Understanding Arcgis 101 Licensing and Software Authorization en Us

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Understanding ArcGIS 10.

1 Licensing and
Software Authorization
Esri staff discuss what’s new in licensing at 10.1 and software authorizations.


Video Transcription
00:01 Good afternoon and welcome to our technical workshop, Understanding ArcGIS 10.1...

00:04 ...Licensing and Software Authorization. Just a little introduction. My name is Badri Lakkur...

00:10 ...and I'm joined by my colleague, Michael Tims. We work with software licensing and
software authorization at Esri...

00:17 ...and we do related projects as well. So just to get a better understanding of our audience...

00:23 ...please raise your hands if you're a systems or IT administrator who manages the licenses in
your organization.

00:30 Lots of them.

00:31 Thank you. And hands up if you're an end user of the ArcGIS software. Okay.

00:36 [Inaudible audience comment]

00:38 Sure, sure. Sorry. Is that better?

00:45 [Audience response] Yeah.

00:46 Okay. I just moved closer.

00:51 Before we get into the session, I'd just like to kindly request you to save your questions till we
get to the end of the presentation.

00:59 We have a good 20, 25 minutes set aside at the end, so we'll be able to help out any questions

01:06 ...respond to any comments that you may have. So let's get started. Just an overview of how
the session will progress.

01:16 We'll start with basic insight into the license models that Esri uses, namely the concurrent
use and single use license models.

01:24 We'll talk a little bit about how these work, and then we'll move on to what's new at 10.0,
actually; it's a review of...

01:33 ...new functionality that we put in at 10.0. We thought we'd add this so that users who are
still at the 9.x software...

01:40 ...might get an idea of what's coming or what you can expect when you move to the 10.x

01:46 We'll move on to a series of demos that - they'll be given by Michael, basically going through
an existing user at 10.0...

01:56 ...moving to 10.1 scenario and a new user at 10.1. So he'll be talking about authorizing the

02:03 ...a couple of different scenarios there. And while he is doing that, he'll also point out some of
the enhancements...

02:08 ...that we put in at the 10.1 release. And once the demos are done, I'll just quickly summarize
the new features...

02:16 ...that we put in at 10.1 related to authorization. And then we'll go over some best practices
based on questions...

02:23 ...that we have got in the past. And we'll finish up with a summary of the session, and these
slides will be available to...

02:31 ... you at the end of the conference. So we've also included some links to some online help and

02:37 ...that you might find useful. And as I mentioned, the last 20, 25 minutes will be set aside for
any questions that you may have.

02:45 So moving on to the license models, we'll start with the concurrent use license model, and
this is based on a server client...

02:52 ...architecture. So the licenses that you purchase from Esri, concurrent use licenses, are
stored on a central location...

02:59 ...on your network. And this is hosted on the - this is controlled by the ArcGIS License
Manager and is available for use...

03:09 ...for anyone in your organization. So if they're connected to the network, they can just point
to the license manager here...

03:15 ...and then grab a license to use the ArcGIS software. And at the 10.0 release, we put in the
borrow/return functionality.

03:24 So in case some of your end users have some fieldwork and need to go off the network...

03:30 ...they can physically remove a license...

03:32 ...from the license manager, and that installs it locally on the laptop. They can disconnect
from the network...

03:38 ...take it off network, continue to use the software. And then once they're done with their
fieldwork, they get back...
03:44 ...to the office, they can return that license and it'll be available for another person in your
organization to use.

03:50 So this is basically how the concurrent use license works. And this is really useful if you're a
large ELA and you need...

03:58 ...a central location or a place where you can control and manage your licenses from a central

04:04 And it's also useful if you want to share a group of licenses amongst a larger number of users
in your organization.

04:13 And we also have the single use license model. And as I mentioned, the concurrent use is very
useful if you're a large...

04:22 ...organization, you need to centrally manage your licenses. The single use really helps out if
you're a...

04:30 ...if you're a GIS consultant, self-employed GIS consultant, or a small organization.

04:34 Maybe you have four or five users...

04:37 ...in your organization. So the single use is useful there. You don't have to worry...

04:41 ...about the overhead with the license manager.

04:45 So the way this works is the client software, the basically ArcGIS for Desktop or...

04:50 ...Engine or Server and Runtime at this new release...

04:54 ...connect to Esri Customer Service and they grab a license, and that license is installed
directly on the machine.

05:01 You don't have to go through a license manager to get the license. A couple of notes for some
of the other products.

