Grandma Baby's Black Gold Lenormand Guidebook - 2207 - 230928 - 100834

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B A B Y ’ S
I dedicate this deck to
my ancestors known and
unknown, and to all the
spirits who walk with me.

Thank you also to David,

Lolu, my loving family and
the Black spiritual workers
whose gifts helped me
remember mine.

Finally, I dedicate this work

to everyone Black.

This deck centers and

addresses specifically those
with Black American
ancestors. Everyone may not
understand or identify with
the information presented,
and that's okay.

It is also not my intention that

the meanings behing these
cards be narrowed solely to
what’s within this guidebook.
This is an outline for your
intuition to fill in with greater
I (1)

(from “Negro cowhand in the Black

Prairie region. Hale County, Alabama”,
by Jack Delano)

9 of Hearts
Element: Water

Don’t be hasty, baby. Before

taking action, be clear on your
intention. And be certain
your actions align with that
intention. Have you divined
on what action is best to take?
Have you also confirmed that
what you're working towards
supports your highest good?
Just make sure you're pointing
that good juju in the right
direction. Because you may
get exactly what you wished
for, and that may be the last
thing that you need.
II (2)

(from “Negroes spending their cotton

money in gambling and juke joint,
Saturday night, outside Clarksdale,
Mississippi Delta”, by Marion Post

6 of Diamonds
Element: Earth

Ancestors did not build

health, wealth or safety by
chance in a system that
classified them as property.
They built relationships with
spirits who could open doors,
secure resources and halt
enemies of progress. These
spirits were respected guests
in their homes. They learned
their favorite flowers, foods
and their names. Rituals for
them were done regularly,
authentically and with
consistency. Your success,
your survival in the face of
ongoing oppression is not
happenstance; it's work.
In today's world, "luck" is
evidence either of proximity
to spirit through practice, or
proximity to colonial power as
privilege (or both).
III (3)

(from “Cannery workers going home,

St. Helena Island, South Carolina”, by
Marion Wolcott Post)

10 of Spades
Element: Air

You are entering a period

of transiton, where you are
either physically or spiritually
covering great distances.
During this time you can
expect sudden revelations,
deep shifts and major changes
to your daily reality. If you
find yourself becoming
overwhelmed, try the mantra:
“This is happening for me,
not to me”. Better is coming.
Progress is forward. Let these
events unfold and resist the
urge to cling to the past. No
turning back.
IV (4)

(from “Harmony Community, Putnam

County, Georgia.... The Jefferson Baptist
Church is the heart of the Negro . . .”,
by Irving Rusinow)

King of Hearts
Element: Water

The House warns of where

we've built on top of weak
foundations, and left others
out in the cold. In all that
you are working to create
and build, consider who you
are building it for. At whose
expense? Consider the values
and principles your life is built
on. Will they stand up to the
test of time? Sometimes the
best thing that you can do is
to just let things fall apart.
Instead of working so hard to
hold a broken thing together,
you have the chance to start
over better.
V (5)

(from “Untitled [The Hermitage, slave

quarters, Savannah, Ga.]”, by Detroit
Publishing Co.)

7 of Hearts
Element: Water

Tree is harmony with the

land and all her spirits. This
harmony with the earth
also requires harmony with
Indigenous people, paying
our respects to land guardians,
past and present. Remember:
Mother Earth is also an altar.
Have you heard the stories
in this soil? Before you take,
do you ask permission? Do
you give thanks? Do you
offer in exchange? Those who
know the earth best know
there is enough here for
everyone. Myths of scarcity
were designed to separate us
from our Mother, but love can
never lose its way home. This
card also calls for mothering
and tending to yourself as
VI (6)

(from “Orelia Alexia Franks, ex-slave,

Beaumont”, by the Federal Writers’

King of Clubs
Element: Fire

Clouds can often represent

information that is obscured
and outcomes that are
uncertain, but in some cases
it can stand for a truth we
feel paralyzed to act on.
Even when we pull the same
cards. Even when we see the
same signs. Over and over
and over again. In the face
of overwhelming evidence
you may be tempted to
burrow under covers, draw
the curtains and shut it all
out. Becasue the truth takes
courage, doesn't it? Can you
be brave?
VII (7)

