Presentation6 TGM TBM

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The Glass Menagerie

Laura Wingfield is a character in the play "The Glass Menagerie" by Tennessee
Williams. She is shy and delicate, and here is an analysis of Laura's character:

Shyness and Vulnerability: Laura is extremely shy and often avoids social
interactions, preferring the company of her glass figurines.

Physical Impairment: Laura has a slight physical impairment, a limp caused by an

illness in her childhood.

Sensitivity and Fragility: Laura is highly sensitive and emotional, and even the
smallest obstacles affect her deeply.
Tom Wingfield is a complex and central character in Tennessee Williams' play "The Glass Menagerie." He serves as
both the narrator and a participant in the events of the story.

1. Dreamer and Escapist: Tom Wingfield is a dreamer in the play "The Glass Menagerie." He has big aspirations and
longs for a more exciting and fulfilling life beyond his current circumstances.

2. Conflicted Dutiful Son: Despite his yearning for freedom, Tom feels a sense of duty towards his mother, Amanda,
and his sister, Laura. He is torn between his responsibilities towards his family and his own personal desires.

3. Narrator and Memory: Tom's role as the narrator creates a unique perspective through which the story is told. He
reflects on the events of the play from a future perspective, adding depth to the narrative. His memories and
reflections shape the audience's understanding of the Wingfield family dynamics.

4. Symbolic Representations: Tom is often seen as a representative of the author himself, Tennessee Williams, as the
play is semi-autobiographical. Tom's desire for freedom, his struggles with family obligations, and his aspirations to be
a writer mirror Williams' own experiences. Tom's character serves as a vessel for Williams' themes and perspectives.
Amanda, the mother in the play "The Glass Menagerie," is a strong and determined woman who loves her children. She
wants them to be happy and successful. However, she often lives in the past and expects too much from them.

Amanda is nostalgic and always talks about her own youth and past relationships. She wants her daughter Laura to
have the same experiences and find a husband. But Laura is shy and lacks confidence, so it's hard for her.

Amanda cares a lot about what other people think and wants her family to fit in with society. She puts pressure on her
children to meet her expectations.

Even though Amanda has flaws, she is a strong character. She takes care of her family by working hard and making

In summary, Amanda is a strong and determined mother in "The Glass Menagerie." She loves her children but
sometimes expects too much from them. She wants them to fit in with society but puts too much pressure on them.
The End.
Thank You For Listening.

By:Turki Albugami
Bandar Alharbi
Muhannad Alharthy

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