Language and Tone

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Language and Tone

A. Examination of language use and tone in dialogue and narration

The language used in Upuan is in Filipino where its tone is not formal and can be described as a
natural way every Filipino speaks on an everyday basis. The song Upuan utilizes a straightforward word
with a mix of Filipino street slangs which complement reflecting and narrating the daily life of the
characters portrayed in the song. Its lines show the tone of the characters in various ways as it reflects
the confrontational words and its emphasis on the struggles and frustrations of an individual who
ignores them with the problems they struggling with. It also shows empathy as it delivers each line of
struggles and mixes with realism that shows the social issues present.

On the other hand, Grave of the Fireflies film uses dialogue and narration in the language of
Japanese. The film uses narration as it shows gloom and portrays pictures of the sad settings of a world
that is at war. The dialogue and narration of the movie display the cultural and historical context of the
war going on in Japan. The tone also is melancholic in the moments of the two siblings Seita and
Setsuko, it is often emotional and shows the strong bond of the two siblings despite the struggles in the
harsh reality of war and loss.

B. Analysis of literary devices employed (e.g., metaphor, allegory)

The song Upuan uses a figure of speech called metaphor as it compares different things like in
the line “ang kanin ay simputi ng gatas na nasa kahon”. It also uses allegory that pictures and interprets
to reveal a hidden meaning which in the song represents each character's story of social issues and
struggles as they ask for help from individuals who are sitting on the chair (a person who has the power
to help). The chair or upuan as it said in the song, symbolizes various rich and political people in the
society as the song highlights its theme of poverty, corruption, and exploitation.

The film Grave of the Fireflies displays also metaphor and allegory as it tells the devastating
effects of war on civilians, particularly in children like the two siblings Seita and Setsuko. The fireflies
symbolize the beauty and vulnerability of life amid the darkness resulting from the war. The title itself
suggests the tragic fate of the loss of the life of an innocent in the middle of the chaos of the war. The
allegory present in the film pictures the setting as a fire-ravaged city as it is devastated by the conflicts
brought on by war.

C. Comparison of linguistic styles and their effects on the reader

The linguistic style used by the song Upuan is direct and not formal which speaks to the
audience and aims to raise awareness and provoke a thought to its minds that a social issue is present.
The slangs add more to the song making it easier to express and understand to the audience as it is
relatable to most of the listeners. The lyrics itself is powerful enough to create a picture mix it with a
rhythmic beat and engage the listener to sing while reflecting on the realities of Filipino society.

The linguistic style in the film Graves of the Fireflies is nuances which adds to the authenticity of
the narration of the film making it easier for viewers to picture the wartime setting. Its visual storytelling
displays a complex emotion and themes as it shows the character's experiences and struggles. The
narration creates a sense of empathy that shares the feelings and characters' unfortunate situations. It is
effective as it uses Japanese language and cultural references has it complements the audience helping
them to picture the setting.

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