05:11 For ArcGIS Server, the authorization process is very similar to the Desktop and Engine

05:17 The only caveat is there's no deauthorization for Server products as we have for Desktop and

05:25 And for ArcGIS Runtime, we have a developer license, a deployment license, and again...

05:31 ...there is no deauthorization for Runtime.

05:34 So just a couple of notes over there. So what did we put in at ArcGIS 10.0 release? As I
mentioned, license borrowing.

05:46 This was a commonly requested feature by many users going back many years, so we were
excited to be able to bring this...

05:56 ...to our customers at the 10.0 release. And we also had, we also standardized the license
management utilities and the...
06:05 ...authorization process across the products. So for example, if you were using the 9.x license

06:12 ...the process of getting the license was very different than authorizing a 9.x Desktop single
use or Engine single use.

06:19 And so at 10.0, what we did is we standardized the process so the look and feel of the
authorization process as well as...

06:26 ...the utilities between the license manager and the Desktop and Engine software was very
similar there. And a couple of...

06:34 ...new products that we introduced at the 10.0 release, ArcInfo single use and the ArcGIS
Engine concurrent use software.

06:45 So just to talk about the - oh, before I talk about what's new at 10.1, I'd like to hand it off to

06:54 As I mentioned, Michael will be going through a series of demos from an existing-user

06:59 ...that's using 10.0., moving to 10.1, and a new-user perspective.

07:06 Okay, thank you, Badri. Everybody hear me okay? Alright. Okay, so I'll show a series of demos

07:14 First, I'm going to go through the single use license model, followed by showing you the
Customer Care site, and...

07:24 ...finally getting into the concurrent use license model. So what you'll see up on the screen
right now is a new prompt.

07:32 This is a new 10.1 prompt, and this is for an existing user.

07:35 This is an existing user that was running the single use license model...

07:41 ...a single use Desktop software, and they've had the 10.0 software running on their machine.
So what they've done is...

07:50 ...they've uninstalled 10.0, and I've reinstalled 10.1 on that same machine, just an existing

07:58 And during that process, I did not deauthorize my 10.0 single use licenses.

08:04 I've kept them on the machine. What that will do is...

08:07 ...once you've installed 10.1, at the end of the ArcGIS for Desktop install, you'll see this
prompt. It'll read...

08:16 ..."Licenses from a prior version of software have been detected on this machine.

08:21 Would you like to start the upgrade process?"

08:24 And that's exactly what it says. It's found 10.0 licenses on your machine, and it's just going to
prompt you...

08:29 ...would you like to automatically upgrade these to 10.1. So very straightforward.

08:34 And you'll see here...if I click the Yes button to automatically upgrade...

08:39 ...it'll bring me into the Software Authorization wizard.

08:42 And this probably looks familiar, but it's got a new upgrade functionality...

08:47 ...built into it, recommended to upgrade on the Internet...

08:51 ...which is the first upgrade method. You can also upgrade offline by saving a file to the disk
and transferring it to a machine...

08:58 ...that has Internet access, e-mail the file, upload the file, and receive a response file back.
That works with the upgrade process...

09:06 ...as well. We'll upgrade over the Internet, considering we've got good Internet connection
here. So what we see here...

09:14 ...on the next screen is the available features to upgrade. So these are the three features that
I was running at the 10.0 release...

09:24 ...and that I want to upgrade to the 10.1 release. So you see a column that's titled Upgrade
From with a version number...

09:30 ...of 10.0, and Upgrade To with a version of 10.1. So this is really nice. You notice I didn't
have to type any...

09:39 ...authorization numbers or browse to any files, provisioning files or anything like that. It's
just going to go ahead and...

09:47 ...automatically upgrade these to 10.1. So if I click Next, it'll start the upgrade process. You'll
get a progress bar...

09:54 ...and this is going to perform a transaction back to Esri Customer Service. And what it's
doing is deauthorizing the 10.0...

10:03 ...license that it found on the machine and, at the same time, authorizing 10.1 in place of
those. So you've gotten rid...

10:10 ...of the 10.0 licenses, brought 10.1 onto your machine because you've just installed the 10.1
software. So when that's done...p

10:19 ...it'll tell you the upgrade's complete. We click Finish...

10:22 ...and that'll bring me back into the ArcGIS Administrator, all kind of done...

10:27 ...as one process here. If I go to the Desktop node here on the left, we'll see that it detected
that I was using Advanced...

10:35 ...formerly the ArcInfo license level. And it just detected that 'cause that's what it's detected
that I've upgraded from...
10:44 ...and that I'm upgrading to. So if I go to the availability...

10:47 ...you'll see the three features that I requested with their time-out date.

