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Present continuous/progressive=now/temporary

action/in progess/for arrangements

Time phrases: now/at the moment/at present/tonight/right

To be +verb+ ing
I am reading =I’m
You are reading=you’re
He,she,it is reading=he’s/she’s/it’s
We are reading=we’re
You are reading=you’re
They are reading=they’re

Am not/is not/are not+verb+ing

I am not reading=I’m not

You are not reading=aren’t
He/she/it is not reading=isn’t
We are not reading
you are not reading
They are not reading
Simple questions
Wh questions
Are you reading now?/Yes, I am. /No,I am not
Is he playing tennis now?/ Yes, he is./No, he isn’t

Wh word (when,where,why…….)+am/is/are+subject+verb+ing
Where are you cooking?
I am cooking in the kitchen.

Spelling ‘’ing’’
verb+ing: read-reading/speak-speaking
‘’e’’: write-writing/make-making/bake-baking
Cons+voc+cons: se dubleaza ultima consoana:

w/y/x=nu dublam

to speak
I am speaking
You are speaking
He/she/it is speaking
We are speaking
You are speaking
They are speaking

I am not speaking
You are not speaking
He/she/it is not speaking
We are not speaking
You are not speaking
They are not speaking

Am I speaking?
Are you speaking?
Is he/she/it speaking
Are we speaking?
Are you speaking?
Are they speaking?

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