked to disease
control if the project succeeds.

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