10:52 And the Version column says that they're running as 10.1, so now I'm ready to go. Really

11:00 An existing user, you just install the software, go through the automatic process; you're up
and running on single use.

11:07 I can now start up my ArcMap software and run the software. We click OK.

11:14 Okay, now I want to get into the Customer Care site.

11:18 This is just a brief rundown of what you can do in the Customer Care site with regards to
authorization and creating...

11:26 ...provisioning files. So to get to the Customer Care site, the URL is customers.esri.com. It's
kind of small.

11:35 Just a show of hands, how many have been to the Customer Care site? I just want to know
how many people have seen...

11:39 ...this before. Okay, so quite a few of you. So you pretty much come here, you log in with your
Esri Global Account...

11:46 ...and just right here in the user name, provide your password. Click login. What that'll do is
bring you to this screen.

11:55 And depending on what your Global Account is tied to as a customer number, this particular
customer number is...

12:01 ...a demo customer that I've created just for this presentation.

12:04 And this demo customer is able to open up different options here.

12:09 I've got some options where I can download the software with this customer number, check
out my paper licenses...

12:17 ...for software licenses, view the authorization and provisioning, see what features I'm
authorized to use...

12:24 ...and other information here as well.

12:27 We're going to concentrate on the Authorization & Provisioning section of the website.

12:31 So I'm going to click down here. This will take a second to load, depending on how many
entitlements that your customer...

12:41 ...number is actually tied to here and the amount of products you've purchased. So you can
see, I have quite a few...

12:49 ...for this customer number, and the first page that it's brought me to here is the
Authorizations tab.
12:56 And this is exactly what it says. It's just the different authorizations, the different features
that I'm entitled to use.

13:03 The feature names are displayed here in the table with their associated version. If they're an
extension or...

13:11 ...if they're a core product. There's some that are labeled as core.

13:14 That's where you get your Advanced or your Standard license.

13:20 Whether it's a single use license for the single use license model...

13:23 ...concurrent use license for the concurrent use model...

13:27 ...and the quantities. So this is really nice. If you have quite a few features, the filtering
options down here at the bottom...

13:35 ...of the page are really nice. You can filter by version, by the product type, core extension or
the license type...

13:43 ...concurrent use, single use. Server is for ArcGIS Server products. That's just a little bit
about that.

13:51 We want to create for this demo a few provisioning files, and I'm going to use those
provisioning files to authorize a...

13:58 ...license manager directly after I present the Customer Care site here. But I want to create a
few provisioning files.

14:08 You see when we click on the Provisioning tab, it brings up a table of prior provisioning files
that I've created.

14:15 You can click on these provisioning file IDs to get some information about what that
provisioning file was...

14:22 ...that I had created prior. We want to create a new provisioning file, so we click the new
provision button up in the...

14:30 ...upper right-hand corner. And this'll bring me to a screen which shows all of the features I'm
able to provision.

14:41 For this demo, I want to actually create a 10.0 concurrent use provisioning file. I'm going to
authorize a 10.0 license manager...

14:51 ...and then I'm going to upgrade that license manager at 10.1, so we'll go through that
upgrade process.

14:56 So you could just pretend this is a new user that's moving to the 10.0 software. So we select
the 10.0 version...

15:06 ...in the drop-down and the concurrent use license type, and let's just pick out a few products

15:13 Let's say we want three copies. You can click these up and down arrows to specify...
15:19 ...how many copies of certain features you want.

15:22 Say we want three of the 3D Analyst features and maybe scroll down and get a couple Data
Interoperability features.

15:31 We've got three features of each having three copies. I didn't do that on purpose. But that's
what we want for this...

15:42 ...license manager, so when I'm content with the amount of copies I've selected, we click the
Create Provisioning File button.

15:50 And this is a new panel in the provisioning process in the Customer Care site. This went up a
few weeks ago...

15:58 ...maybe about a month ago, and it allows you to type in your user information that will get
stored in the provisioning file.

16:06 At the 10.0 release, this information would have been the information that was stored in your
Esri Global Account.

16:14 So we didn't provide the option prior to override that information, but this was a highly
requested feature from our users...

16:25 ...to be able to come in here and specify user information for the provisioning file. So I could
just type my name in and...

16:33 ...last name, put an e-mail address for any of these fields that have not been filled out.

16:42 Ucdemo and put a phone number in here.

16:49 I think that's the right phone number. And we'll just say I'm part of the Dev Department. So
when I'm happy with the...

16:56 ...user information that I've filled out for this provisioning file, I can choose the delivery
options next.