(from “Snake eater, sideshow,

Donaldsonville, Louisiana”, by Russell

Queen of Clubs
Element: Fire

Who decided the snake was a

trickster and a devil? Who gets
the power to tell our stories?
Before our Indigenous culture
was demonized—before it
was forced underground to
protect us from violence—
ancestors were thriving by
it for thousands of years. In
reuniting with our loving
ancestors, we gain clarity
about shame that was never
ours to carry. We get to
hear their stories as they
were meant to be told.
Generally, this card asks:
Are you a threat, or are
they threatened? Knowing
someone, somewhere, benefits
from your shame, ask: Who is
benefiting from yours? Who
stands to gain from your
disempowerment? And how
have you become complicit
in their cruel design? This
journey of unlearning is
long, but be willing to see it
through to the end––not just
until it’s convenient for you. If
you’re committed to shedding
programming that isn’t rooted
in liberation—shed it all!
VIII (8)

(from “Caroline Atwater, wife of Negro

owner, has a well-swept yard”, by
Dorothea Lange)

9 of Diamonds
Element: Earth

A popular end of year ritual

for inviting new energy into
you home––particularly
that of abundance––is to
sweep out all of the old that
can no longer serve you,
and we do this with the
Broom. If you find yourself
released from a situation or
relationship, understand that
this, too, was necessary for
growth. Life is not some big
event capped suddenly by
death, but a series of deaths
and rebirths, endings and
beginnings designed to shape
us and move us forward. To
accept this––the natural and
inevitable part release and loss
play––will enrich your life.
IX (9)

(from “Untitled [Hibiscus blossoms,

Palm Beach, Fla.]”, by Detroit
Publishing Co.)

Queen of Spades
Element: Air

What you’re looking for you

can’t find outside of yourself.
Are you listening to your
gut? Are you tuning into
your intuition? Remember
how to see medicine where
you were taught only to see
an ornamental blossom, or a
homely weed. Trust that there
is more to what you're seeing
or experiencing than meets
the eye. This card asks you to
rely on your spiritual senses as
much as your physical ones.
X (10)

(from “Negro wage hands filling bag

with corn they have just shucked...
On road to Cedar Grove, west of
highway No. 14, Orange County, North
Carolina”, by Marion Post Wolcott)

Jack of Diamonds
Element: Earth

Corn has long been a symbol

of fertility and abundance.
This card tells of harvesting
the seeds you’ve planted––the
conclusion to a season of hard
work and focus. It's time to
reap rewards and celebrate! It
can also allude to an offering
for one’s ancestors: sweet treats
to symbolize the sweetness
of the life they’ve given you,
to show gratitude for their
loving presence and work in
your life. The shadow side of
this card is the reminder that
“you reap what you sow”, and
if you haven’t sown what was
to your benefit, you reap the
XI (11)

(from “Untitled [Electrical storms at

night: silhouette of houses]”)

Jack of Clubs
Element: Fire

Nothing worthwhile or lasting

was ever achieved by simply
wanting it to be yours. In
the spirit world, sacrifice
and work moves things a lot
further than simply “thinking”
it into your life. So are you
willing to sacrifice your time,
your money, your comfort,
convenience and privilege for
what you want? Or will you
sit at the altar, palms open,
expecting everything? This
card is also about the sacrifices
your ancestors made for you
to be here today. You are the
manifestation of their work
and sacrifice. You are the
product of their magic. You
honor them and the sacrifices
they made by also honoring
XII (12)

(from “Untitled [Two African American

children feeding chickens in a fenced-in
yard]”, by W. E. B. Du Bois)

7 of Diamonds
Element: Earth

Birds carry messages from

spirit, but you must still
yourself and listen. Tune
in to the solutions calling
to be distinguished above a
cacophony of noise. May the
song be as clear as a prayer.
This card reminds you spirit
has not left you stranded, will
never leave you in the lurch.
Tricksters and saboteurs may
attempt to distract you and
drown out all hope, but help
is always nearby. There is
always a way.
XIII (13)

(from “The children of Mr. Frank

Cunningham...with the clay they find
near their home. Near Franklin, Heard
County”, by Jack Delano)

