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PHY CH 8 “WAVES” Short Questions

Prof.Usman Toor

8.1: (i) Both waves require medium for their propagation.

(ii) Both obey v = f λ.
(iii) Both waves transfer energy while moving away from the source of disturbance.

8.2: (a) Trace D represents the loudest note because the amplitude is maximum.
(b) Trace B represents the highest frequency because trace B contains maximum
number of waves.

8.3: NO, it is not possible for two identical waves travelling in the same direction along a
string to give rise to a stationary wave. Reason: When Two waves having same
frequency travelling in the opposite direction then they interfere and produce
Stationary waves.

8.4: It is known as Stationary waves. Reason: We know when stationary waves is

produced then Nodes and Anti-Nodes are formed. Nodes are the points which have zero
displacement and Anti-Nodes are the points which have Maximum displacement.

8.5: CREST: The portion of transverse wave ABOVE the mean level.
TROUGH: The portion of transverse wave BELOW the mean level.
NODE: Nodes are the points which have zero displacement in stationary waves.
Anti-Node: Anti-Nodes are the points which have Maximum displacement in stationary

8.6: The speed of sound travels faster in solids than in gases because the molecules in
solid are closer than in a gas hence they respond quickly.
We know speed of sound in a medium is v = √ Where “E” is the elasticity and “𝜌" is
the Density of the medium. As ( )Solid > ( )Gases So VSolid > V gases .
𝝆 𝝆
PHY CH 8 “WAVES” Short Questions
Prof.Usman Toor

8.7: First we take a Standard instrument of known frequency. When Untuned

instrument and Standard instrument are sounded together then Beats are produced.
Now we adjust the Untuned instrument by tightening or losing the screws till NO beats
heared. At this instant the Untuned instrument has tuned at the frequency of Standard

8.8: Since f1 > f2 so beat frequency is f1 – f2 . Thus correct answer is (iii).

8.9: As we know that the sound travels faster in solid than in gases, therefore the sound
of explosion travels with greater speed through the Solid ground than through Air.
That’s why the observer senses a ground tremor first then hears the explosion.

𝜸𝑷 𝟏
8.10: Since the speed of sound in air is v = √  v∞
𝝆 √𝝆
As the density of the Warm air is smaller than the density of Cold air, therefore the
sound travels faster through the warm air than through the cold air.

8.11: The frequency of sound does not change, if the relative velocity of sound source
with respect to observer is Zero.
(i) When the sound source and the observer move in the Same direction with same
(ii) When the Source of sound is moving on a Circular path around the observer.

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