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University of Nairobi

DIS 302: E-Business

BCOM Nairobi Module I& II (day & evening)

Term Project for Feb-June 2024

To be carried out by 6-8 persons per group. All groups should do Part A. Each shall then choose
Part B (MS-Office practical skills) or C (class presentation). Since the presentation topics in Part
C are limited, they shall be allocated on a first come first served basis after which the rest must
do Part B.

PART A (15 Marks)

Kenya-based B2B e-commerce startup Sokowatch has raised $14 million in Series A funding
toward its mission of revamping supply-chain markets for Africa’s informal retailers. From
Nairobi, the company has created a platform that connects merchants directly to local and
multinational suppliers — such as Unilever and Proctor and Gamble — and digitizes orders,
payments, and delivery logistics. Since launching in 2016, and raising a $2 million seed round in
2018, Sokowatch has expanded within Kenya and into Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. With its
Series A, the startup plans to broaden its client services — from working capital to data-analytics
— and target new African markets, according to CEO Daniel Yu. Sokowatch also doesn’t rule
out using its infrastructure to someday enter business-to-consumer online retail. For the moment,
the startup’s primary focus is to reduce costs and increase profit margins for small merchants.

“We’re looking to build out the largest B2B e-commerce network across Africa,” Yu told
TechCrunch on a call. Informal retail is still king in Africa — even with the emergence of shopping
malls and well-funded e-commerce ventures, such as Jumia. The size and potential of the
continent’s informal sector has captured the attention of economists and startups. GDP revisions
in several African countries have revealed outdated statistical methods were missing billions of
dollars in economic activity. And one estimate by The International Labor Organization places
more than two-thirds of Sub-Saharan Africa’s non-agricultural employment in the informal

On the number of shops in that space, a 2016 study by global consultancy PwC estimated 90% of
sales in Africa’s major economies come through informal channels, such as markets and kiosks.
By Yu’s account, too many of Africa’s local merchants are sacrificing capital and incurring
opportunity costs due to inefficient supply chain. Sokowatch is shifting that scenario, according to
its CEO, and now serves over 15,000 small retailers across its operating areas. “We…estimate that
we save merchants at least 20% on supply-chain costs for the goods we supply,” said Yu.

After reading the above article its expected your group will be motivated to come up with a unique
e-commerce idea to solve Kenyan or African problems.
1. Take two days as a group brainstorming and come up with an e-commerce business idea
that’s unique and worth pitching before the judges. (avoid plagiarizing ideas from the
2. Prepare a short brief of your concept as you would for potential investors; incorporate the
components of an e-commerce business model. i.e value proposition, revenue models etc
3. Design and make a website for your proposed business using the principles of good web
design. The website does not have to be functional, but I leave that to your imagination
and group prowess. Include payment partners, security and ethical considerations.
Come up with unique e-commerce ideas
PART B (5 Marks)
1. Prepare MS Excel projections for 5 years for your business idea, and present with
appropriate graphs and charts. Your analysis should include at least 3 scenarios – best,
normal and worst case in terms of the business environment and performance.
2. Prepare an MS-Access database for a typical database used in the proposed business.
Indicate customers, products etc. and a typical data entry form and report.

PART C (5 marks)
Research and prepare 10-12 slide PPT presentation on any of the topics below. They must
present in class for 10 mins, Class presentations will start on 8th May for Evening class and 9th
for Regular class. Topics are assigned on a first come first served basis as recorded by the Class

1. Virtualization and cloud computing

2. Big data Analytics
3. Internet of things…………………..Internet of Everything
4. Artificial intelligence/Robotics
5. Cryptocurrency
6. Virtual reality Vs Augmented reality

When preparing, read the sources and type out the presentation in your own words. Use
diagrams to minimize text, all text should be large enough for a presentation. Don’t copy-paste
material from places and call it a presentation. Doing this is plagiarism and will disqualify you.

Other information and Submission

Your group should have a name. Non-original work will count as plagiarism and will automatically
be disqualified. Be brief and concise, the maximum length of 10 pages using 1.5 spacing and 12pt
Times New Roman font for Part A. You will submit a soft copy of project brief and MS-Office
reports plus website or presentation in ONE zipped folder named after your group by email to during the last week of the semester.

All group members’ names and reg. numbers should be typed on the cover page in ascending
order, and each member should sign after their names. A checklist on the cover page will ensure
you have done everything in both assignments.

Prof. James M. Njihia and Nicholas Omido, Course Instructors

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