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Summer Internship and Training

Supervised By:- Submitted By:-

Dr. Rajiv Verma. Tanishq Verma
12112001 Branch: IT
Semester: V


I extend my sincere appreciation to the METVY Consultancy course instructors for

providing a comprehensive learning experience. Their expertise, well-structured
modules, and practical insights have significantly enhanced my
understanding .Additionally, I express gratitude to Dr. Rajiv Verma and IIIT Sonepat
for their support in my academic journey. I am also thankful for the collaborative
learning environment fostered by fellow participants. My heartfelt thanks to my family
and friends for their unwavering support. This course has been a valuable asset in my
professional journey, and I eagerly anticipate applying these skills in future endeavors.

Tanishq Verma
IT 5th Semester

Consultancy case studies serve as detailed examinations of speci c projects

or business situations, o ering insights into the strategies, challenges, and
outcomes involved. Case studies are often used in interviews, especially in
elds like consulting, to assess a candidate on the following crucial facets:

➤ Real-world Simulation: Case studies provide a simulated real-world

scenario, allowing interviewers to observe how candidates approach and
analyze complex problems.

➤Problem-Solving Skills: Employers are interested in hiring individuals who

can e ectively solve problems. Case studies require candidates to think
critically, identify key issues, and develop solutions, o ering a glimpse into
their problem-solving capabilities.

➤Analytical Thinking: Case studies evaluate a candidate's analytical

thinking and data interpretation skills; how well candidates can process
information, draw meaningful insights, and make informed decisions based
on available data.

➤Decision-Making Ability: Case studies assess a candidate's decision-

making process. Interviewers want to understand not only the decisions
made but also the reasoning behind them. This provides insight into a
candidate's judgment and ability to make sound decisions under pressure.

➤Industry Knowledge: Case studies often relate to speci c industries or

business contexts. Demonstrating familiarity with industry-speci c concepts
and challenges can showcase a candidate's relevant knowledge and



Task 3 - Estimate number of crows in Ahmedabad

Start : Ahmedabad area : 500 sq km

Trees, nests , forest area must be key points to


Forest area must be categorised into 3 divisions:

Low cover
High cover
Medium cover

After gathering stats:

Low forest cover - 60 % Trees - 10

Medium cover - 30% Trees - 20
Low cover - 10% Trees - 50

Crows per nest lets assume 4

Nest per tree - approx 0.13

Total Crows = 4.5 Lakhs

Guesstimates are rough estimates or educated guesses used to make quick
calculations or assessments when speci c data is not available.

They are often used in interviews, business situations, or daily life scenarios
where a quick approximation is needed. Here are a few examples of
guesstimates: How many gas stations are there in your city?

To estimate this, you might consider the population of the city, the average
number of vehicles per household, and the typical distance between gas

For example, if there are 50,000 households, and each household has an
average of two vehicles, with a gas station needed approximately every 5
miles, you might estimate there are around 50 gas stations.

What is the market size for smartphones in the United States?

You could start by considering the total population, the percentage of

people who own smartphones, and the average replacement cycle for
smartphones. If there are 300 million people in the U.S., and let's say 80%
own smartphones, with an average replacement cycle of 2 years, you might
estimate the market size by multiplying these factors.

How many golf balls can t in a school bus? This classic example tests your
ability to think logically.

You might estimate the volume of the school bus, the volume of a golf ball,
and then divide one by the other. For example, if the school bus volume is
200 cubic meters, and a golf ball is roughly 0.004 cubic meters, you could
estimate that around 50,000 golf balls could t in the bus.

Remember, the key to a good guesstimate is not necessarily getting the

exact answer but demonstrating a logical thought process and using
reasonable assumptions. It's often more about how you approach the
problem than arriving at a precise gure.

Attended a thought-provoking session in the Metvy with Dhairya Gangwani,

DHAIRYA DECODES' founder and professional counsellor. She gave her
insightful knowledge and experience on how consulting operates, the duties
and tasks of various analyst kinds, and the abilities and attributes needed to
be successful in this industry. Among the main lessons learned from the
session are:

➢Consulting is the practice of o ering clients professional guidance and

solutions in accordance with their objectives and needs.

➢Since they gather, evaluate, and disseminate data to aid in decision-

making and problem-solving, analysts constitute the foundation of

➢Depending on their area of expertise and specialization, analysts can be

classi ed as business, product, HR, or other types of analysts.

➢The culture of consulting is dynamic, collaborative, and demanding since

it necessitates ongoing innovation, learning, and adaptability.

➢ A strong personality and soft skills like communication, critical thinking,

creativity, teamwork, and leadership are prerequisites for entering the
consulting eld.

In conclusion, my consultancy course has been a

transformative journey, equipping me with a
diverse skill set essential for navigating the
complexities of the consulting realm. From
honing problem-solving methodologies to
enhancing communication strategies, the course
has fostered a critical and analytical mindset
crucial for effective consultancy. I've gained
valuable insights into industry-speci c
knowledge and developed project management
techniques that will undoubtedly contribute to my
success in this dynamic eld. Overall, the course
has empowered me with the tools and knowledge
needed to thrive as a consultant, ready to tackle
challenges and provide innovative solutions in the
ever-evolving business landscape.


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