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02/05/2024, 14:54 Earth, Sun, and Moon | Quizizz

Worksheets Name

Earth, Sun, and Moon Class

Total questions: 13
Worksheet time: 12mins Date

1. What is the moon's gravitational pull responsible for here on Earth?

a) The seasons b) Forming mountains

c) High and Low tides d) Global warming

2. The tilt of Earth's axis at a 23.5 degree angle is responsible for which of the following?

a) The seasons on Earth: Spring, Summer, b) The high and low tides
Winter, Fall

c) The gravitational pull of the Sun d) The orbit of all the other planets

3. What position should the Sun-Earth-Moon system be in to represent a solar eclipse?

a) Sun-Earth-Moon b) Sun-Moon-Earth

c) Moon-Sun-Earth d) Earth-Sun-Moon

4. What causes the movement of the planets in their orbits?

a) The moon's gravity b) The seasons

c) The asteroid belt d) The sun's gravity 1/4
02/05/2024, 14:54 Earth, Sun, and Moon | Quizizz


Aria and Arlene observe the Moon every night for a month. They notice that the Moon changes
shapes each night. Which of the following best explains why Aria and Arlene see various Moon
shapes throughout the month?

a) The Sun illuminates the Moon's surface as b) The Earth casts a shadow on the moon
the Moon revolves around Earth.

c) The moon is made of cheese and the d) The tides on Earth cause the different
temperature causes some parts to melt shapes to change


What celestial body mostly affects the high and low tides on Earth?

a) The sun b) The Earth

c) Mercury d) The Moon 2/4
02/05/2024, 14:54 Earth, Sun, and Moon | Quizizz


What causes the day-night cycle on Earth?

a) The axis tilt of Earth b) The moon

c) The rotation of the Earth d) The revolution of the Earth


We observe a dark moon. Over the next seven days the moon starts to become illuminated.
What two phases is the moon between?

a) First quarter and full moon b) Third/Last quarter and new moon

c) Full moon and Third/Last quarter d) New moon and First Quarter

9. Regular eclipses of the Sun and the Moon are best explained by which of the following?

a) What the Moon, Sun, and Earth are made of b) The movement and alignment of Earth and
the Moon around the Sun

c) The orbits of all 8 planets in our solar d) The sun's rotation


10. The Sun is a star that Earth and the other planets revolve around. The Sun has a large
gravitational pull. The gravitational attraction of the Sun contributes most to which of the

a) The rotation of the moon b) The high and low tides

c) The motion of the planets d) The composition of the moon 3/4
02/05/2024, 14:54 Earth, Sun, and Moon | Quizizz


We see a completely illuminated moon. Over the next few days the moon starts to become
less illuminated. What two phases is the moon between?

a) New Moon and First Quarter b) First Quarter and Full Moon

c) Full Moon and Third Quarter d) Third Quarter and New Moon


During a spring tide the tidal range is much

a) higher b) lower

c) more predictable d) more unpredictable


During a neap tide the tidal range is much

a) higher b) lower

c) more predictable d) more unpredictable 4/4

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