17:03 I can choose to e-mail the provisioning file to a certain e-mail address. If we click the E-mail
button, get an e-mail address...

17:12 ...text field that opens up. I could type my e-mail address in here and e-mail the file to myself.
For this presentation...

17:19 ...we'll just download the file directly off of the website. And there's another text field
underneath this called...

17:26 ...the Description, also known as the comment field we'll refer to it as, as well. And this is just
to provide...

17:34 ...a description or a label or a comment for the provisioning file. If you wanted to provision
this file to a certain machine...

17:43 ...you may type the machine in here; or a certain employee within the company, you could
type their name in here.
17:51 Whatever it is, it's user defined; you can type whatever free text you want in here. And then
when you go back later...

17:58 ...you could actually go back to the provisioning site and see the description and sync them up

18:06 ...if you were trying to tie them together, just for reference purposes. I can type in here "UC
2012 demo"...

18:14 ...so I know that I've created it for the demo purposes here. I'm happy with that. Click the
Create Provisioning File...

18:21 ...and this will generate the provision file and allow me to download the file. So I get a
download prompt.

18:28 I'm just going to save that to disk here. Get out of that. That's good. Now I have my 10.0
concurrent use provisioning file...

18:39 ...that I will authorize on my license manager. While I'm in here, I also need to provision a
10.1 single use license.

18:48 So I choose the version 10.1 and the single use license type.

18:53 And just to demonstrate how to create one of these for single use...

18:56 ...let's choose an Advanced 3D Analyst and maybe Geostatistical Analyst. So this will need to
be done for a new user...

19:07 ...that may be moving to 10.1. The existing user, we step through the upgrade process, but for
a new user...

19:14 ...you may have to come in here and create a provisioning file for that new user. We click the
Create Provisioning File...

19:22 ...and that again brings me to the User Information screen. But we notice a few links up here I
didn't point out before.

19:32 We want to take advantage of these links. You can click on the company info and that's really
the default information...

19:38 ...that's populated on this form. But if you do want to pull the information out of your Global

19:43 ...you click the personal information, and it's gone into my Global Account and pulled out my
name and my e-mail...

19:50 ...and my user details and has populated the form. For anything that wasn't filled in, we can
fill in accordingly.

20:00 We also want to download this file, and highly recommended to specify a description for this
provisioning file.

20:11 We'll click Create Provisioning File, and that will create the 10.1 single use provisioning file...
20:17 ...and allow me to download that one as well onto my machine. So now I have two
provisioning files.

20:23 I can send them out to the correct users to authorize the software. So we're going to do that
right now.

20:31 Well, first I want to show you what these provisioning files look like. Let's do that. We've got a
little bit of time.

20:37 So I've opened up these provisioning files. You'll see, they're just simple text files. They're
formatted in a way...

20:44 ...where the authorization wizard understands the formatting. So you can open it up in
Notepad or your favorite text editor.

20:53 But I'd recommend not playing around with the values in here, 'cause it may mess up the
formatting, and then the wizard...

20:59 ...may not understand how to read it. But if you need to get in here and see the contents...

21:06 ...maybe you wanted to get in here and see the user information that was populated in the
provisioning file...

21:12 ...you can do that. So this upper block is the user information that I had typed in when
creating the file.

21:18 And at the bottom is the authorization number. So I selected three features for my concurrent
use, which is...

21:24 ...on the left here, and three features for the single use, on the right here. And we get the
feature names...

21:32 ...with their corresponding authorization number and the quantities are tacked on here on the

21:37 So this is just the internal contents of the provisioning file. You may never have to open one of
these things up to look at it...

21:44 ...but I just wanted to point out what they look like inside. So let's use one of these now.

21:51 So I'm going to pull up the License Server Administrator. So this is...we can just pretend this
is a new 10.0 license manager...

22:04 ...that I'm setting up in my company. You can see that it's 10.0 in the title bar here for the
license server.

22:11 And once I've installed it, it'll start the service automatically. We see that it's running here at
the bottom.

22:17 I can stop and start it. If I go to the Availability on the left-hand side, we see there's no
features yet authorized here.

22:26 So let's use our provisioning file by clicking on the Authorization tab and going to Authorize
22:36 It'll bring up the Software Authorization wizard, which will allow me to browse to the
provisioning file I've just created.

22:44 We click the third option to do that. There's a couple other options up above. If you want to
authorize licenses on the...

22:52 ...license server without a file, without a provisioning file, you could still do that, and what it
will require is to type in...

22:58 ...the authorization by hand. So really, what we've done with creating the provisioning file is
it's a shortcut method...

