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Michael P.

6536 S. Woodlawn Ave #1S, 60637, Chicago, IL 773-667-4637

Loyola University New Orleans 6363 St. Charles Ave., Box 40 New Orleans, LA 70118 773-930-8630

Personal Summary Past I grew up in the third largest city in America, South side Chicago, where the city was open for exploring and gave me plenty to do. I am one of five children, two girls and two boys. My parents are divorced and both remarried. I have one sister by both parents Brittany, who is 20. My mother had two more children Tristan who is 13, and Marion who is 11. My dad also had another child, Matthew who is 5 years old. Brittany is currently enrolled at a junior college in Chicago, Marion and Tristan are in grammar school still, and Matthew is now in kindergarten. My father is a photographer and owns his own photography studio while my stepmother Jill works with a non-profit program that brings music to schools in bad areas named Urban Gateways. My mother is a paralegal, while my stepfather Will is works for Workforce Development for the city. My dad and mother are from Baton Rouge, my stepmother is from New Orleans and my stepfather is from Mississippi. With that being said, New Orleans is definitely not an unfamiliar place to me in any way. I went to catholic school my entire life and also played baseball for 13 years, but decided to focus on only school in college. I love arts and drawing but I said that could not be my route, so I have a creative side. I'm very laid back and quiet until I get comfortable, and after that people know me as a very funny person.

Present Right now I'm just trying to adapt to the college life. I'm learning to manage my schedule and seeing that in college my biggest enemy will be myself and having self control. My major is International Business, and it caught my eye in about 7th grade actually when I met a family friend who worked for Nike, and was head of marketing in a town in Germany. I started to do more research and it caught my eye as something that I should pursue. I'm also trying to become more involved now that sports are not in my life, because I know just doing school isn't enough for my future. Future WELL

Hobbies & Interests Chicago Bulls fan Baseball player and wrestler Jack and Jill of America Music Exploring new areas on foot Paintball and fishing

I am Unique Because My voice was on a radio commercial for Minute Maid when i was younger, and I have broken both of my hands twice

Things My Executive Mentor Can Help Me With

I want to be matched with an Executive Mentor because I'm not really sure what areas International Business can really expand into, because I know the industry is much deeper than I can even imagine right now. I also want to know about future internships and job opportunities

to gain experience. I'm confused if I should try to become more specific and major in a double major. I am motivated I am just confused on what I should be focusing on exactly. I also have troubles interviewing sometimes, and want to look into getting real professional experience which I think that they could really help me with.

Fall Semester Schedule MWF 9:30-10:20 am First Year Spanish I CM 302 Tablante MWF 10:30-11:20 am Intro to Business MI 114 Fok MWF 1:30-2:20 pm Intro to Western Art Music CM 135 Murphy TR 11:00-12:15 pm World Civ MA 406 Yeager TR 2:00-3:15 pm Prin. of Microeconomics MI 114 Levendis T 4:55-6:10 pm Portfolio First Year I MI 114 Barnett, Iwasaka

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