Logical and Critical Thinking

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Course = Logic & Critical Thinking , Course Code = UE-421

Course contents:

 What is Logic, Basic Logic Concepts, Natural Language, Laws of Logic,

Proposition, Argument Conclusion, Premises, Inference

Deductive and Inductive (Logic) Arguments

Valid and Invalid Arguments

The Three Laws of Thought

 Categorical Propositions

Classes and Categorical Propositions

The Four Kinds of Categorical Propositions

Universal affirmative propositions (A)

Universal negative propositions €

Particular affirmative propositions (I)

Particular negative Propositions (O)

Division according to Quality, Quantity, and Distribution (Subject and Predicate)

 Categorical Syllogisms

Standard-Form Categorical Syllogisms

Terms of the Syllogism: Major, Minor, and Middle

The Mood of the Syllogism

 Propositional Logic

Negation, Conjunction, Disjunction, Tautology, Contingency, Inverse, Converse, Contra-


 Fallacies

Classification of Fallacies
• Fallacies of Relevance (Genetic, Abusive, Circumstantial, Tu Quoque, Mob Appeal,
Appeal to Pity, Appeal to Fear, Appeal to Ignorance, Appeal to Authority,)

• Fallacies of Presumption (Sweeping Generalization, Hasty Generalization, False

Dilemma, Begging the Question)

• Fallacies of Ambiguity (Amphiboly, Accent, Equivocation, Composition, Division)

 Critical Thinking

What is critical thinking?

Rules for effective Critical Thinking

Recommended Text:

1. Copi. Irving M., Jetli, Priyedarshi (2006), Introduction to Logic, Dorling Kindersely
(India), Pearson Education.

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