Empirical Research Exercise

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Empirical research in

management and economics


Thorsten Pachur, Veronika Zilker, Linus Hof

Technical University of Munich
School of Management
Chair for Behavioral Research Methods
Some organizational issues
• Lecture: Mondays, 4:45pm–6:15pm; N 1179, Wilhelm-Nusselt-Hörsaal
• Exercise: Tuesdays, 8:00am–9:30am
• Hands-on experience with the data-analytic procedures, group discussions
• Three groups ( check TUMonline for your assignment!)
• Linus Hof (Group 1): Theresianum, 0601 (0506.EG.601)
• Veronika Zilker (Group 2): 0670ZG (0506.Z1.670)
• Thorsten Pachur (Group 3): 2750, Karl-Max-von-Bauernfeind-Hörsaal (0507.03.750)
• Module website: https://sites.google.com/view/empirical-research/home
• Slides (both for lecture and for exercise)
• Data files and other material for exercise

Empirical research in management and economics (Pachur, WS 22/23)

Exercise: Evaluate scientific claims in media
• Do Hungry People Take Bigger Financial Risks?

• Tasks (work in groups of 3-5)

• Find original article (freely available online)
• Evaluate sample: e.g., How large is it? How were respondents
• Evaluate dependent variable: e.g., Is it an adequate measure of risk
• Evaluate manipulation (of hunger): e.g., Is it adequate?

Empirical research in management and economics (Pachur, WS 22/23)

Statistical software
• If you don’t know R yet please make yourself familiar with it

 Free tutorials and help files

• http://www.r-tutor.com/r-introduction
• https://cran.r-project.org/doc/contrib/Torfs+Brauer-Short-R-Intro.pdf
• You can take the free DataCamp online tutorial!
- Edit and save collections of commands
- View data sets
f - Import a datasetf
- See which variables are in memory

- View plots
- Search for packages
- Help function
f f

Console/ command window

- Commands and results
Getting started with
• Open data set
• Install packages, load into library
• Some simple things with basic (summary function, mean, std,
• Produce histogram
• Produce (scatter) plot
Statistical software
 Free tutorials and videos and help files
• https://jasp-stats.org/getting-started/
Getting started with JASP
• Open data set „WorldHappiness.csv“
• Determine descriptive statistics: means, sd etc
• Plot
• Distributions (histogram), scatter plots
• Frequency table and pie chart for categorical variable („Region“)

Empirical research in management and economics (Pachur, WS 22/23)

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