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A new era of detective stories

-Sherlock on screen-

Watch the trailers of 3 Sherlock Holmes adaptations on screen and decide which one is
your favorite !
Justify your choice ( 40 – 50 words)

1. Sherlock Holmes

2. Sherlock
3. The Irregulars

I would rather watch … because

I would choose to watch … because
I prefer the 1st/ 2nd/ 3rd trailer because…

It looks…
Exciting – thrilling (palpitant) – breathtaking – entertaining – full of suspense…

I enjoy...
Action – adventure – funny – mystery – the plot – the lead actor - the soundtrack…
Watch an extract from the BBC TV series 'Sherlock' (Episode 2, season 1 :
The Blind Banker)
1. Pick out all the elements you can find in the extract about :

Who (people Time Place Clues/ evidence

present on the
crime scene

2. Watch the extract one more time and briefly answer the questions

What does the sergent think about the case ?

Does Sherlock agree ?

How does he justify his opinion ?

3. Give your opinion about this case. Imagine who (1) killed him and why (2)?

The man was shot by …........... (1) because...........(2)

Grammar – The Passive voice

A. Observe ces deux phrases :

A man was found by the police ≠ The police found a man in his apartment
Dans la première phrase, qui est le sujet ? The police A man
qui a trouvé la victime? The police A man

Dans la deuxième phrase, qui est le sujet ? A man The police

B. Conclusion : La première phrase est à la voix__________________ (le sujet subit

l’action du verbe), la deuxième à la voix___________________ (le sujet fait l’action).

C. Lis les deux phrases

1. A man was found dead
2. The criminal was arrested by the police

Dans la phrase n° …..... il manque une information. On ne sait pas qui a fait l'action.
Dans la phrase n° …….., on sait qui a fait l'action.

Reécris ces phrases à la voix active: 1.The police …........................................................................

2. …..............................................................................................
Put the following sentences in the active voice (1,2) and in the passive
voice (3,4)

1. She was stabbed by her husband.

2. A ring was discovered next to the body of the victim.

3. The police called me about the accident.

4. This criminal robbed 10 banks all over the country.

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