Jack of Spades
Element: Air

It is safe for you to be soft

again. You've traveled long
and far from who you were as
a child. Pain has taught you
to be mistrustful. Experience
has made you afraid. But your
hope was dormant, not dead.
It is safe to hope again. It is
safe to expect good things.
And more importantly:
you deserve to. At this time
you might also benefit
from having an elder or a
mentor––someone with more
experience––to guide and
encourage you as you learn a
new skill or embark on a new
XIV (14)

(from “Geo. M. Green”)

9 of Clubs
Element: Fire

The Fox marks a transition

into a new stage of your
life, where you have been
blessed with an increase in
stability and safety. With
more safety comes more
space to heal. Put that healing
work in, or you run the risk
of your pain running you.
Working with ancestors
and culturally competent
healers––break from habits,
situations and people holding
you back from wholeness.
Understand that healing is a
life-long commitment. You
will constantly be growing,
shedding and pivoting. But
the rewards will be felt not
just by you and by those
around you. They'll be felt
by those who come after you,
too. Healing is ancestor work.
XV (15)

(from “Street scene, New Orleans,

Louisiana”, by Ben Shahn)

10 of Clubs
Element: Fire

Practice detatching your value

from how others perceive
you and treat you. So much
of our lives goes unwitnessed
everyday, so much magic
unseen. This card reminds
you that whether or not you
have been recognized, you
are worthy of recognition.
Whether someone is willing
to respect you, you deserve
respect. You're more than
what they are capable of
understanding. You're an
ancestor, a survivor, and
a miracle. Treat youtself
accordingly. This card also
calls for you to feel inspired
rather than challenged by
someone else's success. Let
it fuel you to take up more
space and chase your goals
XVI (16)

(from “Untitled [Grave covered with

various domestic items: clock, cup,
goblet, pots; gravestone reads: “Hackless
Jenkins, June 15, 1878-June 25, 1926;
asleep in Jesus”]”, by Doris Ulmann)

6 of Hearts
Element: Water

Altar is a card of walking hand

in hand with your ancestors,
which brings the added
benefit of being more aligned
with yourself. Trusting spirit
opens you up to beautiful
opportunities. Without
knowing all of the answers,
without allowing the fear to
hold you back, take a step
forward and find yourself fully
supported! This card can be
a reminder to build or tend
to your altar, or signal the
presence of a loving ancestor
near you.
XVII (17)

(from “Untitled [Baptism]”, by Doris


Queen of Hearts
Element: Water

This is an auspicious time to

make a fresh start in some
area of your life. Establishing
a new daily ritual, or a
creative or entrepreneurial
pursuit, bodes well for you
now. You are awash in divine
flow, casting off stagnancy
and debris, granted the
opportunity to begin again.
Don’t let this beautiful
energy pass you by. Wash
and replenish your altar and/
or your head. Neglecting
spiritual hygeine delays and
can even block the blessings
and opportunities attempting
to enter your life.
XVIII (18)

(from “Family of Pomp Hall, Negro

tenant farmer, eating breakfast
consisting of corn flakes, biscuits, fried
bacon, milk and coffee. Creek County,
Oklahoma...”, by Russell Lee)

10 of Hearts
Element: Water

Though we've been

conditioned to feel and
act alone, we are actually
meant to forge meaningful
relationships with those
who deeply nourish us on a
mental, physical and spiritual
level. Transcending flesh,
blood and time. Are you
surrounding yourself with
divine family whose support
aligns with your highest good?
Have you given them the
language to love you? Are they
equipped to use it? And are
you equipped to do the same
for them? Lastly, be mindful
of when you are being loyal
to someone who was really
meant to be a lesson.
XIX (19)

(from “New Madrid County, Missouri.

