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Unit 20

2.1 Where are they from?

REMINDER: In The Netherlands people speak Dutch.
He’s from Germany, He’s German, He speaks German.
She's from the United Kingdom (England), She's British (English), She speaks English.
What does the UK stand for? (represent) It stands for Scotland, England and Wales
They’re Scottish / They’re Welsh, they speak Welsh
She’s from Brazil, she's Brazilian, she speaks Portuguese.
You’re from New Zealand You’re a New Zealander, you speak English

2.2 Asking questions:

Can I + verb?
Do you + verb …?
I would / I’d like to + verb…

Places in the city - Asking for things

=> Picture A
Buy a ticket at a subway station (US)/the underground (UK):
There are two employees behind the counter/desk. There are two customers: the man is buying a ticket
at the counter and the woman is validating her ticket at the ticket reader.
In the bottom part of the picture, four customers are waiting for the subway on the platform. One man
has some luggage: he has one suitcase/bag.

How can I help you? What can I do for you?
Where would you like to go to?
(For) How many people …?
How old are they?
Do you want first-class or second-class seats?
It costs ______ / It’s ______
Your change is… Here’s your change, sir.
Have a nice day.
I’d like to buy a _______ ticket.
- single ticket / one-way ticket
- return ticket / round-trip ticket
- monthly pass / yearly pass / season pass
- 24 hour ticket / one-day ticket
- night ticket
- 2 hour ticket
Can I have a return ticket to…?
What time does the train leave from…? / arrive in….?
How long does it take to go from ____ to ______? (distance)
How can I go from _(origin)_____ to _(destination)_____?
Which line is __(destination)______ on?
What time is the first/last subway? / What are the hours of the subway?
How much does it cost? / How much is it? / What’s the price? (ticket)
Can I pay by credit card/with cash?

=> Picture B
=> Send a package to London at a post office:
There are two employees behind the desk/counter. There are two customers: the man is sending a
letter and the woman is sending a package. There are a lot of packages/boxes behind the counter. To
the left of the counter, there are mailboxes / post office boxes (P.O. boxes). There’s also a machine to
buy stamps / print postage labels. There is a safety deposit box for your personal belongings, for
example, a passport etc…

Can I… / I’d like to send this package to ________.
The address is …
How long does it take to send a package to ________?
How long WILL it take to arrive? (Future prediction - duration)
Can I get a tracking number?
I’d like to buy stamps / boxes / envelopes.
What is the price of a stamp?
What’s the total?
Has my package arrived?
I’d like to pick up a package.
Can I pay BY credit card?
How can I help you? / What can I do for you?
Where in __(London)___ would you like to send it?
When does the package have to get there? / When do you need it to arrive?
Could you fill in the information to declare what is inside the package, for example, the postal address,
contact phone number, and what you are sending…
What’s the value of the article inside?
Do you want insurance?
Could you sign here, please?
Can/Could I see your passport / ID?
The total is…
That's forty-five pounds total, please.
Have a nice day.

=> Picture C
=> Buy a new (jacket/shoes) in a mall / shopping centre
In the picture, there are several stores/shops and some customers.

I’d like a new jacket.
Where can I find the jackets, please?
Can you show me the jackets?
Do you have this in other colours/sizes?
Can I have some white sneakers to go with it please?
Could you tell me the price?
How much (DOES it/DO they) cost?
How much (IS it / ARE they)?
Can I try this/these on?
Where is the changing/fitting room? / Where are the fitting rooms?
(Not ‘cabin’ => a small house or cottage)
Are there any sales / discounts / clearance items?
I would like to pay now.
Can I pay for (this/them?) I would like to pay FOR this.
Can I pay BY credit card? / Can I pay WITH my credit card?
Here’s my credit card.
How can I help you?
What colour and size do you want/need?
Can I get you anything else?
They are at the back of the store, you will see them on the right. = Fitting rooms?
They cost/It costs £135.= £ pounds
Have a nice day.

PRONUNCIATION: ‘Suit’ you say [soot]

To be adjusted = retouché

=> Picture D
=> Take out some money in a bank:
There are three customers waiting and there are two customers at the counter/desk. In the bottom part
of the picture, there are large and smaller safety deposit boxes.

I’d like to take out/withdraw/get some money.
I’d like 200 pounds / £200
In tens-pound notes, please. = How would you like that?
I’d like to deposit some money / a check.
I’d like to cash a check.
I need to change euros to dollars.
What’s the exchange rate to change this money? = from US dollars to pounds

Bank Teller, Cashier:

How can I help you?
How much would you like to withdraw (retirer) from your account?
How would you like that?
Here you are.
Thank you very much

3.1 WH - questions / How – questions

-who : qui - l’identité d’un être humain
-what : que, quel, ce qui, ce que, quoi - la nature d’un objet inanimé
-when : quand - le moment
-where : où - le lieu
-why : pourquoi - la cause
-which : lequel - un choix entre plusieurs elements
-whose : à qui - l’identite du possesseur
-how : comment - la manière
-how much : ( + singular ) : la quantité
-how many : ( + plural ) : la quantité
-how old : l’âge
-how far : la distance
-how long : la durée
-how often : la fréquence

3.1 Character interviews

What do you do IN your free time?
- I read books, playing golf, going to the movies sometimes.

How old are you? / What is your age?

Where are you from?
What is your job? / What do you do?
When/What days do you not work?
What are your hobbies?
Where do you live
What do you do/activities in your free time?
I have/get a pain in back
How often do you go swimming/play golf
Once, twice of three times I play golf.

VOCABULARY: I go TO work (direction), but you say ‘I go home’.

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