23:04 ...so you don't have to type in the numbers. You can create the file, give it off to your user,

23:09 ...you don't have to rely on them to type in the numbers correctly, 'cause it's already been
populated for them.

23:15 So we'll do that. We'll browse to the file I created, click Next. And we'll want to authorize over
the Internet.

23:22 This is the recommended way to authorize. And we can also authorize offline, like I mentioned
with the upgrade as well...

23:31 ...by saving a file and uploading the file on a machine that does have Internet access. Or in
the event of transferring licenses...

23:39 ...from one license server to another, you'd pick this third option to authorize the software
from a local license server.

23:47 We'll authorize over the Internet. Click Next and you'll see it's filled out my user information
for me.

23:53 I don't have to type this all in. It was contained in the provisioning file. We go through and
click Next again.

24:00 There's a few more questions to answer here. Just answer them accordingly, depending on
your organization.

24:13 Click Next, and we see the authorization number and the number of copies that I want to pull
for that authorization number.

24:19 So it's filled in the ArcEditor. It's still ArcEditor at 10.0. It's changed its name to Standard at

24:27 So that's what we see here in the authorization. Click Next, and there's the two extensions
also they want to authorize.

24:34 And they'd been prefilled in for me from the provisioning file. And if it all looks good, I'll click
Next and proceed...

24:42 ...through the authorization. This will do the transaction over the Internet, and you'll see it's
authorizing three features here.
24:53 It just takes a little bit. When it's all done, you'll get a message that your software has been
authorized and is ready to use.

25:00 Click Finish. That'll bring us back to the License Server Administrator. And what it's doing is
rereading the licenses...

25:05 ...because the license manager was running, to detect which new licenses have been installed
onto the machine.

25:13 And we can click the Availability now, and before where this was blank, we now see the three
features that I authorized...

25:20 ...and that their version number is 10.0 here. That's just a quick overview of a new user
authorizing a license manager.

25:32 What I want to do now is go over to this next machine and illustrate what it looks like to take
this same license manager.

25:39 I know it's a different machine, but just pretend this is the same machine and this is the same
license manager...

25:45 ...but I'm moving this license manager now from 10.0 to 10.1. So what I've done is, during the
off hours...

25:52 ...I've uninstalled my 10.0 license manager without deauthorizing the license manager. I've
installed the 10.1 license manager...

26:01 ...on that same machine, and you'll get the license server administrator to display exactly
what you see here.

26:09 So you see it's a 10.1 license manager that's running 10.0 versions of the features. So what I
want to do is upgrade this...

26:15 ...to 10.1 features. So to do that, we click the Authorization tab. And this panel looks a little
different now at 10.1.

26:24 You see an Upgrade Now button. We click the Upgrade Now button. This will load up the
Software Authorization wizard.

26:33 And we want to upgrade using the first method, over the Internet. We click Next. This will
query home to see which...

26:41 ...features I'm eligible to upgrade, and we should get a list here of the features that are

26:47 We can scroll over and see their names; scroll back, you can see the Upgrade From version
and the Upgrade To version.

26:55 We're going to 10.1. If you want, this last column here, you double-click in here, and these
cells are editable.

27:02 This one in the last column - these are the number of licenses you want to upgrade. So you
can change this.
27:07 By default, it'll just upgrade everything, but you can change it to just upgrade a few. I just
recommend upgrading everything because...

27:14 ...your 10.0 clients, if you're still running 10.0 Desktop software, will still be able to run off of
your 10.1 licenses.

27:21 So just upgrade all of them. So we click Next. This will send the upgrade request over the

27:30 And this'll do the same thing that the single use software did when we went through the

27:35 It's deauthorizing the 10.0 licenses and then authorizing the 10.1 licenses back on this license

27:43 And it does it all in one step, and we do it all for you. We didn't have to plug in any numbers...

27:49 ...or browse to a provisioning file that time around. We just did the upgrade. So it'll reread the
licenses here.

27:55 It's just not refreshing the screen, but it's doing a reread to detect which licenses had been

28:02 And if we go to the Availability, we can see now, it's the same features; they've just been
upgraded to the 10.1 version.

28:09 So we see the 10.1 version here in the Version column. So now I can let all my clients know...

28:15 ...or my three clients, in this case, know that they can connect to this license manager.

28:22 So I'm going to demonstrate just that.

28:25 We'll come back over. Give me a second. I've got to reset this machine to run as a client.

28:31 If we come back over to the client software...if we come back over to the client machine, we
will demonstrate what this...