The ‘Hanging Tree.’ Several Negroes
have been hanged on this tree”, by
Russell Lee)

6 of Spades
Element: Air

Tower represents structures

seeking to disempower (and
ultimately destroy) you. It is
a situation where your best
chance of survival is avoiding
it at all costs. But if escape
isn’t possible, you have to
fight. For our ancestors,
survival depended on their
ability to resist physical and
spiritual destruction at every
turn. So it made sense that
they fought to be liberated
with every physical and
spiritual tool available to
them. You are meant to use
every tool available to you,
not just because it is critical
for our liberation, but because
it's also your ancestral legacy.
You owe it to your ancestors,
yourself and those who will
come after you. You stand
at the confluence of seven
generations back and seven
generations forward. Your
ancestor work has started.
XX (20)

(from “Gus Johnson, Age about 90”, by

the Federal Writers’ Project)

8 of Spades
Element: Air

If sickness or parasite threaten

one crop, they threaten the
safety of them all. You are
only as well as the most
vulnerable member of your
community. You are your
sibling's keeper. And your
neighbors', too. You can
act accordingly by acting
with the well-being of the
whole community in mind,
or you can lay in wait for
the terror afflicting them to
touch you, too. What skills,
resources, and services can you
provide? What is your role
in community? Who do you
have the power to help? And
who is available to help you?
Step up, or it's just a matter of
time before the plague reaches
your doorstep.
XXI (21)

(from “Cotton on porch of

sharecropper’s home. Maria plantation,
Arkansas”, by Ben Shahn)

8 of Clubs
Element: Fire

This is a card of setbacks and

delays, of solutions that are
well past their expiration date.
Either in time, by skilling
up or waiting it out, you
will eventually start to make
progress again. This obstacle
has come to teach you that
if you’ve been stubborn
to change or trapped in a
particular mindset, it’s time
to shift gears. Meditate,
recalibrate, build and rebuild.
Think outside of the box
and detatch from your old
XXII (22)

(from “Crossroads. Marshall County,

Iowa”, by John Vachon)

Queen of Diamonds
Element: Earth

You’ve reached a pivotal

moment in your journey
where a lesson has run its
course, and this means you
have to make a choice. This
isn't a test; this is a gauge to
see if you're ready to grow
into your purpose. Can you
accept your destiny at this
time? Sometimes the answer
is no. Growth isn’t linear.
Life isn’t neat. And you aren’t
perfect. So take the time that
you need. Just know that you
can't avoid it forever. You will
have to decide eventually.
XXIII (23)

(from “Dead rats in an alley, Negro

section, Washington, D.C.”, by Edwin

7 of Clubs
Element: Fire

This card indicates that you

may be feeling or acting out
of alignment––in pursuit
of short term satisfaction,
external approval, or to avoid
doing necessary work. The
irony is that it will take more
work to repair the resulting
harm, but that is worth doing
if you wish to make things
right. Act quickly to resolve
conflicts and prevent further
losses. Communicate honestly
to clear up misunderstandings
and pain. Lastly, forgive
yourself. And let this be a
lesson: Running from yourself
harms everyone involved.
Choosing to face yourself, and
to face others as yourself is
worth doing.
XXIV (24)

(from “Untitled [African American

children playing singing games,
Eatonville, Florida]”, by Alan Lomax)

Jack of Hearts
Element: Water

There is an infinite supply

of love for you to draw
on, whether from platonic
or romantic relationships,
living or dead. But if you
are someone who often
loses yourself in your need
to nurture others, develop a
ritual or practice for nurturing
and loving yourself. Learn
to love yourself so deeply
you find joy in your solitude
instead of heartbreak. Loving
yourself and loving your
ancestors sharpens your vision
of love, and cuts through
love’s imposters. Let your life
be filled with clear visions
of love in its many rich
XV (25)

(from “Hands of young Negro girl

washing clothes on a farm near Penfield,
Greene County, Georgia”, by Jack

Ace of Clubs
Element: Fire

Ring is a card of cycles,

relationships and contracts.
This card may indicate
an exciting new business
opportunity, or matrimony.
On the flip side, it could
be asking you to look more
seriously into a bad contract,
or consider drawing one up
to protect you from a risky
decision. Finally, this card can
indicate the time and place
to break a cycle. It might be
why you incarnated here in
the first place. An ancestor
prayed you here to end a cycle
that has been passed down
generation after generation.
Can you do the work to
ensure this is the generation
where it stops?
XVI (26)