28:46 ...looks like now. So this is an existing concurrent use user...

28:51 ...so I'm demonstrating the concurrent use license model now.

28:54 This is a concurrent use Desktop user, and they've uninstalled 10.0 on their machine.

28:59 They've put 10.1 on the same machine.

29:02 And they'll be prompted with the ArcGIS Administrator wizard, very similar to the same
wizard we saw at 10.0.

29:09 And we select the product we want to use. We want to use Standard concurrent use, and that
enables option 2...

29:18 ...down here at the bottom to specify the license manager. And I'm going to type in the license
manager name.
29:27 We'll connect to the license manager I just set up. Hit OK. That will bring me into the ArcGIS

29:35 If I select the Desktop node, now we'll see that we're set on Standard concurrent use.

29:41 The license manager's defined on this panel, as well. And go to the Availability. It's reading
the three licenses that I...

29:48 ...have authorized on this license manager. You can see, they're version 10.1, when they
expire, and the number of licenses...

29:57 ...that are available. So we're all set. I can go ahead and launch ArcMap. Let's just do that
real quickly.

30:06 If we load up ArcMap, that's going to check out a license from the license manager.

30:13 So we'll be consuming one Standard license by this ArcMap session.

30:21 It takes a second to come up. This is the first time I'm launching it for the day.

30:27 So it's come up now, and if I go back to my license manager real fast, I'm on the same
Availability screen that I left it on.

30:36 If I click the Refresh button at the bottom, you'll see the available copy went from three to

30:43 So I know somebody is using my Desktop Standard license concurrently. If you want to get
more information...

30:50 ...this is something new for administrators - click the View License Usage button at the

30:57 And we click the Checked Out tab here, and then we can get information about our certain
features that are being checked out.

31:05 I'm interested in Desktop Standard. So it shows me a user that is currently checking out
Desktop Standard version 10.1.

31:15 So this is new; this is an enhancement we made to the 10.1 license manager. We see the
checked-out time was...

31:23 ...2 p.m., so it was just about a minute ago; I just opened my ArcMap session...

31:27 ...which user name and the host name that is checking out this license.

31:31 So this is pretty nice for the license server administrators. Also new at 10.1 is the ability to do
a forced check-in.

31:40 You can check this box and click this Force Checkin button. And this is mostly used in the
case of a license...

31:51 ...becoming hung. Maybe it's been hung for a couple days and you're wondering...

31:55 ...you know, why it hasn't come back.

31:57 And this is a way to come in here and force check it back in to the license manager. So that's
something new at 10.1.

32:06 Click Close. We want to come back now to the client. You see I still have ArcMap running

32:14 We'll just close out of ArcMap. And the ArcGIS Administrator also gives you an availability
view here.

32:22 If I would have refreshed in here, you would have saw the available count go down to two, as

32:28 I click Refresh, and we see that it's bumped the number back up to three. So that's good.
That's just a quick little demo...

32:36 ...of the concurrent use model, but also in the concurrent use model is license borrowing.
Badri had mentioned...

32:41 ...that was a new feature at the 10.0 release. It still exists at 10.1. And I want to demonstrate
that real fast because...

32:49 ...this is a laptop that I want to take out into the field, and I can't be on the network while I'm
out in the field.

32:56 So we want to just borrow a license to this machine so I can unplug it from the network...

33:01 ...and take it out and work on my ArcGIS.

33:04 So we click the Borrow/Return tab, and we see the available features that are available to

33:11 But something new at 10.1...

33:14 ...in the client is the ability for the client to override the borrow days that were set on the
license manager...

33:21 ...not to exceed those days that were specified on the license manager. So you'll see a little
description, if you can read it.

33:28 It's kind of small. It says, "The maximum borrow limit is 30 days," so that's what my license
server administrator had set up...

33:35 ...was a 30-day maximum borrow. But I can say I only want to take it for 7 days.

33:39 'Cause I'm a good user, I'm only going to go out for 7 days, and then when I come back, if I'm
out for 7 days...

33:48 ...it'll actually automatically return it back to the license server. I'll just borrow it for 7 days.
That way, if I lose my machine...

33:56 ...it's not borrowed for 30 days or something. So we'll check the features and click Apply.

34:06 This will physically go out to the license manager and deduct a copy of each of the features
and bring them...
34:11 ...onto my laptop here. So the panel refreshes, and we see the features remain checked.
That's just to indicate that...

34:21 ...they were borrowed. Another indication, we can go to the Availability screen.

34:26 And this no longer says there's three copies available.