(from “Mosquito Crossing, Greene

County, Georgia. The new Negro
school”, by Jack Delano)

10 of Diamonds
Element: Earth

Knowing the right thing in

the wrong time is dangerous.
Please understand the
necessity of trusting spirit
to reveal to you what you
need to know presently. You
may be very eager to learn as
much as possible in as little
possible time. What others
have kept you from knowing
kept you at their mercy. But
that is not what ancestors
do. Don't confuse those who
benefit from your ignorance
with those who have invested
their lives into saving yours.
If asking the same question
in divination isn’t garnering
the answers you seek, it’s
best to step back...and ask:
“Ancestors, what do you need
for me to know right now?”
XVII (27)

(from “Singing “Trying to Make a

Hundred, Ninety-Nine and a Half
Won’t Do” during the collection
at Negro church in Heard County,
Georgia”, by Jack Delano)

7 of Spades
Element: Air

Important messages or a long

awaited confirmation is on
its way to you, so be ready
to receive. Have you been
waiting for a sign, a letter,
or the results of a consistent
spiritual practice? It’s coming!
Your prayers have been heard
and action has been taken to
move circumstances in your
favor. Alternatively, this may
be the perfect moment to
deliver your own message,
to share your work and
experiences with others. What
have you learned that you're
eager to tell? This is the time
to share your light.

(from “Josie Brown, ex-slave, Woodville

(Beaumont)”, by the Federal Writers’

Ace of Hearts
Element: Water

Your dead are reaching out to

you, extending their advice
and support, and covering you
in their love and protection.
Lay your worries at the altar.
They want you to lean on
them. Don't you dare suffer
in silence after all the work
they put into surviving for
your sake. Tell them what
you need. And more broadly,
learn to accept help when it's
offered! Learn to ask for it,
too. Closed mouths don't get
fed around here, and there's
plenty to eat, so if you're
starving speak up!
XXIX (29)

(Psalm 77:6)

Ace of Spades
Element: Air

This card is a prayer to

remember that each of us
came here with a purpose, or
even several! What are your
purposes? Do you have a story
to tell? Do you have a life to
save (whose)? Do you have a
community to heal? Do you
have a lesson to teach? Do you
have a curse to break? Are you
being called to lead? Are you
being called to serve? Your
participation in this moment
is critical. You were designed
to be here, now. It's time to
get clear on the why. If you've
been operating under the idea
you have only one purpose,
it's time to get clear on the
others. Check in with yourself
and what direction/action you
need to take. Call down the
memory of your spiritual self.
XXX (30)

(from “Ten-cent store on 47th Street.

Customers are mostly Negroes. Chicago,
Illinois”, by Russell Lee)

King of Spades
Element: Air

This card asks you to re-

evaluate what you’ve lost
or are losing to be “safe”.
What you’ve pruned to be
palatable. To be liked. What
if the parts of yourself you
were told to sand down, cut
off, and silence are your best
parts? What if the validation
you’ve been promised isn’t
worth the compromises you
have been making? If you’ve
been aiming for a seat at
the table, build your own
fucking table. One where
you can be heard, seen and
affirmed. One whose cups and
plates are spilling over with
the generational abundance
owed. Don’t lose too much
of yourself out here trying to
fit into a narrow space. This
card is also about centering
pleasure in your human
experience, unapologetically.
Why are we encouraged to
center generational traumas
before generational gifts?
Why do they want to see
our pain before our pleasure?
Prioritizing pleasure is
revolution––after generations
of sacrifice and the policing
of Black bodies, Black culture
and Black joy. Go on and live
your best life! What act of
pleasure will you indulge in
XXXI (31)

(from “Detroit, Michigan. Negro father

and child”, by Arthur S. Siegel)

Ace of Diamonds
Element: Earth

The Sun lights our way

forward, drawing us closer
to completion. It illuminates
work that needs extra
attention if we are to succeed,
and highlights solutions
we might have overlooked.
If you have been lacking
direction and drive, you will
soon feel a surge of energy
and inspiration. The Sun is
charity and warmth. Keep up
the hard work. Keep planting
seeds. Sun will help you
nourish them to full bloom.
XXXII (32)

(from “Negro in Greenville,

Mississippi”, by Dorothea Lange)

8 of Hearts
Element: Water

In our ancestors’ dreams,

families were reunited. Justice
was served. Black folks were
safe. Joy was abundant. We
aren't yet living in the world
they imagined for us. But
we are closer because of their
imagining. And we draw
it closer still by taking the
time to dream it. Do you
have dream rituals? A dream
journal that you keep? Do you
call on ancestors to assist you
in utilizing dream space for
healing and manifesting? Do
you know herbalists who can
help to maximize your ability
to recall dreams, or relax more
easily into a dream state,
through use of specific plants?
Are you regularly escaping
boundaries of this reality, into
one where we can all be free?

(from “Untitled [Stavin’ Chain playing

guitar and singing the ballad “Batson,”
(fiddler also in shot), Lafayette, La.]”, by
Alan Lomax)

8 of Diamonds
Element: Earth

Key is Black spiritual

legacy. Key is ceremony
and resilience. It is in our
drums and our movement.
It is in the stories we tell,
and the traditions that
have survived a relentless
cultural genocide. It is the
language of our ancestors. It
is our generational gifts. Key
reminds us that even when
we don’t think we know, we
be knowing. We aren't new
to this but true to this. The
answers are in our blood,
coded into our DNA. It is
only a matter of remembering,
of tapping into our magic.
This card says: the answers
you're seeking right now are
already inside you.
XXXIV (34)

(from “Negro woman and baby.

Washington, D.C.”, by Arthur

King of Diamonds
Element: Earth

Ask your grandmother and

she’ll tell you fish are babies
soon to be born. This card
can represent birth in the
intellectual, spiritual or even
the physical sense. Fish is
blessings, gifts. But remember
to consider: How much time
do you spend in gratitude for
the blessings you already have,
nurturing them to full bloom?
When you ask for more
blessings, are you prepared
to make the necessary room
in your life to accomodate
them? Coveting the blessings
of others, and attempting to
copy their gifts won't bring
you their same satisfaction.
You chose your life out of
all lives, and you chose these
gifts out of all gifts, before
you were even born. Before
you curse what you chose and
what you have, perhaps you
should be divining about how
these things shape who you
are and what you came here
to do. Examine the bigger
spiritual picture.
XXXV (35)

(from “Negro road gang, Jefferson

County, Alabama”, by Arthur Rothstein)

9 of Spades
Element: Air
“People get used to anything.
The less you think about your
oppression, the more your
tolerance for it
become free, you have to be
acutely aware of being a slave.”
–– Assata Shakur*
This card asks you to step
outside of your comfort zone
as often as possible. Because
sometimes stagnancy can
masquerade as safety. Existing
only within the confines of
the familiar can be a prison.
Allow yourself to discover new
modes of being, new ideas and
activities. Literally move. Let
trapped energy find release.
Let freedom be a destination
that keeps evolving and
decolonizing itself.
*from Assata: An Autobiography, by Assata
Shakur. Published November 1st 1999 by
Lawrence Hill Books.
XXXVI (36)

(from “Painting grave marker in

cemetery, All Saints’ Day in New Roads,
Louisiana”, by Russell Lee)

6 of Clubs
Element: Fire

The Cross says establishing

a relationship with ancestors
is fundamental, but putting
your needs last is stupid.
Establish and be ready to
enforce healthy boundaries in
your spiritual relationships the
way you should be doing in
all your relationships. Because
you should value yourself and
the gift of your life enough to
believe that. Your dead don’t
want you to spend the life
they paid for being miserable
and meek. Have you been
voicing your needs? Are you
projecting your abandonment
trauma onto your ancestors,
for fear they’ll leave you if
you act “too needy” or “too
aggressive”? Are you scared
they’ll judge you? They may
clown you, but never forget:
this is supposed to be a
healthy, loving relationship.
And a relationship like that
doesn’t leave you feeling
depleted or small. Your loving
ancestors are just as flawed
and capable of compassion as
you are. They were human,
too. This card also asks that
you look at where you need to
be setting better boundaries
in all of your relationships.
Others might not be as ride
or die as ancestors but, baby,
that just means they never
deserved you.

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