34:29 It just says Yes, yes, they're available for you, and that's to indicate that they're being

34:34 Licenses show a 1 for each of those features. So I know if I see this, I have them borrowed. I
can unplug my machine...

34:42 ...and go on my way to using ArcGIS off the network. Let's go over to the license manager
now and give you...

34:52 ...an idea of what it looks like here. I'm still on the Availability screen. If I hit Refresh...

34:58 ...we see that the available counts have dropped from three down to two for each of the

35:03 So one copy of each of the features is being used either in a concurrent use way or they're
being borrowed.

35:12 So to get more information about that, we've provided more information about that. Click the
View License Usage button.

35:20 On the first screen, now we see that the Borrowed tab is selected. I can see which features
are currently being borrowed.

35:28 We see the version, when they expire. They expire on August 1st, so I know that whoever is
borrowing these...

35:35 ...requested that they only be borrowed for seven days, seven days from now, and the host
name that's borrowing them.

35:43 So if I know who owns that host, I can tell who's borrowing these licenses. Click Close.

35:50 I'm kind of going back and forth here, but...

35:53 ...let's go back to the client and say the client got back into the office a little early and is
actually going to return the licenses...

36:00 ...back to the license manager manually.

36:01 If I would have left it for seven days, they would have went back automatically, but...

36:05 ...I'll just show you how to do that manually real fast.

36:08 Go back to the Borrow/Return node here in the ArcGIS Administrator...

36:12 ...and just uncheck these boxes. When they're unchecked, hit Apply. It's the same thing we did
when we borrowed them.
36:20 We just uncheck them, hit Apply, and that's going to send them back to the license server.

36:26 That takes a second and they have been sent back. If we go to the Availability...

36:29 ...we'll see they're back to the quantities, displaying the quantities.

36:32 That means I'm back using the license server in a concurrent use way. That's good. Let's go
back to the license server.

36:41 Just show you what it looks like. We click the Refresh button.

36:46 The copies went to two back up to three for each of the features...

36:50 ...so they've been returned. If I go to the View License Usage again, there's no licenses to
display for the borrowed.

36:57 So I know nobody's borrowing anything right now. Click Close.

37:04 Just one more thing to go through. I know this is a long demo.

37:09 We're going to show you something else that's new at 10.1, and this is called - we call it
selective deauthorization.

37:15 So back at the 10.0 license manager, if you wanted to deauthorize a license manager - say you
pulled one too many copies...

37:22 ...onto the license manager by accident, back at the 10.0 software, you would have had to
uninstall, deauthorize all of the licenses...

37:30 ...and then pull back only the quantities you want. But with selective deauthorization...

37:35 ...let me show you what you can do.

37:37 Click the Authorization node here; the Deauthorize button is in here. If we click Deauthorize...

37:44 ...that'll bring up the Software Authorization wizard, and we can choose to deauthorize over
the Internet. Click Next.

37:52 And this is a new panel in the 10.1 Software Authorization wizard.

37:56 You'll see this where it allows you to select the features...

38:00 ...that you want to deauthorize. So I can come in here and deselect maybe an extension that I
don't want to deauthorize...

38:09 ...or let's say, actually in this last column, I can change the quantity. So say I only want to
send one back per feature.

38:17 I pulled one too many, so let's send, let's just deauthorize one copy of each of the features.
Click Next.

38:26 And that's not going to send all of the copies back; it's just going to send one per feature. It's
a nice little enhancement.
38:35 It's all done. We click Finish. We come back into the license server administrator. It's going to
reread the licenses to see...

38:42 ...what was done. It's going to detect that we've deauthorized one copy. If we go to the

38:51 ...you'll see my count went from three down to two. So I deauthorized one per feature. That's
really nice.

38:57 I didn't have to deauthorize all of them and then just pull two down.

39:02 So just a quick demo of what's new at 10.1. We'll go back to Badri.

39:08 He's going to go over what I've just gone over, just in brief, and go through some best
practices as well.

39:14 Thanks, Michael. So as Michael demonstrated, at the 10.1 release, we have a way to upgrade

39:22 So if you're an existing 10.0 user moving to 10.1, you don't have to reauthorize or, rather,
create a provisioning file and...

39:31 ...go through the entire reauthorization process for 10.1. All you need to do is just uninstall

39:38 ...leaving the licenses on the machine, install 10.1, and you'll be prompted to do the upgrade
in the case of...

39:44 ...single use, and in the case of license manager, you would open up the License Server

39:50 ...and go through the upgrade process there. And once you're there, it's just a couple of clicks,
go through the process...

39:56 ...and that'll automatically convert your 10.0 license to 10.1. And your 10.1 license will
support all the software.

40:04 And the second thing that Michael showed was the forced check-in.

40:08 That's available from the View License Usage button...

40:12 ...in the License Server Administrator. So this gives a way to - a better way to manage your

40:19 If there are certain licenses that, you know, that are hung on the network, you can just go
check those licenses...

40:26 ...and then click Force Checkin, and it'll be brought back into your license pool, available for
use by...

40:32 ...someone else who really needs those licenses. And we also implemented a way for your end

40:41 ...to define the borrow period. So at the 10.0 release, the license administrator would define
the borrow period.

40:49 In this case, as Michael showed, it was 30 days, and there was no way for end users to change
that. But at the 10.1 release...

40:57 ...the end user now has the ability to define exactly what they need. So if they're just gone for
two or three days from...

41:06 ...the network out to the field to do some fieldwork, they can just say, I just need those for two
or three days...

41:12 ...instead of the 30 days. And the last major enhancement was the selective deauthorization.
As Michael showed...

41:22 ...he didn't need three licenses on his license manager. He just needed two, but accidentally
he got down three licenses.

41:29 So he was able to send back just one license instead of deauthorizing all the licenses on his
machine, and then...

41:38 ...having to authorize again with just two. And selective deauthorization is also there for
single use, as well, so if you...

41:45 ...have accidentally pulled down an extension that was meant for one of your colleagues, you
can just say, Okay...

41:51 ...I want to deauthorize just this particular extension. And that goes back to customer service
and then your colleague can...

41:56 ...authorize that. So moving on to best practices, this is based on questions that we typically
get at our island or...

42:10 ...from customers here or users here at the presentation. We allow the license server
administrator to define...

42:20 ...any number of days for the borrow period. For example, if you have a permanent license,
you can choose to set a...

42:26 ...borrow period of 200 days, but we highly recommend limiting that to shorter time periods
so that...

42:32 ...if by accident one of your end users borrows a license for 200 days but only needs it for 2 or
3 days...

42:41 ...that license is not sitting on his machine idle when someone else in your organization needs
to use it.

42:49 And if you're moving from the 10.0 release to 10.1, we also recommend doing the upgrade
process to move from...

42:57 ...the 10.0 to 10.1 license. It's a very easy process. You don't have to create a new
provisioning file...

43:03 ...and go through the entire authorization process after installing the 10.1. And if you for
some reason...

43:14 ...had decided to format a machine or decommission it, just make sure you deauthorize your
license in that case, because...

43:21 ...once you format it, that license is lost and you might have to contact customer service to get
a new license...

43:27 ...or get a replacement license. So just make sure you deauthorize so that...

43:31 ...when you get a new machine and install the software...

43:34 ...you can use the license you sent back. And we also get a lot of questions on options file, and
we can...

43:42 ...help people after the session is done or...

43:46 ...at the island - we have an island over there - if they need help building an options file.

43:50 Basically, what the options file does is, allows you to better manage your pool of licenses. So
you can choose to...

43:57 ...create groups of users based on departments, for example, and assign certain extensions to
be used...

44:03 ...by those groups or deny usage and so on. And there's more instructions on how to set up
that license file...

44:11 ...from the License Manager Reference Guide. Let me just pull that up quick over here.

44:16 So this License Manager Reference Guide...

44:18 ...is installed with the license manager, and it's also available online. So it has instructions on
how to create...

44:26 ...the license file here, the first topic over here, and as well as some of the options here.

44:32 You can exclude certain users, as I said.

44:35 And you can decide to include a group of users, create groups, and so on.

44:46 And as Michael showed, there's also the option to track a provisioning or authorization by
using the comment field.

44:55 And you can create this comment either when you're generating the provisioning file from the
Customer Care portal...

45:01 ...or you can use it in the Software Authorization wizard, as well. So just to summarize what
we went through...

45:11 ...we started by going over briefly the license models that Esri uses, the concurrent use and
single use.

45:18 We had a review of what we introduced at the 10.0 release with respect to licensing and

45:25 And then I handed it off to Michael to go through a series of demos...

45:31 ...from an existing-user perspective and a new-user perspective.

45:35 And then we went through some best practices. And as I mentioned...

45:40 ...these slides will be available to you at the end of the conference.

45:43 So I've included a couple of links over here to some online help and resources. And that's the
end of the session.

45:53 Please make sure you get a chance to evaluate this session, and there's the offering ID over
here in the next slide.

46:00 And that's it, and we're open for any questions that you might have.

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